postal theft in Atlanta (2018)

Just received a medium flat rate shipment ($75 value) where shipper added "sig required" because he felt it would better protect the shipment in transit. Box had been torn open during shipment and re-taped. Inside was a form letter from the Atlanta USPS stating that package was damaged during shipment. I suspect the thief put the form in the box before he re-taped it which leads me to believe it was a dishonest USPS employee.
Anyone else having similar problems with shipments going through Atlanta.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Wow.... I have not had that problem - yet. I am sure you have launched an investigation....Let us know what transpires. Cheers, RickO
No problems this year. Still have 13 days and a few packages to go. Fingers crossed.
USPS has automatic $50 insurance so hopefully the extra $25 was added.
Seasonal holiday contractors.........
received immediate refund from seller after sending him pics of the package (it was a used car part of no value to anyone else and was not heavy enought to have caused the damage to the box). Pretty sure the "Sig required" triggered the theft. Not sure if he is pursuing it with USPS.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I have a UPS surepost package that was supposed to have been dropped off there yesterday for delivery today in the burbs. No update on USPS tracking, says 'awaiting' and UPS says it was there around 2pm Monday. Apmex package so we'll see if it shows or shows up empty.
Unusual item to be stolen.
According to seller it was heavily wrapped in bubble wrap. Thief probably didn't know what he had until later. If he had opened it earlier and saw it was useless to him maybe he would have put it back in the box rather than take the chance with postal theft.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
This week I had a package shipped clear across the USA in 2 days, one of which was a Sunday, and another delivered in state the next day.
Fingers crossed, but nothing but positive experiences from the USPS this season.
Agreed on the positive experiences. We've had two examples of packages, and one of a letter, priority mailed from California on Saturday and showing up in Phoenix and Seattle the following Monday. The distribution centers must be working Sundays.
I got an e-mail from PCGS on Thursday saying that my latest submission had shipped.
Checked Friday PM, Saturday PM, Monday PM and Tuesday AM (today) all this time tracking said USPS had been notified and was awaiting for the arrivial of the package to a USPS location. Not the exact words but you get the drift,
When I got home from work today I was going to call PCGS and see if they had mailed it or if it was lying on a shelf somewhere.
I checked one more time to get the tracking number and wallow,,,,,, it was now at my local regional Post Office and I expect it to be to my PO Box tomorrow.
So USPS didn't even scan my packege until it got to my Regional Post Office.
I was getting nervous.
Be careful if you send coins via USPS overnight express mail. Make sure that you check off signature required box. I received a rare coin a couple of weeks ago and the sender forgot to check the box. While the envelope was squished into my PO Box, thankfully the coin was in the envelope. Good thing that it wasn’t a piece of paper Americana that was sent. The outcome would not have been as good.
I hope it's o.k. to post this very entertaining vid to your postal theft thread @derryb but check out what this NASA engineer did to, not thwart, but to hack off porch bandits.
Clever is not the word.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
That video is great
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
100% delivery for me so far this season. But one package was stuck for 9 days at the Santa Barbara CA post office. Cell phone charger -- I wasn't worried. Finally arrived undamaged.
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
Except that if the perp remembers your address and returns to throw some nasty stinky stuff through your window then Houston you got a problem I'd say.
"wallow"? Not familiar with the term.
Wallow is what pigs do in mudholes. Voila aka vwala is an expression of surprise like AHA! Just like that.
i would be surprised is this was a theft. I've had the same thing happen to me about 4 times in the last two years, with heavier packages. The packages, other than registered mail, are processed on a conveyor belt by machines. Sometimes the package is damaged. I saw some of the damaged packages and they were mangled. I do not think a thief would mangle a package in this manner. The letter from the USPS was added before the package was delivered.
I guess I meant Wah--Laa
Dang that spell check.
The GPS has their addresses, too!
My YouTube Channel
Only if they take the package/s home. This was in a parking garage of some sort, no?
My YouTube Channel
Love it.
Not worried about a return by the perps. Then again, maybe they ARE that stupid.
If I were the NASA engineer, I'd be dusting for prints and saving those too. The videos are priceless.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
This is the slowest and potentially craziest time of year for the usps; long lines and huge volumes, probably double average.
Adds to the term, "HOTLANTA".
Teach spellcheck French, and... Voila!
Check out my current listings:
If it's a Postal Employee, they'll eventually get 'em. Most can't stop doing it and leave a trail.
Had a guy at our PO that was stealing cards because there was a chance of money inside.
One day he came in after finishing his route and the Postal Inspectors were waiting for him. They sprayed some invisible stuff on "planted" mail that he would have collected.
Took him in the supervisor's office where they had a machine. Told him to put his hands in it.
His hands lit up like a Christmas Tree.
I never saw him again.
Had a package supposed to be delivered to me from Talbots. Few tops and jewlelry. SItting in Atlanta sure post usps for 8 days so far no tracking number. Guess it had feet again. Had 2 microwaves from Best Buy from Atlanta usps sure post as well walked away with feet. You cannot trust anything going into Atlanta sure post usps.