New PSA Set Registry Page
Posts: 2,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
Have you guys seen the new registry page that was just updated? I'm not sure if I like it yet. It will take some getting used to.
Seems quite nice. There is always an adjustment period. Glad to see PSA working to constantly improve.
One thing I noticed that would be better is the colors for 'highest graded' and 'pop 1, none higher' are a bit duller and less clear now. The old grey/gold was great. Now it's like green and yellow, which doesn't stand out as clearly visually or have the same intuitive meaning.
The site looks great.
I have 1,625 points. Not sure if this is good or not.
Edit: I saw on my dashboard the ability to create a showcase. I am guessing you will see more of these made now that it is right in front of you and so easy to do. Very cool!
Here is the link to the category and to mine.
@Dpeck100 That Junkyard Dog is sick!
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black
Thank you! I self submitted it in 2010 on my first submission. Still a Pop 1!
It seems to be good; not as big/radical of a change as some we've seen previously.
Now, if they'd (probably CU) just put direct links between PSA and PCGS on the website.....i.e., being able to go directly to PCGS, from the PSA site, and vice-versa, that would be great! As it is, you have to go through something else, like the message boards, to get from one side to the other.
Also, make it so one login is all you need. Right now, if you login to PSA, it doesn't also log you in to have to login to each one separately.
For those of us who are members of both PSA and PCGS, and maybe PSE, this would be a big help. It's just a nuisance to have to login to each site separately.
Thanks for the heads-up. Checked my Set Registry and it said I had 900/2000 points. Looks like a lot of value is connected to progress toward set completion. Going to be slow progress for me as my sets are tough to complete in high grade. I mostly enjoy the Set Registry as a tool for me to inventory my cards along with purchase dates and cost. The ranking aspect is informational but not my main focus.
POINTS 1500/2000
Not sure what 2000 points gets me, but guess we'll see
You both have me beat. I'm at 675/2000.
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black
1150/2000 for me.
This point system was described in the new set registry rules you have to agree to when you log in now. It has to do with the “gamification” of the registry, and earning points for different activities. It doesn’t seem like anything important at the moment, but prizes may be incorporated in the future.
I'm at 1750 already, yippee!
I'm done w/ all the points. Fun while it lasted!!
I created this showcase as a result.
Never knew you could do this...
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I have been meaning to add the images from my Hank Aaron autos to my set as well as give the published album a try.
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Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
I'm at 1700/2000
Waiting for all my new certs to be added to a player's Master Set before creating a Showcase.
I think creating the Showcase jumped my number because it is now at 1,775.
We are tied! I will have to squeeze a few more points out!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
This Showcase feature is awesome! I love the concept of being able to digitally show someone a sampling of your best cards on one quick page. Anytime someone finds out you collect cards and has an interest they love to be able to see pics of them and you can hit them with only killer stuff! Haha
I am up to 1,800 now after clicking on the dashboard again. My community number is at 100%.
It took me a little bit to figure how my point total increased and it turns out if you add a profile pic you get 25 points. If you click on the category it shows you the things that can improve your total.
I just happened to change my avatar and it boosted my total!
Looking a little further you can get another 50 points if you have a set move up in the rankings. Got to work on this part!
I made a showcase too! With these huge high resolution photos a good scanner is a must. I still need to address that.
Add a description to an existing set and get 25 points!
Login in to the PSA app and get 50!
Edit: WOW the PSA app is awesome! You get points using it and scanning a bar code. You can scan cards in that way to your registry. Now at 1,950. Think I am stuck here. Got to try and see if I can get the upgrade in a ranking some where.
Edit 2: At 2,000! I recently purchased an upgrade for my Carnation set and hadn't added the duplicate to my set number 2.
If these points were getting me submission vouchers my interest would be more piqued
The gamification is a powerful drug . . .
I created a digital album but can't seem to publish the album. Am i required to have pictures/scans of front and back of all cards? I also need someone to comment on one of my sets to get those 25 points.
You don’t need all slots in the album filled to publish it. You just need to hit the gear icon and select publish.
Got it. Thanks
PSA was smart to do this. The gamification is going to lead to higher engagement. Optically I think It just looks better as well.
Currently Collecting:
Would some please make a comment on one of my sets?
Can someone please comment on one of my sets?
I collect hall of fame rookie cards,
Congrats on the 2k! For some reason my mobile app points are not being recognized. Did yours show right away?
Other than that, not much left to accomplish. My life is complete.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
@NGS428 I logged out and logged back in using my laptop and they were there. Give that a try.
Would some please make a comment on one of my sets?
Once I downloaded the app it took 15 or 20 minutes for it to show up on my registry page. I scanned a bar code and did the "what if" thing and they all showed up at about the same time
I commented on your Mattingly set
Ahh, didn't work.. We will see what happens, maybe they will pull in later. Edit: it pulled through. Made it to 1,975!
I just need a comment on one of my sets. I will repeat the favor.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I have been using the app for many months now. So not sure why it is not connecting.. No worries, I am sure it will get sorted out.
Edit: it pulled through. Ever so close at 1,975.
Someone, please put a lovely comment on one of my sets. . Not begging, just asking.
Got it! 2,000/2,000
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Done - the Red Hearts.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Thanks to those that made comments on my sets.
Before the new format of the set registry page came online, there used to be a link for your orders (somewhere towards the upper right near the link that let you request new sets) that let you click your order history and for the completed ones would have a button that added the whole list to your active inventory and also placed items into their appropriate sets. I cannot find this feature anywhere on the updated registry page. Has anyone seen it? I'd love to use that feature again. Thanks for the help!
It's still there, but moved. Now, click the icon that looks like 3 horizontal bars in the top left-hand corner. It pops out a menu. One of the menu links is "Orders".
can someone tell me how to participate in the facebook contest in laymens terms.... lol
Thank you Casey.
The best thing since sliced cheese because you go right into your set registry.
I noticed that they've changed the colors already. The gold is back to normal. The grey is now like a washed out gold. 50% better!
I am near completion of the ranks and need someone to comment on one of my sets to help me reach that plateau.
I hope that they add further and make some of the medals pretty tough to obtain and achievements could be tied to completion. Grasshopper -> Master -> Grandmaster
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Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set