1909 S VDB?

Do I see an S? If so i scored me an album filler finally!
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Do I see an S? If so i scored me an album filler finally!
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Well -- it's in the eye of the beholder. I can "see" what you may be seeing, but still a stretch. Even if so, harder yet to establish it's legit. Will likely need more expert review -- I'm rooting for you! (haven't found mine yet). It may be your confidence in it that allows entry into that SLOT.
The s appears to be in the wrong position vs the CoinFacts, see below
There are 4 different mint mark positions if i am not mistaken?
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Looks like it might be from die #2.
She's really rough though.
$400. coin! Nice find. Coinstar?
Perfect hole filler.
Got it for $10 on ebay listed as just a 1909 vdb. Had to try at that price.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
I can see an S mintmark in your pic. Nice hole filler.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
It does look like there is an s there. Nice score for $10.
Edited to add: The dot between the D and B is centered so that is another plus in your favor.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
I took a picture of this downtown to Madam Rouge' she held my hand with the picture face up and said; "I see your a coin collector" WOW! How did she know that? I thought. Next she said: "I see you have studied this image closely" AGAIN ! She was right! oh Wow! Then, she said: "I see you are concerned about your S" Oh yeah! these people can see and divine that which is unknown to us. Then she said; "I see your S will bring you great disappointment" I exclaimed Why? OH WHY? Madam Rouge. She then replied: "If your S is there you will have a coin that has been run over by a bus at 34th and Vine and if your S is not you have nothing" WOW what a Soothe Sayer ! .............So, I paid her $50. and decided to let you know the results.
Warm Regards Mike
PS ......As I exited the store that little bell rang on the door and Madam Rouge shouted out "Hey Coin fellow! You post this and everyone is gonna know how old you are"
Man oh Man, gypsies, how do they know these things?
Interesting to note how the IGWT appears less worn than the other letterings. More defined. Compare individual letters with LIBERTY. Somehow the IGWT was protected from a lot of wear but not from dings.
Still a keeper.
It does look like an S mint mark.... whether or not it is authentic, I will leave to the experts. If so, great find. Cheers, RickO
_The s appears to be in the wrong position _
Yes. The bigloppity below the "9" is in the wrong position for an "s", too far left. And i don't see how anyone can determine the V.D.B. dot positions from the photographs.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Way too far left. It does not match any of the 4 positions for authenticity. A very strange damaged coin indeed.
I don't like being negative. Sorry.
Sorry...no "S"
Years ago i spotted a well-worn seated dime on ebay that i thought_ could be _an 1874-CC. I asked the seller to send me more detailed pictures and he did. After examination of those pictures and consulting with Brian Greer's _Guide to Liberty Seated Dimes _i decided that 1874-CC was not likely.
i bid $20 on it as a curiousity piece and was outbid, probably by the seller himself since i was upfront about the possibility of his coin being worth several hundred dollars if an authentic 1874-CC. Who knows if any of the TPG's would have been able to figure it out. Coin may have come back as "questionable authenticity." Even so, a questionable authenticity determination would have added a few bucks to its value.
The "S" on the coin that is subject of this thread looks pretty good as an "S" but is definitely not in any of the known "S" positions for 1909-SVDB. 1909-SVDB counterfeits have been known to show up in rolls and bags of cents on ebay so it's not too much of a stretch to see a well-worn one offered as a single from time-to-time.
The seller of the piece obviously did not represent the coin as a 1909-SVB. Frankly, i'm surprised that the buyer was able to buy for only $10, the price of a V.D.B. without the 'S".
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
As damaged coins go, it is possible but not probable that the "S" was knocked out of position due to damage. I can think of no other reason it is present. But then I would have thought there would be some trace of it (or a scrape mark).
It's up to you to decide whether you want to TPG it. No doubt it will come back "damaged", but it might come back genuine if you submit it as a 1909-S V.D.B.
Totally up to you if you really want to know.