I accepted a best offer on EBay and I didnt see he wrote free shipping

I offered to cancel the auction cause Id lose money and he wrote back in all caps not to test him or hell call Ebay.
Hes definitely angle shooting.
Two questions
Can he leave feedback now? If he cant I'm gonna politely tell him off.
Would ebay punish me if he does kill them?
Any advice?
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Just ship it and treat it as a lesson learned. What’s the $3.50 to you in the grand scheme?
Agree. Unless we're talking about a heavy item expensive to ship.
I don't care for that strategy by the buyer, though. If there's shipping stated for the auction, your offer amount is in addition to that cost. You cannot unilaterally change the listing terms to reflect free shipping.
Feedback can be left even if you cancel the transaction/purchase.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Gotta love eBay buyers. I find if anything is sold for less than 3.00 I'm guaranteed to need therapy afterwards.
he wrote not to "test" him??? screw him. I would cancel it and call ebay letting them know he basically threatened you over the deal. they can remove any feedback he writes.
if you don't care that someone pulled a fast one and had the last word, just do what the first poster said and ship it and eat the shipping cost as a lesson learned.
Whatever you decide to do, ship it or not ship it, I wouldn't communicate any further with this buyer. And of course place him on your blocked list.
Yes, he can leave negative feedback, and in my opinion it's unlikely Ebay will remove it based on the info you've provided.
This issue arose several years ago. I'm pretty sure the "best offer" feature can no longer include stipulations such as free shipping if there was a shipping price listed as part of the auction.
If you "test" him on that, he's going to lose. I think I'd take the negative feedback and work with ebay on having it removed because 1) he can't request free shipping and 2) he's basically trying to extort you.
Pretty lame of the buyer. So if you accepted a best offer that means he sent an offer to you that eBay correctly added shipping onto but then he added into the notes stating free shipping? So he sent an offer that he knew from the get go would require a partial refund from you? Lame. Lame. Lame.
You could definitely contact eBay ahead of taking any action to see how they would treat this situation. I like using the online chat for things like this as they send a transcript of the discussion. That way, if they say this is not allowed and they would remove any neg, you would have written proof for insurance as the situation played out and the neg is initially left.
Agree with seablaster, as when you engage in best offer, it states right on the offer page that offers don’t include shipping. The buyer can threaten all he wants, but he won’t win this, and with evidence of the threat, they’ll almost certainly remove the neg. Don’t let buyers get away with bs like this if you don’t have to.
Care to out the buyer so that we can protect ourselves from him and his games?
yea whats the buyers ebay ID
let's think about this logically. if ebay is dead, it'll be impossible for them to punish you. but for the sake of argument, let's say we're living in some type of bizarro world where ebay has nine lives and somehow manages to resurrect itself after this fleecemeister unloads a clip on them. if by some amazing stretch that does happen, seeing as you had a rock-solid alibi and your dna was nowhere to be found on the murder weapon, i like your chances of being exonerated in this matter.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I tend to be more passive and avoid confrontation. I still remember from 14 yrs ago, going one on one with a dealer - Kane04 - no longer active.
But those are fighting words for me and the amount of money is irrelevant.
If I thought I could prevail (eBay on my side)?
Don't let him win.
Out him here - that's a lot of sellers he's lost the ability to exploit.
So how much will it cost to ship the item? I would tell him to F off myself and not care about the feedback unless you are getting top rated/power seller discounts. Feedback has slowly turned into something on eBay that is pretty much worthless on established accounts when it is clear it is an idiot bidder and not an actual issue.
You agreed to his offer. Send the item and move on. Next time read more carefully.
You seem to be having some tough luck with EBAY. Each time you start one of these threads looking for advice a lot of details are missing.
What is the price of the card or item? How much will it cost you to eat the shipping? When you agreed to the offer did the shipping automatically calculate when the invoice was created for payment?
You might not even have the ability to do free shipping if it wasn't free in the listing to begin with.
He didnt send me any money btw. If, as the seller, you cancel an accepted best offer before you receive payment...the buyer can leave feedback?
Ill be getting my top rated icon on Nov 20 and I don't want to screw that up.
Btw I just sent it but felt dirty doing it. It would take lots of phone time and aggravation over 3.50 plus dont want any negative feedback.
I dont disagree with you.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Item $6. Shipping 3.50.
Offer said free shipping at the bottom. I was on mobile when I accepted it.
Shipping was listed as 3.50.
A wise man once said if you loan a "friend" ten dollars and never see him again, you have made a wise investment. Send him the card. Take your lumps. Block him. You will be making a wise decision.
I can’t imagine playing games with $10 items never mind stuff less than that
This was about less than $10?
I think I'm gonna retract my previous thought.
A 6 buck item? I would just ship it and block the guy. Anything else just might be a bit exhausting?
Also, since he's a conniving little shit, I think "outing" here won't hurt?
i really wish Lee was still around
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Just ship the darn card to the seller, and block him for future transactions. Life is too short to stress over a few
dollars. Good luck.
What is going on here?
We had a Jordan that was damaged and the package had teeth marks on it and now we have you worried about losing $3.50 on EBAY on shipping.
I am lost. Are you trolling us? I am being serious.
I would test him. Write back in all caps and italics and bold that if he calls ebay you're going to snap
and then he's going to find out who the mentally deranged one is in this confrontation.
Honestly, I dont pay much attention to one or two negs on a seller anymore. I find that there are enough idiots on ebay that everyone will eventually get one. If the buyer does this once, he probably does it a lot. Take one for the team, cancel the transaction, block the buyer and try to get the neg removed with any proof of him threatening you with a neg.
Spot on post
There is a buyer out there who is threatening sellers over free shipping, and (from a previous thread), there is a seller out there shipping $2k cards in loose bubble mailers with no insurance. Some of us are hoping to see the names of these people so we can avoid these type of experiences in the future.
A lot of us come to these boards to gain knowledge about our hobby. A secondary benefit of these boards is learning about unscrupulous buyers and sellers, which we can't do in these 2 cases without the names being mentioned either here or thru PM.
buying O-Pee-Chee (OPC) baseball
So confused by this. So he didn't even pay for the item and you shipped it? My early response was going to be just eat the shipping and move on but really, all you had to do was send the invoice and if he didn't pay, HE would get the hit on his buyer score(don't think this really does anything). Am I missing something?
Does the buyer also sell ? also look at the buyers feedback left for the sellers... does the buyer enjoy leaving negatives. With offers, the buyer will see in the offer this does not include shipping. If it were me, I would block him.
Why would those two situations combined logically lead you to think I was trolling?
The answer to your question is no.
I posted this dudes username. ITT.
I love how hardly anyone answers questions posted they just accuse people of trolling or answer a not asked question.
Thanks to the posters who do answer. I appreciate it.
He didnt pay for it cause I had to send him back an invoice zeroing out shipping before he would pay me.
If i sent him an invoice with shipping well he already had that.
I decided to send the zero shipping invoice ultimately because it would be cheaper than dealing with ebaycustomer service.
I didnt know you could see the feedback left by a certain ebayer.
Yes he does sell also. His buy andsell feedback is perfect.
Agreed. I'd assume he knows that this is against ebay policy, but he continues to do so because sellers choose the path of least resistance due to the monetary loss being nominal. I can't point the dirty end of the stick at a seller for doing that though because of the effort involved in dealing with ebay, removing the neg, etc, but I think I would've done differently.
"It's the principle of the whole thang. There's principalities in this."
Two thoughts here...
I’d have been tempted to send it as cheap as possible to this guy... he talks me down from 3.50, then fine - he gets it the way I want to send it to maximize profits/minimize losses.
ive shipped low value cards in a stamped PWE before in a top loader. in the auction, just listed as economy shipping, $0.50 or something. only issue is theres no tracking, so seller can claim never received item. I try to ship via bubble mailer with tracking when I can to have tracking, which ensures seller protection.
and through ebay, a bubble mailer up to 5 or 6 ounces is like $2.60....I usually charge no more than $3.00 shipping. $3.50 is the full boat USPS rate, even though most sellers print out a label through ebay for the $2.60.
If the buyer wanted “free shipping”, he could’ve calculated the $3.50 into his offer price.
Whatever the official offer was in the system is what eBay will go by. Not what he wrote in the comment box. The comment box is not for making stipulations as to the final price.
I would have happily paid $3.50 a pop to have not read these threads
Good luck with that request
That’s the post of the month
I've always felt that eBay is the internet version of garage sales and swap meets. A lot of the hagglers that spend their weekends hunting and then bartering for deals at garage sales and swap meets tend to do the same thing on eBay.
The issue you're having is just the cost of doing business on that platform.