What to do with Accumulation of old Mint order Forms and Catalogues?

I have been on the US Mint’s mailing list since early 70’s. Back then, if you wanted to buy multiples of a Mint offering you put your spouse or child on the list so you would receive two mailings for each offering. I usually would only use one form so I tossed the unopened second mailing into a box. Whenever I received coins or sets from the Mint, I always left one set unopened. I fantasized that one day my grandchildren would take an interest in my collection. I would give them the old Mint order form, she/he would fill it out, mail it, and magically from the past would come an unopened new shiny old coin or set. Alas, years pass and I have one beautiful granddaughter whom I dearly cherish. Despite my repeated subtle efforts, she has absolutely no interest in Pop-Pop’s “money” collection beyond asking me if you can still spend these old coins. Ironically, when my time ends she (and her “sharp” aunt) will be the beneficiaries of my collection.
So now, I have a rather large box full of Mint mailings. Some of the 1970’s mailings actually have the old IBM punch cards. Some of the seasonal catalogs have beautiful color plates of coins and sets from the past. There are mailings for rare issues and a host of modern commemoratives. I think there is even a 3D mailing in there somewhere. Anyway, I am not sure what to do with this “treasure”. After all these years, I just do not have the “heart” to toss them in the trash.
I would appreciate some suggestions.
Best Answer
Intueor Posts: 310 ✭✭✭✭
Hi Len,
As to your PM. I would be honored to permanently gift these order forms and catalogs to the Newman Numismatic Portal. I will gladly pay the postage and shipping fees as a donation to your organization. Just send me the proper address and I will do the rest. The only thing I ask is when you scan this material could you please make your best effort to obscure the names and mailing address on the documents.Regards,
Intueorunus multorum1
Not much interest for these
Latin American Collection
They are still history. If no one saved them, it would be a loss of knowledge.
I'd ask the Newman Numismatic Portal team if they'd be interested in scanning these in and hosting them electronically.
I had quite a few mint/BEP catalogs that I sent to a member who went by the name Fishmonger on here a few years back. If you can get in touch with him he would probably be interested. I believe his website is currencyamerica.com
Yes, yes, yes. Newman Portal loves anything published by the Mint. Please PM me to arrange a loan.
Len Augsburger
Project Coordinator, Newman Numismatic Portal.
Good call! I'd have pitched them.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Great move !!!
I would say toss them, but GSA tri-fold advertisements bring over $20 for 1 page, so maybe not.
Trash them
Well then...if your's are going to be archived then no need for me to keep all of mine! I had kept them because I thought it was an interesting part of a collection but honestly I have not looked at them in years and need the space. So into the re-cycle they will go.
List on eBay and see what happens (for those not donating). If no one buys it, one can always toss it later.