1984 DIME

This is a rough 1984 dime. My initial thoughts that it had a compilation of dirt through the course of the years. After taking a little deeper look, there seems to be a few issues. IN GOD WE TRUST. The letter I in IN to be nonexistent to include WE. Not sure if it was struck correctly. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Could be a grease filled die. Quite common, no premium. It is worth 9 or 10 cents!
Looks to have been trapped in a sewer drain for a decade or two.
That dime appears to have spent time in a parking lot or some similarly unfriendly environment...I cannot be sure about the possible grease filled letters or maybe damage... Cheers, RickO
Looks just like the other one. Corroded.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Too badly damaged/corroded to make any call on filled letters. Strictly spending money.