1984 quarter very rare need help on this

If this is a real one of a kind error could someone maybe tell me whst they think it is and what its worth if i should sell this just please some knowlage and just a range that i should deal with selling it if i did
You would need to post a photo of the full obverse....
it does look like a punch in obverse coin ... this is considered PMD (post mint damage) .. I will change my opinion if the obverse does not have a big indent in the middle of Washingtons' head .. it is interesting you have 4 nice reverse photos, and the bottom third of the obverse.
welcome to the forums.
It is a coin that would have to examined in person to determine if the "error" is really an error or just post mint damage. Even if it is an "error" and not post mint damage it is not likely to have much value to most collectors. To me personally, its value, "error" or not, is 25 cents.
Thank u
interesting .. it could be a post mint electroplating experiment, or a mint employee punched the die for removal from service and some coins were still minted afterwords - if that was the case, it would be an interesting variety and could be worth much more than face.
Technical term:
spare change
BHNC #203
It can't be considered "very rare" when there's no way to know what happened to the coin without a hands-on examination.
I knew it would happen.
I'm in the "post mint damage" camp. It looks to me that someone was just playing around with the coin and pressed the metal towards the center, similar to how a coin would be "spooned."
Worth $.25 to me.
Given how well circulated the coin is, I would expect that prominently raised area to exhibit extreme wear if this were something the coin had since the time it was minted. It looks like damage late in its life.
@100g4life...Welcome aboard....Your quarter appears to have post mint damage...It looks as it it is a small gouge caused by a stone or sharp implement....Final determination would have to be an 'in hand' review. Cheers, RickO
most likely PMD nothing unusual or rare just worth 25 cents
No need for anyone to examine it in-hand.
It's damaged.
Sorry, but your coin was not like this when it left the mint. There appears to be a divot with lots of scratches and tooling marks. Some of the metal could have been chased into the raised center area. It IS NOT from a "Cancelled Die". Regardless of how it occurred, it is PMD and only worth face value. Hope this helps
Actually I have the same quarter on hand where the letter isn't printed looks the same exact just a dot
Violette , you do not have full membership yet
Give it a couple of days and you will be able to upload photos
If your coin looks the same then it's damaged as well. You can post a pic for confirmation