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3 New Barber Quarters For My Registry

Desert MoonDesert Moon Posts: 5,867 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 11, 2018 5:31PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Hi Folks,
Have 3 more. According to the Registry stats I am around 43% complete. From hereon it gets harder and more expensive. I want a focus on O mint but will gradually try to get the whole set.

All 3 are CAC, for coins under $200, you can guess why there are not many CAC for a given type, year, mint, grade. Big cost to send it in for little to no value increase. But for the better date 1901-O, they cost more in grades above XF40 you are talking about a $500 or higher cost. So for old silver where surface quality is so important, one would want a CACed coin whenever possible.

For the 1901-O PCGS has graded 340, NGC 101, and there are 26 combined in XF45 with 104 combined graded higher. Taking into account regrades, we are talking about a not very common, better date coin justifying the prices. But how many of these are CAC where you are sure in almost every case for XF's that the surfaces are good. Well CAC has green beaned 46 l901-O, 5 in XF45, 12 higher, no gold beans. So unless I just happen to find the right unbeaned one in hand, we are talking 5 I could buy in XF45 online sight unseen and be confident I am getting what I want. These are simply not common despite Barbers being 'common'. Sure you can buy any ole barber quarter, but quality is hard to come by in any grade it seems. Just sayin'. For comparison, CAC has beaned 124 l901-S, although most are ≤ VF25. So it is hard to get a good l901-O in XF45 than it is to get a l901-S in AG to G that will set you back 3 to 10 times more. So finding the right l901-O so early in this set, is good. Now for all of the other uncommon barber quarters, we will see...........

My online coin store - https://desertmoonnm.com/


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