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Buffalo Dollar NT or AT? (Update in first post)

nencoinnencoin Posts: 1,252 ✭✭✭✭
edited April 5, 2019 11:33AM in U.S. Coin Forum

What say you?

Edited to add:
We get modern stuff in all the time in deals, either through the mail or over the counter. We let it accumulate until we pretty much run out of room, then we inventory it and blow it out. We have no idea how long this particular coin has been laying around here. Had it come in like this I'm sure we would have caught it. We do not "gas" coins, put them under lamps, or do anything else to create toning. We'll be sending it off to PCGS in the packaging.

As expected, the coin came back graded from PCGS. After starting this thread and sending the coin off to PCGS, we realized where it came from. It was part of a huge collection we purchased down in NYC last year from a, sadly, now deceased collector who was 102 at the time. Much of it was stored in a closet in his house. This coin, along with dozens of old Whitman albums (many of which had coins that had developed amazing color over time), was in that closet. There were also several of the Poarch Creek Indian two coin silver sets, many of which had toned with similarly eye-catching colors.


Buffalo Dollar NT or AT? (Update in first post)

This is a private poll: no-one will see what you voted for.


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