edit: see other thread

I'd be happy to write one from a business point of view, but only if it's allowed here. Don't need to get reprimanded again for "advertising" when posting.
Reed Kasaoka
Buyer, Baseball Card Exchange
cell: (808) 372-1974
email: ReedBBCE@gmail.com
website: www.bbce.com
eBay stores: bbcexchange, bbcexchange2, bbcexchange3, bbcexchange4
Looking forward to a great review! Lots of detail.
Would love to read a review from a dealers perspective.
I would like to read a review from BBCE for sure!!
absolutely. would love to hear your perspective.
Collecting Unopened from '72-'83; mostly BBCE certified boxes/cases/racks.
Prefer to buy in bulk.
Can’t wait to hear it!!!!
Great meeting you at the show Reed and thanks for the smooth transaction on the 90s basketball boxes!
Let it rip
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Looking forward to the recap.
Would be great to here your review, really enjoyed looking at the items at your booth at the show!
The Doomsday Collection
Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor | All-Time Dallas Cowboys | Bob Lilly Master | Pro Football HOF Dallas Cowboys
I agree and would love to hear it from your perspective. As I am a small fish in a big pond; you guys are the pond.
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.
Hiya Reed
IMO, writing how you guys did or what the "buzz" is? Not spam.
It was always busy there and the shelves seemed to clear off from Tues to Sat - I wasn't there Sunday.
We did our rip which I'll be talking about - I'm sorry for not posting more - my computer practically died and was too slow to download pics.
I did see one thing that pissed me off. While I was picking up a box of 85T to give to my friends to open at the bar on Sat nite, a guy came over ripped up a BBCEx flier and told Rick - this is what I think of BBCEx - I rarely get angry - but had to say to the guy how rude that was - Rick - was classy - he just told the guy to have a nice day or words to that effect.
We've all been doing biz with Steve and crew for a long time - and there's NOT a better group of guys at the National - and that includes his sales assistants who stand there for hours on end - they were friendly and helpful when looking at stuff.
That's my review.
Looking forward to next year already - was disappointed - thought there would be a bigger crowd for the rip - next year?
I think I will get a vote on which day? And have good suggestions on what you want to rip - price point would be great to know.
Look forward to reading your recap of the National....I don't think that it is advertising and will provide us who didn't attend (and for those that did, too), some great insight.
Geez, that was rude.
Alright, I guess I'll do it! Any particular topics I should cover? Will work on this and post late tonight or tomorrow.
I'm so tired that even though I got a good night of sleep, I still took a 90 minute nap this afternoon.
Reed Kasaoka
Buyer, Baseball Card Exchange
cell: (808) 372-1974
email: ReedBBCE@gmail.com
website: www.bbce.com
eBay stores: bbcexchange, bbcexchange2, bbcexchange3, bbcexchange4
New pick ups are always fun to read
A history of the 75 wax box would interest me. I know a board member here bought it.
Where did you guys find it and are there anymore out there?
What was hot at the Natty?? Any specific players or sets in high demand??
I'd like to hear your take the endless stream of folks showing packs/boxes for Steve to certify. Half of which don't make it past the counter. Are the fudge-packers getting better?
Also saw lots of raw sets come to the counter; some of which Steve let me take a look at. Did you guys buy that 18 pocket page '75 set? Wondering if at this stage in our hobby high end raw sets are gone.
Collecting Unopened from '72-'83; mostly BBCE certified boxes/cases/racks.
Prefer to buy in bulk.
Anyone that knows Rick, knows he is such a nice guy and that was totally uncalled for. Not surprised Rick didn't take the bait.
Reed, I would love to read a recap as well. What you thought about the crowd sizes, how sales were compared to previous Nationals, what cool unopened stuff walked in the door, etc.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
I'd appreciate knowing if there was a certain sport which the majority of people were buying cards from (I guess baseball is typically king, but...)...what couldn't you keep on the shelf or didn't have enough of, and what sat and got no interest? Looking forward to your recap as it will give us all a barometer of what the masses are clamoring for...
p.s. Would like to hear what the oddest thing you saw over the weekend at the BBCE booth
Write it up Reed!!! I want to hear this!
The masses are ready and will be hanging on your every word! Literally! Lol...
First of all thank you again BBCE for taking care of our group and always being helpful and accommodating with group rips along with being a great presence in the hobby - especially for unopened material. I think it would be interesting to hear about the following items/areas - some of which have already been mentioned:
Thank you.
Maybe you could describe what a dealer goes through to prepare for and setup at the National? How many hours of prep, how many staff are involved, what happens after the event, etc. I have never attended but I really, really enjoy the videos, pics and write-ups that are posted.
I think a review on “Vintage Wax and Packs” would be awesome @dmurphy3mvp. The Facebook group would love to read about it!
If only there was a way that people that didn't want to read it didn't have to.
Let’s all chant together...”we want Reed....we want Reed.....we want Reed