"I will personally steer clear of any of his coins"
i won't say he doesn't have ANY coins that shouldn't be bought but rarely has the phrase, caveat emptor, our esteemed forum brothers like to use, been more apropos. i haven't really looked through his/their listings for counterfeits but given the state of things and their, umm, loose moral compass, i'd suspect the odds are, more than a few have slid through with nary a care in the world among quite a few in various altered states.
it would be nice to let a few of these threads just go away but then again, i guess it doesn't do too much harm for those entering higher-dollar numismatic holdings to be aware of what is what, so to speak and then decide from there.
is it this time of year again?
i won't say he doesn't have ANY coins that shouldn't be bought but rarely has the phrase, caveat emptor, our esteemed forum brothers like to use, been more apropos. i haven't really looked through his/their listings for counterfeits but given the state of things and their, umm, loose moral compass, i'd suspect the odds are, more than a few have slid through with nary a care in the world among quite a few in various altered states.
it would be nice to let a few of these threads just go away but then again, i guess it doesn't do too much harm for those entering higher-dollar numismatic holdings to be aware of what is what, so to speak and then decide from there.
Pass. No centless or crossover game for me.
The people that buy that looking for something for nothing. He is not stupid and knows how to work his angle.