REAL? My Taler, Hall o.J. (1577-99) Habsburg Erzherzog Ferdinand II., 1564-1595 Schrötlingsfehler

Picked this up today, not too knowledgeable about these types of coins, and only paid ~$30 from someone who just wanted a quick buck and didn't know what this was, so worth the risk. If it's fake, I paid for the lesson, it's whatever.
Also, what signs should I look for to see if its fake or real?
Everything seemed good to me, except for the reverse where it looks like the crown cracked and it almost seems like someone nailed it back, I don't know. Thoughts?
It looks suspicious but I'm not too familiar with the type, however, thalers are mostly silver so always weigh it and try to determine the specific gravity. Lots of counterfeits can be easily detected by the weight and more so by specific gravity.
Modern edge and "antiqued" look... ouch
Hopefully it's at least silver.
Highly enthusiastic about world coins, contemporary circulating counterfeits and unusual stuff