100 years ago 91st Infantry Division

This item in my collection turns 100 tomorrow (also Bastille Day), a souvenir from the Great War. The 347th Field Artillery Regiment (4.7"), 166th Field Artillery Brigade, 91st Division
The 91st Infantry Division was known as the "Wild West Division" because it was mostly west coast men, who departed for England in the summer of 1918.
Engraved on the obverse of a German 5 mark piece.
Share your World War I souvenirs if you have them...
Wow great piece
Yes,it sure is
Back a second time.
Very,very cool!
My brother and I share 2 pair of spurs. My grandfather was a cavalry private in WW1, and was gassed, but survived. My brother has his spurs. My dad was a corporal, was captured in Italy, held in Yugoslavia, while on a captured German horse. Their company (a scout company) under the command of an old cavalry CPT, had transferred out all those who could not ride, and conducted mounted reconnaissance. The group of 3 soldiers were probably the last US troops captured on horseback.
This is a picture of my dad after he was released with his German horse.
i like
very nice indeed
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Muy cool! Very nice piece.
Wow, Very Cool
Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
Love it @carabonnair !
It's tangible pieces of history like this that always get my blood pumping.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Thanks for the history. Hard to realize it was "only" 100 years ago that we were engaged in World War I. I recall reading in my grade school "Weekly Reader" that the 100th anniversary of The Civil War had just occurred.
Last week I visited a Veterans Museum in my community and was struck by the fact that it will only be another 25 years or so that the 100th anniversary of World War II will be upon us.
Now that it is July 14th ...
Today is the 100th anniversary of the death of USAS (United States Air Service) fighter pilot Quentin Roosevelt, youngest son of former president
Great history. And we are still in our infancy.
Sweet, thank you for sharing !!!
Nice piece of history.... and @mustangmanbob...that picture of your Dad makes him look about 14 years old.....
Cheers, RickO
Lafayette Grading Set
Very interesting pieces, rescued this from a melt bucket a while ago