SCAM Alert eBay

Buying under ID of angar_00
Delivering to: Yinghey Ping
10930 NW 14th Ave Apt A35
Miami FL 33167-4052
Informed by owner of the account it was unauthorized charge. Luckily I was able to get my shipment back and cancel the sale but he may be out there yet.
My Current project....
How did you get your shipment back. UPS, USPS or other?
Small town Post Office good people, window clerk called the driver I gave it to yesterday and he brought it back to me today.
Wow. Look at his User ID history. He joined eBay in 2007 under eBay user name angar_00, on July 5, 2018, some scammer hijacked his account and changed his user name to goodmed111. Later that same day the real owner of the account caught this and had his user name changed back to angar_00:
Let me get this straight: Account was hijacked, but is now back in "friendly" hands. Why the scam alert after the fact. Who do you want us to block?
Real owner is not Yinghey Ping. Watch out for that name and address.
10 4.