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Re: Who are you?
@winesteven Now THAT is the kind of introduction I had in mind when originally posting this thread! Very nice to meet you, Steve! We have never met, but I hope to become acquaintances through these forums at least, and perhaps meet at a coin show at some point, as my beautiful partner of 13 years, Linda Lake, is encouraging me to "get out more" and attend some major shows around the country and enjoy life a little, rather than being a hermit. (She is right! lol)
Your professional life story is both impressive and inspiring! I would love to own my own business, after I retire from Federal government service in 5 years, but several issues give me pause. One of those is of course tax issues, another is health insurance, and the third is I have no idea how to manage employees. Perhaps you could offer some inspiring advice, or knowledge about the rewards and horrors of self employment?
At any rate, thank you for your wonderful introduction!
Re: The Modern Gold Commemorative King Has Been Made *Updated Numbers*
$1000 for .24ozt of gold? Not for me. THKS!
Re: Finally Bought a 2024 Privy Flowing Hair Silver Medal
Very nice pickup. These have still been holding value above $5,000 in most cases. I have been looking for a decent one myself but am leaning towards a CACG and those still go for more than $6,000. Considering the 1,794 mintage and they are medals, it is a little bit surprising to me.
Re: Buffed these babies up just for all to see!
@Steven59 said:
Congrats for turning them into crap.
This is how they were when he handed them to me. The post was making light of polished coins.
Re: Legal tender counterfeit (gold)
I suspect that you are overthinking the situation.
The fakes could pre-date the HPA. In any case, you might believe they are fake, but maybe you are wrong. You are not the police or the Secret Service. As far as I know, not only are you not obligated to refuse to return them but you probably don't have a right to refuse to return them.
Contemporary counterfeits (if that's what they are) can be very collectable. It's a bit of a gray area but it exists.
Re: Looking to Buy a Mid-Grade Satchell Paige Rookie...and Asking for Input. Which do you Like?
Those are both so cool. My favorite is the 4 but the 6 is a nice card.
Re: Legal tender counterfeit (gold)
All grading services will return a counterfeit coin to the submitter. ICG is the only one that will slab it with the appropriate label identifying it as being counterfeit. As far as I can tell, it's legal to own a counterfeit coin but it's illegal to sell it as a genuine coin since that would constitute fraud.
Re: The Modern Gold Commemorative King Has Been Made *Updated Numbers*
They won’t stop issuing $5 commems. Our political class uses them to virtue signal and to curry favor with whatever group is most in need of being placated. That said, I have been buying the older ones near spot and assembling a design run as a slightly more interesting bullion play than AGEs.
Re: The Modern Gold Commemorative King Has Been Made *Updated Numbers*
@wondercoin said:
IF the Mint ended the $5 Gold Commem program next year, these “super low mintage gold coins” from 2024 would likely be exceedingly popular with collectors (and potentially exceedingly hard to find close to the final Mint price). But, what are the chances? Not high enough chance for us to raise our price on Tubman on eBay even when it is now the “champ”. They are still sitting on eBay at the same price as last month as we try to make a relatively tiny net return after eBay fees, PCGS fees, shipping fees and US Mint cost. Oh well- it’s only money.Just my 2 cents.
We all remember your heroic efforts with the spouse coins. Your two cents carries far more weight from having been in the trenches with these coins. It's easy to just stare at mintage numbers.
On a related note, shouldn't the "King" be the coin with the highest DEMAND not the coin with the lowest mintage?