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Are These Two Monster Toned Peace Dollars the Same Coin?

braddickbraddick Posts: 23,316 ✭✭✭✭✭
Coin number 1:


Coin number 2:


The 'tells' for me give me pause. First, the chin- same markings- kind of like off brown specks, on both coins. Secondly, there is also an off-white spot below the I of L I B E R T Y on both coins. Now, look at the off-colored spot right below the E in W E, between the E and the 9 in the date, barely left of the neck line. It's exactly the same on both coins. There is also a blue toning speck right above the R of T R U S T, between the two lower hair curls that are identical on both coins.
There are other characteristics shared on both coins too albeit the photography style is different enough that both coins need to be studied to see them. I'm sure you'll find your own.

I think they're the same coin. Don't you?
I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to the history of this Peace dollar.

Here's the auction link I found the first coin:
eBay Auction LINK




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