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Anyone heading to the Hamilton NJ show tomorrow?

ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
Im taking the drive up in the morning....thirty dealers.....


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    ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,366 ✭✭✭✭
    Never knew about this show. If I wasn't working I would go.
    All coins kept in bank vaults.
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    Box of 20
    SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
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    ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ill be wearing my horsehair monks robe so if you see me come up and say hi.

    I wont answer because when I wear the monks robe Im Trappist.

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    ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭✭✭
    wish it were a bit closer... about 2 hours for me.... or I would have popped in...

    look forward to a report...maybe one day I'll take the drive
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
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    BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    I attended that show a few times over the years. Pretty much the same dealers who attend Trevose (PA), with the same, tired inventory.
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    ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well I spent $1.75 and washed the salt and grime off the Range Rover and headed north to the show. A rather nice drive up rt. 206, traffic was light and everything was covered in snow but the roads.

    Missed the Hilton, turned around, made a goofy missed entrance on a road that really LOOKS like it takes you there, but just redelivers you onto the highway you just left. Found the place fine, seen the unmistakable look of a "coin collector" in several gents and followed them into a very poorly lit ballroom.

    Tell me dealers, how much do you guys really hate collectors?

    Walked around, peered in to the cases and seen quite a few rather interesting pieces. Classic commems were out in force, as well as a nice selection of very interesting darkside and ancients. A few currency dealers where there, as well as a few moderately high end pieces. Seen one feuchtwanger cent, a 5G, overpriced but nice...

    A lot of nice gold dollars, but only a few were certified. A nice 1869 looked MS63ish....and I did consider that but the ol lack of a TPG holder tempered me on that. I had a few pieces with me which were 'for sale' but the dealers I handed them to expressed little interest. "Too much coin for me" "That end of the market is really slow now you should just sit on them" " These coins are auction material, not here".........one dealer told to talk to "the guy in the corner" who was surrounded by his tribe, and despite me standing in front of him for a counted off in my head 120 seconds he did not look up from the magazine he had put his face into.....

    so...I did find one very third cousin back door relative of the Feuchtwanger tribe...and bought it. a 1793 Middlesex Newton Condor token, the same one that the HT266 die trial piece was overstruck onto.

    As I handed the dealer a ten, he said hed take nine, or...as it turned out, just a thanks, and he kept the ten.

    I suppose return gas money can be an issue with some dealers. All in all though, it was nice just getting out of the workshop and seeing other humans for a change!
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    dbcoindbcoin Posts: 2,200 ✭✭
    where exactly is this show (for future reference) and how often is it held?

    When is the next one?
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    Who in the world would want to be in New Jersey in late January?

    My actual home base of operations is Lakehurst New Jersey, although I work in a field office in Japan. Not being very New Jersey savvy I once saw a thing on the Food Channel for Ike's Crabcakes on the boardwalk.

    Was probably late January now that I think about it and I drove from Tom's River to the Boardwalk through an ice storm to get a freaking crab cake only to find out half of New Jersey is closed in the winter.

    Don't get me started about New Jersey jug handles either.

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    dbcoindbcoin Posts: 2,200 ✭✭
    I work out of the Naval Base in Lakehurst frequently, usually in the summer though
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    ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know. It was a big choice for me where to live.


    New Jersey?

    bangladesh? no

    iraq? no

    Uganda? no

    Peru? no

    St. Helena? no

    Ross Ice Shelf? no

    Bolivia? no

    GE Comsat #322-C, 22,000 miles overhead.... no

    oh well......guess I got to stay in new jersey then....
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    I didn't see Japan in your list.

    Jersey is good for me once a year or so for a week. Except for the whole "can't turn left" thing, it's great.

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    AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,366 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Who in the world would want to be in New Jersey in late January?

    My actual home base of operations is Lakehurst New Jersey, although I work in a field office in Japan. Not being very New Jersey savvy I once saw a thing on the Food Channel for Ike's Crabcakes on the boardwalk.

    Was probably late January now that I think about it and I drove from Tom's River to the Boardwalk through an ice storm to get a freaking crab cake only to find out half of New Jersey is closed in the winter.

    Don't get me started about New Jersey jug handles either.

    John >>

    Jersey is a great place to be! image Next weekend is the Parsippany coin show which is a spectacular show well worth the trip.
    All coins kept in bank vaults.
    PCGS Registries
    Box of 20
    SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
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    ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,734 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its a much bigger place, driving wise, than most people who do NOT live here think. It took me an hour to get to this show, if I went to Parsippany, thats probably like a 2, 2.5 hour drive or so. From one end of the state to the other, roughly 175 miles....and a long drive indeed. East to west, nice freeways, less than an hour.

    The weather is great year around, there are none of the horrors like california or florida get....the seasons change but I hear climates without seasonal change breed angry inhabitants...so its really a neat place. Theres lots of history, especially down here in the southern part of the state. Huge, Natural areas in the Pine Barrens, nice towns and good roads. A fine place to be, really.image


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