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"The Official" AL Central suckage thread!

KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
So between the 5 grabage teams in the AL Central there is a combined total of 1 Win and 5 Losses! Also they have combined to score 17 runs while giving up 38!

What do you suppose the odds are that the winner of the division makes it into the playoffs with a sub-500 record?


  • purduepetepurduepete Posts: 791 ✭✭✭

    Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
  • Twins had a heck of a comeback tonight. So in your opinion, coming back from down 5-3 with 2 outs in the 9th inning puts the Twins in the "they suck" category? Maybe wait a few months before you post again... About this...
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Twins had a heck of a comeback tonight. So in your opinion, coming back from down 5-3 with 2 outs in the 9th inning puts the Twins in the "they suck" category? Maybe wait a few months before you post again... About this... >>

    To call the Twins a good team after barely squeeking by a team, that you could call mediocre at best, is truely obsurd. I hope you aren't getting your hopes up for the season. You're surely in for a rough ride.
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Childish thread even for this forum, especially after one or two games.
  • The Twins have some superb young pitching and always impress me with their drive and tenacity. The Indians if healthy are a formidable team. The White Sox have power to spare and 3 front line stud starters.
  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So between the 5 grabage teams in the AL Central there is a combined total of 1 Win and 5 Losses! Also they have combined to score 17 runs while giving up 38!

    What do you suppose the odds are that the winner of the division makes it into the playoffs with a sub-500 record? >>

    After only a couple of games? Does that mean the Bosox can play all of the AL Central with the reserve players as starters since they are so inferior?

  • According to Peter Gammons, this is the deepest division in baseball.
  • K. Slap yourself!
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Alright here goes for your beloved Twins:

    The weakest part of your team is your pitching. The verdict is still out on Liriano. Is he gonna be the Ace that he was in 07 or flop again like he did last year? Who knows, but from the looks of his performance the other night when he served up 2 homers while only striking out 3 the signs aren't good. And aside from Joe Nathan (who has yet to get into a game) the bullpen severly lacks middle relief. The days of Santana are long gone my friends, and without pitching you aren't going very far.

    As for hitting, the bats really need to wake up. Morneau and Delmon Young are a combined 0-12 with 3 K's, and Carlos Gomez, one of your big speed guys is struggling just to get on base (as always). Until Mauer gets off the DL you're going to continue to struggle advancing Span (who happens to be the only live bat on your team right now) because Morneau is just going to continue wasting his at bats with all his K's. Oh and Redmond, Mauer's replacement, hurt his groin the other night so good luck with him. So until your team can manage to get more hits(14) then K's(19) you are going to continue to lose!

    As for the White Sox:

    The bats are there yes, barely. Thome is at the back end of his great career, and his best days are definitely past. Pierzinski too. His numbers are definitely due for a sharp decline now that he's in his 30's. Konerko is going to be anemic again this year just as he was last year. Your leadoff man is hot garbage, and you'd be better off throwing Ramirez up there. Quentin and Dye are your only legit bats so hopoefully they come around for you soon.

    Pitching is solid on paper, but I don't know how much faith I'd put in Colon and Contreras. Buehrle is a legit Ace, and hopefully Danks will have as good of a season as he did last year otherwise you're going to struggle. The bullpen, other then Bobby Jenks is middle of the road. Dotel is solid, but he runs very hot and cold, and now that he's starting to get up there in age I bet he's going to be more cold then hot.

    And the Indians...

    Hafner is not what he used to be, and you'd be better off trading him then letting him struggle it out all year. Hopefully Martinez can recover from the injuries that plagued him last year, otherwise you're looking at the same issue that Chicago has, a 30+ year old catcher who's numbers are most likely gonna take a turn down. The best 2 hitters on the team imo are Sizemore and DeRosa. Hopefully they stay healthy.

    Now with pitching Lee should have another All Star caliber year, key word being should because giving up 10 hits in 5 innings isn't the way to do it. And Carmona is very iffy. Which one are you gonna get the great 07 model or the horrible 08 version? I guess tonight we'll see. Pavano's best days are behind him, and Kerry Wood... well he's Kerry Wood. If he's healthy he's great, but there in lies the problem he's prone to injury and probably won't last a full season for ya.


    A lot of potential, but that's about all you're gonna get this season is potential. Give them a season or 2 to play together and you might have another Rays modeled team to emerge.

    and last and definitely least the Tigers...

    As the Yankees have proven this entire decade, you can't buy a team and expect to win a championship! Now that their team is starting to disolve, their upside is about as high as GM and Chrysler. Good luck, you'll need it!
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,484 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hafner is not what he used to be, and you'd be better off trading him then letting him struggle it out all year. Hopefully Martinez can recover from the injuries that plagued him last year, otherwise you're looking at the same issue that Chicago has, a 30+ year old catcher who's numbers are most likely gonna take a turn down. The best 2 hitters on the team imo are Sizemore and DeRosa. Hopefully they stay healthy. >>

    Martinez just turned 30 in December. DeRosa is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the second best hitter on the team.

    Dude, the Indians were .500 last year without a closer, without Hafner, and without Martinez.
    You're telling me they got worse??

    << <i>Childish thread even for this forum, especially after one or two games. >>

    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • K, you lost ALL credibility in your VERY first sentence. The Twins have one of the BEST young pitching staffs in baseball.
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Martinez just turned 30 in December. DeRosa is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the second best hitter on the team.

    Dude, the Indians were .500 last year without a closer, without Hafner, and without Martinez.
    You're telling me they got worse?? >>

    Oh yeah I forgot Peralta, the pudgy SS who needs to lose about 15-20 lbs. Ok well add him into the mix with his 20/80/.275 stuff and we'll call it a wrap.

    You'll see come the trade deadline that Hafner is probably gonna be wearing a different uniform, and the Tribe is treading water around .500 again. The days of Manny, Thome, Belle, and Lofton are long gone. Lets just call it a rebuilding year and be done with it.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>K, you lost ALL credibility in your VERY first sentence. The Twins have one of the BEST young pitching staffs in baseball. >>

    Liriano is very suspect. = ?
    Slowey gives up too many home runs. = Ok
    Perkins gives up way too many hits, homers, and walks. = Garbage (I honestly have no idea how he had as good of a record as he did last season.)
    Blackburn gave up 200+ hits and 100+ runs in under 200 innings = Garbage
    Dickey gives up way way WAY too many walks = Garbage

    Overall Grade = Garbage!
  • Dickey was not part of the team last year, he will fill in for Scott Baker for a few starts. How many other teams have 5 starters under a 4.20 era last year. They have a great staff....Watch and learn...
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • purduepetepurduepete Posts: 791 ✭✭✭
    UPDATE: After the first week of the season, 4 of the 5 the teams in the "sucky" AL Central have a better record than the Red Sox.

    Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>UPDATE: After the first week of the season, 4 of the 5 the teams in the "sucky" AL Central have a better record than the Red Sox. >>

    Until last night not one of them were over .500. My stance still stands, the division winner will be sub-500.
  • the divsion winner will have a losing record? wow. you are retarded image

    we already knew that...thanks for reconfirming. back to your cave troll.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>UPDATE: After the first week of the season, 4 of the 5 the teams in the "sucky" AL Central have a better record than the Red Sox. >>

    Until last night not one of them were over .500. My stance still stands, the division winner will be sub-500. >>

    I'll bet $500 you're wrong on that. PM me if you're interested; we'll find a third party to hold the money (someone we can both agree on) and see what happens.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    Another Red Sox fan talking crap before the season is even a week old.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    WOW! I've never met a bigger bunch of haters! Makes me thankful that I live out on the coast.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    Toronto Blue Jays 5 2 .714
    Baltimore Orioles 4 2 .667
    New York Yankees 3 3 .500
    Tampa Bay Rays 3 3 .500
    Boston Red Sox 2 4 .333

    we are not "haters" but if you use your logic then I guess the Sox are also in for a long season...hey look at today's standings.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    have to add one more thing...again, using your logic (i.e. based on first impression of one week, I mean one day of baseball), I met a number of Red Sox fans downtown Cleveland, they were all rude, pushy, nose up in the air yahoo's......guess then I can say everyone who lives in Boston is the same. unbelievable way to think, but that seems to be your way of looking at things.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Alright this isn't about 1 specific team. It's about the division as a whole.

    Here are the combined records and winning percentages. As you can see the AL Central is ridding the short bus right now...

    AL East 17-14 .548
    NL East 16-14 .533
    AL West 13-12 .520
    NL West 16-16 .500
    NL Cent 17-19 .472
    AL Cent 14-17 .452
  • 1st grade level analysis on many levels...the dude doesn't even realize Scott Baker is really part of the rotation.
  • Or the fact the the best catcher in baseball, batting CHAMP Joe "baby Jesus" Mauer isnt playing right now...

    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>WOW! I've never met a bigger bunch of haters! Makes me thankful that I live out on the coast. >>

    I'm still waiting for a PM-- please get in touch so we can get this arranged.

  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll bet $500 you're wrong on that. PM me if you're interested; we'll find a third party to hold the money (someone we can both agree on) and see what happens.

    I look forward to hearing from you. >>

    If you're so quick to wanna throw away your money why don't you donate it to charity instead of being so ignorant with it.
  • cwazzycwazzy Posts: 3,257

    << <i>

    << <i>I'll bet $500 you're wrong on that. PM me if you're interested; we'll find a third party to hold the money (someone we can both agree on) and see what happens.

    I look forward to hearing from you. >>

    If you're so quick to wanna throw away your money why don't you donate it to charity instead of being so ignorant with it. >>

    I'm sure he'd agree to a bet where the loser pays a charity of the winners choice. I'm sure he could find a good charity for you to pay. image

    My small collection
    Want List:
    '61 Topps Roy Campanella in PSA 5-7
    Cardinal T206 cards
    Adam Wainwright GU Jersey
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I'll bet $500 you're wrong on that. PM me if you're interested; we'll find a third party to hold the money (someone we can both agree on) and see what happens.

    I look forward to hearing from you. >>

    If you're so quick to wanna throw away your money why don't you donate it to charity instead of being so ignorant with it. >>

    I'm sure he'd agree to a bet where the loser pays a charity of the winners choice. I'm sure he could find a good charity for you to pay. image

    Chris >>

    Sure! I'd be happy to do that. The winner makes a public donation of the full $500 to the charity of his choice. PM me so we can hash out the details.

    Edit to add: If $500 seems to small, we can bump it up to $1000. Just let me know how you want to play it.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,666 ✭✭✭✭✭
    << I'll bet $500 you're wrong on that. PM me if you're interested; we'll find a third party to hold the money (someone we can both agree on) and see what happens.

    I look forward to hearing from you. >>

    If you're so quick to wanna throw away your money why don't you donate it to charity instead of being so ignorant with it.

    In other words, "I don't have the gonads to take you up on your bet," or "I don't believe the silliness I'm spouting here."

    As Hoop pointed out, you also missed thee Twins #2 starter, and maybe their best pitcher, Scott Baker, with your "analysis." LOL...

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Fine PM sent
  • stevekstevek Posts: 28,729 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Players all-in?
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭
    Provided we can agree on the details, the bet is on. Adam and I are going to PM later tonight to try and get things worked out.

    Go AL Central!
  • DarinDarin Posts: 6,841 ✭✭✭✭✭
    K, I don't think we're haters,most of us just don't like having our favorite teams trashed so early in the season. So far KC pitching has been outstanding. Hitting has to get better though.

  • im glad that Greinke got his head screwed on right. and Soria is the best young closer in the game.
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,332 ✭✭✭✭
    Well, we're at the 1/2 way point, and I think it's safe to say that both parties are correct here.

    The AL Central is less than stellar, but Boopotts, being the wicked smart boy that he is, knows that it's nearly statistically impossible for a division winner to be sub .500, especially in the American League now that you get to play the National League 18 times a season.
  • purduepetepurduepete Posts: 791 ✭✭✭
    Detroit's win on Thursday gave them 82 wins for the season, thus guaranteeing at least one AL Central team a winning record.

    Just sayin....

    Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
  • Tough year for what many thought was a great pitching staff. Not sure what happened, but they didnt have a good year pitching. The bats have been good though, looks like we will have 4 guys over 100 rbis, thats pretty solid. 3 over 30 home runs too, which is nuts considering we havent had homerun hitters in forever. Great finish here though won 11 of the last 12, still in it.
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,332 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Tough year for what many thought was a great pitching staff. Not sure what happened, but they didnt have a good year pitching. The bats have been good though, looks like we will have 4 guys over 100 rbis, thats pretty solid. 3 over 30 home runs too, which is nuts considering we havent had homerun hitters in forever. Great finish here though won 11 of the last 12, still in it. >>

    Yeah, well anytime you want to lose a game, feel free. image
  • Well when the Tigers were down 5-0 today I was all excited we were gonna gain another full game, but NO you guys wont lose either lol. Great run here at the end for both teams.
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,332 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Well when the Tigers were down 5-0 today I was all excited we were gonna gain another full game, but NO you guys wont lose either lol. Great run here at the end for both teams. >>

    Considering the Tigers hadn't scored a run since Thursday, I thought it was over too at 5-0.

    I cannot believe what the Twins are doing, all without Morneau and Crede. Very impressive for sure.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    If I recall I made a bet on this with Boopotts. I'll have to go into my PM archive to recall the terms. I think it was on Divisional win pct% or something like that.
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Alright, now that the season is officially over I have gone in and tallied the numbers for the bet I made with Guy. The bet was for $150 to be donated to Mike's charity, and Craig was holding the $$$. The outline of the bet was if the AL Central had the worst collective winning pct at seasons end Guy lost, and if any other division had a lower winning pct than the AL Central I lost. Well the numbers are in:

    AL West 344 - 304 .530
    AL East 421 - 389 .519
    NL West 420 - 390 .518
    NL East 395 - 415 .487
    NL Cent 468 - 502 .482
    AL Cent 382 - 430 .470

    On a side note I must say that the game last night was fantastic to watch, and had it not been for the Central it never would have happened. Also Greinke would get my vote for the CY Young and the MVP should go to Mauer. Also Mark Buehrle had the best pitching performance of the year. So I guess I'll retract my initial statement. It was a fun season, looking fun to the playoffs.

  • lol beurhle had one great game, but look at how badly he sucked after he pitched his no hitter!
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