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I am not embarrassed to admit that as I held the Stack’s Eldorado catalog in my hand last night, I j

LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭
As Mrs. Longacre takes a well deserved vacation down South, I had kid duty at the homestead. After I got the little munchkins into bed, I was able to sit in my overstuffed chair and peruse the Stack’s Eldorado catalog which arrived yesterday.

Viewing the catalog was bittersweet to say the least. After a difficult day on the boards yesterday in which RYK announced he was quitting numismatics, and after venturing to the BST forum for the first time ever to see how the other half lives, I thought my mind could be put at ease by looking through the latest Stack’s offering.

It was not the case. As I opened the catalog, it was almost like Stack’s and QDB knew of our numismatic loss, because not copper, but gold was the first segment in the auction. I tried to control my emotions as I thought of how excited RYK used to get when a smattering of excessively rare gold was offered for sale. As I thumbed through the catalog further, I came to Patterns, which, under normal circumstances, would have been gobbled up by our very own RYK. Barely controlling myself, and like a fitting tribute to our former collector, the auction catalog ended with the colonials. This was simply too much for Longacre to take, and I broke down and wept freely, as I remembered how many choice colonials RYK has in his collection, which will now be unceremoniously dumped on the BST, where the numismatic hoi polloi will bottom feed on these treasures.

I am getting weepy just writing these words, and the Eldorado catalog will forever have significance in my mind as the sale that “could have been”, had our very own RYK not numismatically left us.
Always took candy from strangers
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)


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    KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    I'm sure your pain is shared by many less prominent forum members. I would most certainly feel a quite similar angst if I were to ever hear of Mr. Longacre taking a numismatic sabatical. Perish the thought!

    BTW, did you wash your hands before opening the Stack's catalog? That BST forum can be a dangerous place for those long accustomed to a more gentile refined atmosphere image
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    RobbRobb Posts: 2,034
    I really, really, really hope that Longacre is all a work.
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    ElKevvoElKevvo Posts: 4,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I, being an unabashed member of the numismatic hoi polloi (AKA Joe Collector) will keep an eye out for said colonials on the BST....however being a man of limited means as well as being made aware via these boards of the RYK's fine eye and discriminating taste I will probably be unable purchase at least one or more of said coins due to cost issues. I will weep but not for the same reason as Longacre. I will weep at not being able to produce the funds needed to add any of the fine colonials to my collection.


    edited for grammar
    ANA LM
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    EagleguyEagleguy Posts: 2,262 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must fall within the "numismatic hoi polloi" category since I am not on the mailing list for this catalogue, nor do I have an overstuffed chair to sit in and read it if I was.

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    TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 43,968 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I cry sometimes, too.
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    adamlaneusadamlaneus Posts: 6,969 ✭✭✭
    I always thought that the whole "Longacre is RYK's alternate identity" thing was a joke.

    I have some doubts now. Could be true.

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    BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,957 ✭✭✭
    Why cry, I see this as an opportunity for fresh material to be made available to our little community here. image
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,484 ✭✭✭✭
    The Catalogs usually always start with gold as Gold's a big money maker.

    As for this "weeping" business, thats just plain weird!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭
    Eldorado catalog is RYK's collection.
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    CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,618 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I always thought that the whole "Longacre is RYK's alternate identity" thing was a joke.

    I have some doubts now. Could be true. >>

    That is a good conspiracy theory, but I have met both of them in person so I do not think it is true.
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    I'm going to have to throw away the catalog without opening the priority envelope. I just got done watching The Notebook and I just can't take anymore crying.

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    tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,151 ✭✭✭✭✭
    After glancing through the catalog, I almost cried as well - though for a completely different reason. image
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    zeebobzeebob Posts: 2,825
    When I reach the pick-your-title phase of my posting, I'm going to select "Numismatic Hoi Polloi." It's folkier than "proletariat collector," but with a similar meaning. Love it! Nice work Dr. Longacre! You are THE MAN!
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    DoubleEagle59DoubleEagle59 Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)

    "“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)

    "I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
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    Sometimes I get a little weepy when I read some of the posts on this board. image
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    Stage 4:

    << <i>Depression is an inevitable part of loss. It comes during the anger stage, and the bargaining stage, and in the letting go stage. It can come at any stage, actually. It is characterized by many of the symptoms listed in the Symptoms of Grief. Depression is normal. It may last longer in some people than in others. Emotionally healthy people won't be depressed as long as emotionally unhealthy people or people who came from dysfunctional homes who haven't dealt with childhood issues. It is perfectly okay to seek help from a physician and take antidepressants for a time until you are better able to handle your grief. If you feel that your depression is lasting too long, you may benefit from the help of a therapist. Never be ashamed of taking medication or seeking professional help when you are grieving. Never be ashamed at seeking professional help. When you no longer need the antidepressants, you will know and end your treatment under your doctor's guidance. During the depression phase, you will cry a lot. Crying is normal, and tears are healing. Let yourself cry when you feel like it. If you cry constantly, everywhere, and it goes on for months and months, you probably need to seek medical help. Antidepressants will help you deal with severe grief. >>

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    PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,596 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Sometimes I get a little weepy when I read some of the posts on this board. image >>

    I've never been weepy but I've been nausiated by some of the posts.

    Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.

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    << <i>
    I've never been weepy but I've been nausiated by some of the posts. >>

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    MidLifeCrisisMidLifeCrisis Posts: 10,533 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I remembered how many choice colonials RYK has in his collection, which will now be unceremoniously dumped on the BST, where the numismatic hoi polloi will bottom feed on these treasures. >>


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    There's no crying in numismatics....grow a set for Pete's sake!!!!! image
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    DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,812 ✭✭✭
    The time: Mid-1975 or early 1976
    the place: "Longfellow" (the Longacre estate), on Long Island

    Little Lord Longacre: "Waaaaah!"

    Consuelo*: "Now, Master Longacre, we mustn't carry on like this! We'll soil our nice new velveteen riding breeches and doublet."

    LLL: "Shut your festering gob, you nitwit! Longacre wants a PROOF 40% silver Eisenhower dollar!"

    Consuelo: "Would that we might all have such wondrous treasures, young Sir. But the nice bank manager has explained, they've sold out and won't have any more for another week."

    Bank Manager: "Yeah, and if ya keep that up, Fancy-Pants, yer not gettin' any."

    LLL (suddenly icy cold): "Consuelo, find out this man's name ... have my father buy this bank ... and then arrange for his immediate dismissal. I shall be waiting in the Duesenberg."

    [exeunt LLL, stage right]

    * a slightly slimmer and quite younger version of the Consuelo we all know today

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    coinkatcoinkat Posts: 22,850 ✭✭✭✭✭
    RYK will come back... someday

    Okay, as for the El Dorado catalog, mine must have been lost in the mail as it certainly could not have been an oversight on the part of Stack's. Needless to say, I hope some of the winners in a recent Stack's auction post their winnings on the forum...


    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

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    SaorAlbaSaorAlba Posts: 7,493 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got mine and enjoyed it. But it didn't hold the appeal that the Firth of Clyde catalog did for me or my depleted bank account.
    In memory of my kitty Seryozha 14.2.1996 ~ 13.9.2016 and Shadow 3.4.2015 - 16.4.21
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    coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All of this drivel coming from the individual that responded to RYK's BST thread with a standing offer to buy RYK's offerings at 60% back of bid. How touching.

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

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    zeebobzeebob Posts: 2,825
    www.numismatichoipolloi.com now registered. If I can figure out a place to host it, I'll put up a fun website. Thanks for the idea Mr. Longacre. This will be fun.
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    CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,927 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who's RYK?


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    BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭

    << <i>RYK will come back... someday >>

    But he wouldn't buy from Stacks.
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    EagleguyEagleguy Posts: 2,262 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>The time: Mid-1975 or early 1976
    the place: "Longfellow" (the Longacre estate), on Long Island

    Little Lord Longacre: "Waaaaah!"

    Consuelo*: "Now, Master Longacre, we mustn't carry on like this! We'll soil our nice new velveteen riding breeches and doublet."

    LLL: "Shut your festering gob, you nitwit! Longacre wants a PROOF 40% silver Eisenhower dollar!"

    Consuelo: "Would that we might all have such wondrous treasures, young Sir. But the nice bank manager has explained, they've sold out and won't have any more for another week."

    Bank Manager: "Yeah, and if ya keep that up, Fancy-Pants, yer not gettin' any."

    LLL (suddenly icy cold): "Consuelo, find out this man's name ... have my father buy this bank ... and then arrange for his immediate dismissal. I shall be waiting in the Duesenberg."

    [exeunt LLL, stage right]


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    pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭

    << <i>There's no crying in numismatics....grow a set for Pete's sake!!!!! image >>

    I thought we were trying to collect sets.

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