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Good news for ASE owners!

Something was just signed that should ensure they go through the roof in value! image
My Registry Sets! PCGS Registry


  • Hey, that makes me think of a new cheer:


    (Crum, I broke my keyboard with that one...)
    ASE Addict...but oh so poor!
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    With the amount of silver and gold out there, I doubt that either will be "going through the roof".

    One thing I have learned while on these boards is that if you CAN successfully predict it, there's a good possibility that it just ain't gonna happen.

    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up.

    Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Pass the pig please!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭

    << <i>With the amount of silver and gold out there, I doubt that either will be "going through the roof".

    One thing I have learned while on these boards is that if you CAN successfully predict it, there's a good possibility that it just ain't gonna happen.

    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up.

    Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Pass the pig please! >>

    I respectfully disgree. Gold is critical to the world economy. It does indeed "make" the economy. There are informed opinions that think gold will go to at least $2500/oz.

    Story on GOLD and what it really means to the world
    My Registry Sets! PCGS Registry

  • << <i>With the amount of silver and gold out there, I doubt that either will be "going through the roof".

    One thing I have learned while on these boards is that if you CAN successfully predict it, there's a good possibility that it just ain't gonna happen.

    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up.

    Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Pass the pig please! >>

    I think you mean pass the cool-aid Lyds.

  • << <i>With the amount of silver and gold out there, I doubt that either will be "going through the roof".

    One thing I have learned while on these boards is that if you CAN successfully predict it, there's a good possibility that it just ain't gonna happen.

    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up.

    Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Pass the pig please! >>

    Gold is a hedge against inflation. Not economic collapse.
  • slipgateslipgate Posts: 2,301 ✭✭

    << <i>

    Gold is a hedge against inflation. Not economic collapse. >>

    Well there is always the SHTF scenario. In that one, when I walk away with a loaf of bread paid for by my ASE, you are laughed at with your $100 US legal tender bill and advised to use it for heating. image
    My Registry Sets! PCGS Registry
  • CoinspongeCoinsponge Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Something was just signed that should ensure they go through the roof in value! image >>

    Unfortunately since they will be finding ways to sneek more money out of the pockets of productive people there will be pressure on the other side and who knows where the price will go.
    Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
  • tincuptincup Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>With the amount of silver and gold out there, I doubt that either will be "going through the roof".

    One thing I have learned while on these boards is that if you CAN successfully predict it, there's a good possibility that it just ain't gonna happen.

    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up.

    Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Pass the pig please! >>

    No problem.... we each have our own opinions. Since you do not believe the metals are a good investment.... that leaves more metals available for those who do believe in their investment (or preservation of wealth) value....
    ----- kj
  • zeebobzeebob Posts: 2,825
    bhah! Politics...

    I thought you were going to post something interesting like - PCGS accepts a cure for milkspots on silver proofs, followed with a detailed description of the cure.
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,675 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gonna be just a tad longer before you can break even on your proofs

    The only way to make an economic system truly stable is to permit the free market to take over.

  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So often folks have preached that when stocks are down, gold and PM's go up. Well, that certainly has not been the case lately now has it? Yes, gold is currently up but according to my calculations and the current market conditions, if there was ever the chance that PM's would have hit "through the roof" prices, it certainly would have been in the past 5 months.

    Regardless, gold has been going up since mid-November. Does it really matter if it's with the dollar or against it? Sure gold is up a little....from it's $680 low in November. Just hang in there, gold will hit the roof soon enough. The past 12 months have only been a mere warm up act for what is still yet to come in financial sector fallout.

    A lot of you folks simply do not understand that gold, silver, platinum and the other PM's are NOT whats makes an economy! Heck, they don;t even give it any substance as its no longer the good ole days. Money and personal worth are no longer based on how much gold you own. These things are simply commodoties that have a bit more worth than pork bellies!

    Yup, the old barbarous relic theorem as espoused by Keynes. Unfortunately even Keynes realized gold's true role before he passed but why get in the way of the party? If gold bullion is just a commodity why did it not crash anywhere near as much as the rest of the commodity sector in 2008....and why did it recover so quickly in 2008? What made people flock to it? Why are the Russian, Japanese and Chinese central banks in pursuit of buying it? Those are not the actions of a commodity. Why is gold nearly back to the peak levels of March 2008 when it is the only commodity that is still but a fraction of it's 2008 highs? There obviously is something here that is causing the value of the metal to skyrocket, esp in light of significantly decreased jewelry demand from Asia.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold

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