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SPEND Wheaties in 2009~~My Theory!

ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
With the coming of the new Lincoln cent reverses, more average citizens, young and old, will be paying attention to their change. This is our "Future Collector Base" for Lincolns and I have a plan.

What we all need to do is put general date wheaties into circulation starting on Feb. 12 when the NEW coins come out.

You know, we all have those ones in a jar, cigar box, odd rolls etc which are worth exactly 2 or 3 cents. We all save them but to what use? Buying that Co op in NYC? so they are pretty well just change

But You know if the perhaps 1000 people who glance at this board each spends roughly 4 rolls of wheats in 2009, in general commerce around town where they will be recirculated (kwik-e-mart etc.) then a LOT of people will be starting to notice a lot of old Lincolns are in circulation too, along with the brand new ones they expect to see.

Imagine the delight of some kid getting a well worn 1916? HE's the guy later in life who will buy your MS67 SVDB for a milliion dollars.

So its a little investment in sprouting more interest in Lincolns and Coins in general, it would cost each of us very little and I DO THINK that it will grow the collector base for the future.

And...that, is very important.


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