New VCP price grid

Does anyone know what happened to the new VCP price grid? I think it was up for about a day and now it's gone. I liked it much better than the older (now new again) format. Bobby???
For those of you that don't know here is the jist:
Now for most slots you will see 3 Numbers:
The Top Green number is the HIGH sale.
The Middle Brown is the average.
The Red bottom is the low sale.
These numbers are all based off the last 12 months of sales. If you see only a single line in a slot then that means there was only a single sale or one has not sold in the past year and that price is for the last sold.
Now our averaging is being done a little different, it is based off up to the last 1o sales within the year. Rules are the following.
1-4 Sales: Is a straight average of the 4.
5-9 Sales: The high and low sales are omitted and the balance is averaged out.
10 Sales: The 2 high and 2 low sales are omitted and the balance is averaged out.
On the grid you will also see by the grade number a Red down arrow or a Green up arrow. This is just showing you the trend of that card. Keep in mind we are still working on this function and is not perfect yet.
As of right now this new price system is only in this section. After finishing this area we will move the results to show in your My Collection giving you a much more accurate picture if the value of your collection.
Please feel free to post any comments or suggestions...we realize this is a big change and we hope for the better.