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New-P, 1888 IHC... repunched date?... &/or - what's wrong with this? (pics)

The base of the last number 8 in the date is "different".... (looks like a pincher?)



  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭
    What was the process used to re-punch the date and did they only do it because of wear?
  • Walkerguy21DWalkerguy21D Posts: 11,392 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Digits were generally repunched because they misplaced them the first time, at least in the case of an 8 over 8. If the dies were left over from the previous year, they were repunched with the current year's numeral. Which, by the way, this date is famous for, as several very valuable types of 8 over 7 exist.
    There must be a number of repunchings for this particular date. I just acquired a slider 1888 that has the "1" clearly repunched, and it is not listed in my edition of Cherrypicker's.
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  • Hey Walkerguy21D, can we see a pic of the coin you have too?

    Also, the entire date on this one seems to have some doubling, but it's most evident in the last two digits. But I don't understand how the area at the base of the last digit ended up with that "unpunched"(?) spot that I showed in the close-up??

    Here are some other pics:



  • EagleEyeEagleEye Posts: 7,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rick Snow, Eagle Eye Rare Coins, Inc.Check out my new web site:

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