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No more feedback hostage

Thoughts on the new feedback system?




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    this worries me...

    "Sellers will no longer be able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. This change will occur in May, 2008."
    White Whales:
    1996 Select Certified Mirror Gold Ozzie Smith
    2006 Bowman Chrome Orange Refractor Chris Carpenter
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    lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>this worries me...

    "Sellers will no longer be able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. This change will occur in May, 2008." >>

    Me too. That is pretty dumb if you ask me. There are two parties in every transaction but only one can be disatisified if something goes wrong??
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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    For those too lazy to click the link

    Feedback changes in 2008

    eBay’s Feedback system continues to evolve as community makeup and the online marketplace dynamics change.

    The eBay Feedback system was originally designed to provide a simple, honest, accurate record of the buyer's and seller's online experience to ensure safe and satisfactory trade. It was driven by two factors: transparency and accountability. Over time, we found that the transparency of the existing Feedback system makes some members reluctant to hold others accountable. For example, buyers fear retaliatory Feedback from sellers if they leave a negative.

    Therefore, we'll be making a few significant changes to eBay's Feedback system to continue to improve accuracy and accountability. Within six months, these changes should help to differentiate and reward sellers who provide a positive buying experience on eBay.


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    What is changing?

    What changes are being made to the eBay Feedback system?

    There are five key elements to the new Feedback system being introduced in the first half of 2008:
    Beginning in February, buyers and sellers will be able to earn up to one Feedback per week from the same trading partner. Today, members may only affect each other's Feedback scores one time, regardless of the number of transactions between the parties. This change will both encourage repeat transactions and reward good service.
    Sellers will no longer be able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. This change will occur in May, 2008.
    Removal of negative and neutral Feedback left by members who are suspended or who fail to respond to the Unpaid Item Process (UPI).
    Positive Feedback percentage will be based on the past 12 months of Feedback, rather than lifetime, since it is most indicative of the seller's recent performance.
    Restrictions on when Feedback can be left:
    Buyers must wait three days before leaving negative or neutral Feedback
    Instead of 90 days, members will be able to leave Feedback for 60 days

    Why would the new initiatives work better for the marketplace?

    We believe that we will reduce any imbalance in the Feedback system with these changes. Buyers will be able to more accurately assess sellers and sellers will be protected from buyers who violate our policies without risking a cut in good buyer activity.

    We believe that:
    buyers will be more honest when they leave Feedback since they will not fear retaliatory negative Feedback.
    buyers will bid more and higher since their trust in the Feedback system and the sellers will increase.
    our best performing sellers will be able to differentiate themselves from all other sellers and increase the amount of business they receive as buyers gravitate towards them.
    sellers will leave Feedback upon payment more often in order to increase their chance of receiving positive Feedback.

    Is eBay favoring buyers over sellers with this change?

    The change in the Feedback system is designed to improve the eBay marketplace which should benefit both buyers and sellers. Improving the Feedback system should increase the number of buyers whose expectations are met. This should result in more buying activity which will benefit sellers.

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    Why is it changing?

    Why is eBay making these changes?
    Repeat Feedback credit
    Sellers who drive repeat business should be rewarded when they receive repeat Feedback. The current system only enables a member to impact another member's score once. This hurts sellers who deliver great buying experiences and drive repeat business.
    No negative or neutral Feedback for buyers
    The current system prevents buyers from leaving honest Feedback as they fear retaliation from the sellers if they leave a negative. This makes it hard for buyers to distinguish between sellers while making bidding or buying decisions. In addition, when buyers receive negative Feedback, they reduce their activity in the marketplace, which in-turn harms all sellers.
    Removal of negative and neutral Feedback from suspended members
    Members who are suspended for Unpaid Items or other offenses should not be permitted to harm the reputation of members in good standing.
    Restriction on when negative or neutral Feedback can be left
    A time limit should be placed on how quickly negative and neutral Feedback can be left. This will encourage communication, drive members to leave positive Feedback and will limit Feedback extortion.

    Why can't sellers leave negative and neutral Feedback for buyers?

    Since buyers take the primary risk in a transaction (sending money to a stranger), the goal of the Feedback system should be to enable them to accurately assess seller performance. This facilitates safe and satisfactory trading.

    When buyers receive negative Feedback, they reduce their activity in the marketplace, which in-turn harms all sellers.

    The threat of receiving retaliatory negative Feedback from sellers, prevents buyers from leaving honest feedback about sellers, undermining the accuracy and value of the Feedback system.

    Why this particular solution - preventing buyers from receiving negative and neutral Feedback from sellers?

    Since buyers take the primary risk in a transaction (sending money to a stranger), the primary goal of the Feedback system has to be to enable buyers to accurately assess seller performance to facilitate safe & satisfactory trade. Buyer fear of seller retaliation has reduced the credibility of the Feedback system and undermined trust, and therefore, trade in the marketplace.

    Doesn't this change create an imbalanced system?

    We believe we will reduce any imbalance in the Feedback system with these changes. Buyers will be able to more accurately assess sellers and sellers will be protected from buyers who violate our policies (via the Unpaid Item system and other reporting) without risking a cut in good buyer activity.

    Why is eBay increasing the number of buyers a seller can block from 1000 to 5000?

    This enhancement to the Blocked bidder list feature is being made on popular demand from sellers. Though the list has been expanded, we recommend that our sellers use the tool judiciously.

    Why is eBay preventing buyers from leaving negative or neutral Feedback within three days of the end of a listing?

    Most negative or neutral Feedback left in the first few days is due to lack of communication between the buyer and the seller. We believe that this three-day restriction will create a "cool down" period and encourage communication before the buyer decides to leave negative Feedback. If the buyer still feels the negative Feedback is deserved at the end of the three-day period, there will still be an opportunity to post honest Feedback.

    Why is eBay reducing the amount of time a member can leave Feedback from 90 days to 60 days?

    Today less than 5% of all Feedback left is between day 60 and day 90. There are some legitimate reasons to leave Feedback after 60 days, but with electronic payment methods like PayPal and more options for overseas shipment, transaction times have decreased since the Feedback system was created almost 12 years ago. Further, it is important that members leave Feedback early in order to let other members know whether their experience was positive or negative.

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    Ensuring seller protection/seller performance

    Will sellers still have access to Buyer Requirements to manage their buyers?

    Yes. The Buyer requirements tool enables sellers to prevent or limit the buyers from bidding or buying their items if certain criteria have not been met. The criteria are:
    buyer is registered in a country where seller doesn't ship to
    buyer has negative FB score
    buyer has a recent Unpaid item strike
    buyer does not have a PayPal account

    What is the benefit of using Buyer Requirements?

    The primary benefit of the Buyer Requirements tool is that it enables the seller to determine which buyers can bid or buy from them. For example, If the seller requires the buyer to be registered with PayPal (the buyer doesn’t need to pay with PayPal, just be registered) they have 80% fewer Unpaid Item claims compared with sellers who do not have this requirement.

    Will Immediate Payment still be available?

    Yes. Immediate Payment enables a seller offering fixed price items to require an immediate payment. This prevents a buyer from having second thoughts and not completing the transaction. Sellers offering fixed priced items can select this option during the listing process and eliminate the Unpaid Item process.

    What criteria will eBay use to identify buyers who violate eBay Policy?

    The same criteria as today. Reports from sellers based on specific policy violations such as Unpaid Item, transaction interference, Feedback Abuse and Feedback extortion.

    What thresholds will eBay use to suspend buyers who violate eBay Policy?

    Thresholds will vary based on the severity and frequency of the offense. A buyer who maliciously bids on 20 items will likely be suspended. A buyer who fails to pay for one item will be given a strike, and if the pattern continues, suspended.

    What happens when a buyer uses negative Feedback as a threat to receive better service or additional goods/services from the seller?

    If a buyer uses the threat of negative Feedback to demand more than what was promised in the item description (e.g. wants overnight delivery but only paid for standard delivery) the seller should immediately report the buyer to eBay.
    If there is clear evidence of extortion eBay will take action typically on a first offense
    If a buyer shows a pattern of malicious behavior (multiple seller reports such as UPI), eBay will most likely suspend the buyer
    If we suspend the buyer, any negative or neutral Feedback the buyers left for sellers will be removed. Sellers should only file these complaints when the buyer asks for more than what is promised in the listing. Filing a false claim may result in seller suspension.

    What happens when a buyer fails to pay for an item?

    If your buyer has failed to pay for an item, you should file an Unpaid Item (UPI) claim. If the buyer fails to respond to the UPI report, then any negative or neutral Feedback they have left will be removed. If the buyer shows a pattern of such behavior and is suspended for UPI, any negative or neutral Feedback they left will be removed. Sellers should only file an Unpaid Item claim when the buyer did not pay. Filing false claims may result in seller suspension.

    What happens when the buyer fails to pay the full amount (pays for item price but not shipping/handling charges or pays for standard shipping but wanted overnight)?

    If the buyer does not pay the full amount required to complete the transaction, here are some steps you can take.
    If the item hasn't shipped notify the buyer of their mistake.
    If the buyer is unwilling to pay the full amount, you can refund their money.
    If the buyer threatens to leave you negative Feedback, report this to eBay for a violation of eBay's Feedback Extortion policy. eBay will take action on members that demonstrate a pattern of abuse.
    Sellers should only file these complaints when the buyer asks for more than what is promised in the listing. Filing false claims is a violation of eBay policy and may result in account suspension.

    What happens when an item is shipped but the postal service delays/loses the item?

    As with any business, mistakes happen. A third party's error (employees, contractors, partners, suppliers, etc.) may impact a buyer's perception of the seller's business. When such mistakes occur, it is important to focus on what is in your control and attempt to satisfy the buyer. Try and place yourself in the buyer's shoes - from their perspective they have paid for the item but have not received the item yet, and you are the point of contact, not your shipping carrier. If you're unable to satisfy the buyer, you may have to move on - not all buyers can be satisfied. Most people understand that mistakes will, on occasion, occur. And most are willing to give people the benefit of the doubt if there is an honest effort being made to address the issue.

    I let the buyer know that I ran out of stock yet they still left me a negative?

    Selling an item and then backing out of the transaction for any reason is a violation of eBay's Seller Non Performance policy. When a buyer does not receive an item already paid for, especially if hours were spent on the winning the auction, it accounts for a bad buying experience. Sellers should always notify buyers if they run out of stock and offer the buyer a full refund, though this does not ensure that the buyer will still not leave a negative.

    If the buyer leaves a negative Feedback even after you refunded the money, the buyer's use of the system to leave negative Feedback is still appropriate.

    Here's an example: If a buyer called a store, paid for an item over the phone with a credit card, drove to pick it up and then learned that the item was out of stock, the buyer will be disappointed and may tell his friends even after the seller credited the buyer's credit card.

    What happens if a buyer bought the wrong item and leaves me a negative because I don't accept returns?

    If a buyer has purchased the incorrect item, and you do not have a return policy, which you believe may cause you to receive negative Feedback, here are a few steps you can take:
    First, professionally let the buyer know about your selling policies.
    Review your listings to make sure the item is well described and your terms are clear and concise. Excessively long descriptions can sometimes create problems.
    Lastly, some selling policies, such as no refunds, limits on how a buyer may pay, descriptions that hide details in the fine print, etc., may increase your likelihood of receiving negative or neutral Feedback from a buyer.

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    Negative and neutral Feedback removal

    Will sellers still have access to Buyer Requirements to manage their buyers?

    Yes. The Buyer requirements tool enables sellers to prevent or limit the buyers from bidding or buying their items if certain criteria have not been met. The criteria are:
    buyer is registered in a country where seller doesn't ship to
    buyer has negative FB score
    buyer has a recent Unpaid item strike
    buyer does not have a PayPal account

    What happens to negative Feedback left by currently suspended members?

    Negative or neutral Feedback left by currently suspended members will be removed in late May/June.

    Why is eBay removing negative and neutral Feedback left by suspended members?

    Members who are suspended for unpaid items or other offenses should not be permitted to harm the reputation of members in good standing.

    Will the negative or neutral Feedback removed due to member's suspension be reinstated?

    Feedback removal due to member's suspension is permanent and will not be reinstated for any reason, except if the member was suspended by mistake.

    Now that sellers can no longer leave negative Feedback for buyers, will all the negative and neutral Feedback they have left so far be removed?

    Negative and neutral Feedback left for buyers prior to the change will remain unless the seller is suspended. Remember though that your positive Feedback percentage will only be based on Feedback earned in the past 12 months.

    Why are the Feedback comments and ratings being removed when a buyer fails to respond to the Unpaid Item process instead of de-scoring it as is done today?

    We've been de-scoring Feedback left by buyers who do not respond to the Unpaid Item (UPI) process for a few years. We now feel that this is unfair to sellers who willingly participate in the process only to get comments from members who have not completed their part of the transaction or responded to the UPI process.

    Can Feedback still be removed via the Mutual Feedback Withdrawal system?

    The current Mutual Feedback Withdrawal system will remain in place until the second half of 2008. The Feedback system will continue to evolve as community makeup and the online marketplace dynamics evolve.

    May I still use online dispute services like SquareTrade and Net Neutrals to have negative Feedback removed?

    Current rules for negative Feedback removal under dispute resolution will still apply. The guidelines for removal may change as we adjust eBay's Mutual Feedback Withdrawal system during the second half of 2008.

    Will Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs) be impacted if Feedback is removed based on member suspension?

    Similar to what happens today, if eBay removes a Feedback rating for any reason, the corresponding Detailed Seller Ratings will also be removed and it will no longer impact the seller's ratings.

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    Recent Feedback (12 months Positive Percentage)

    Why is eBay basing the Positive Feedback percentage on the past 12 months and not on lifetime Feedback?

    Positive Feedback percentage will soon be based on only on the past 12 months. Here's why:
    Recent Feedback is more representative of the experience a buyer should expect from a seller.
    Twelve months is long enough to show trends and patterns and will enable buyers to make more informed decisions.
    It is also a long enough period of time to prevent a single bad transaction from having an overly negative impact.
    Please note that members will still be able to view the complete history and all comments will be available.

    Will the change to the Feedback percentage, basing it on 12 months, also impact my Feedback score?

    The Feedback score (count of all Feedback earned) will continue to be based on all Feedback earned by the member since registration, except those withdrawn, de-scored or removed.

    How will eBay calculate the Positive Feedback percentage?

    The Positive Feedback percentage will be calculated by dividing all positive Feedback earned in the past year by all positive, neutral and negative Feedback.

    Weren't Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs) supposed to address buyer's needs? Are they not performing as planned?

    DSRs provide eBay and buyers with structured data around the most important aspects of a trade, such as item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping & handling charges. They help buyers make more informed decisions and are providing eBay with valuable data to help distinguish sellers. The upcoming changes should make DSRs more valuable as buyers leave more candid Feedback without the threat of retaliation.

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    Repeat Feedback credit

    How will repeat Feedback be calculated?

    With the change in Feedback, members will soon be able to affect each other's Feedback Score by one point each week. To make sure that repeat Feedback is calculated in the Feedback Score, the transaction the members are leaving Feedback for must have ended in a separate week. For Feedback, eBay defines a week as Monday through Sunday, Pacific Time.

    Are the repeat Feedback calculations retroactive? Why not?

    eBay will begin counting repeat transactions in mid-February, 2008. In May/June, we will retroactively recalculate your Feedback score to include repeat activity prior to February 2008.

    Why don't you just count all of the Feedback I earn?

    Counting all Feedback would be Feedback manipulation. By separating Feedback into weekly buckets, we are attempting to capture the intent of the buyer who returns to a seller after having a good experience.

    For more information, check out the Repeat Feedback credit page.

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    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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    Way to go Ebay.. Lets punish the sellers. WTH are they thinking taking the sellers abilitiy to leave less than positive feedback. Then the three day policy lets just make it next to impossible to detect shill bidding and feedback bombing. The way it is not if you make someone mad and they buy alot of items 9 out of 10 times if their intent is to neg you they will do it within a few minutes. Many not so bright shill bidders have a tendency to leave feedback within a few hours of the "win."

    I guarantee this will cost Ebay more sellers than any fee increase ever has.
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    Wow, not sure if I understand their logic on not letting sellers provide anything but positive feedback.

    Now you will have to worry that any positive feedback not provided by the seller for any reason will be assumed to be a negative if I am thinking about this correctly.
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    Alfonz24Alfonz24 Posts: 3,080 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Way to go Ebay.. Lets punish the sellers. WTH are they thinking taking the sellers abilitiy to leave less than positive feedback. Then the three day policy lets just make it next to impossible to detect shill bidding and feedback bombing. The way it is not if you make someone mad and they buy alot of items 9 out of 10 times if their intent is to neg you they will do it within a few minutes. Many not so bright shill bidders have a tendency to leave feedback within a few hours of the "win."

    I guarantee this will cost Ebay more sellers than any fee increase ever has. >>

    Catch 22.

    They have a Buyer Requirement tool. One of the options is if the buyer has a negative FB score. If it is strictly a buying account, then they will never receive a neutral or negative.

    Will sellers still have access to Buyer Requirements to manage their buyers?

    Yes. The Buyer requirements tool enables sellers to prevent or limit the buyers from bidding or buying their items if certain criteria have not been met. The criteria are:
    buyer is registered in a country where seller doesn't ship to
    buyer has negative FB score
    buyer has a recent Unpaid item strike
    buyer does not have a PayPal account
    #LetsGoSwitzerlandThe Man Who Does Not Read Has No Advantage Over the Man Who Cannot Read. The biggest obstacle to progress is a habit of “buying what we want and begging for what we need.”You get the Freedom you fight for and get the Oppression you deserve.
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    This will screw up the feeback system even more. Get used to buying from guys with 20-50+ feedbacks as that's about how long it takes before you sell to some idiot that tries to jerk with you, so people will be starting over with new IDs all the time. I think I'm going to have to start a couple extra ids now to sell so that when I get some idiot jerking with me I'll have a fall back option.

    Actually, I'm too lazy to do that, but I can see it happening.


    Kirby Puckett Master Set
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    53BKid53BKid Posts: 2,168 ✭✭✭

    Are they kidding? How many buyers (including myself once in a rare while) fail to pay quickly?

    How about the guy who thinks you're postage and handling fee is higher than it should be and decides send payment without shipping?

    Worse, how about the guy who claims you never sent the item, when you have a signiture confirmation?

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    And sellers thought there were problem buyers before this is just ridicoulous.

    The neg I got right after Christmas is a prime example. The buyer left me a neg saying the item broke after her son opened it. I found out later he played with it for 3 days. She still left a neg. So under the new system I could not leave her a neg.. Thats BS.

    As far as the unpaid strike think goes all they have to do is respond by saying anything and then leave the seller a neg and it will count and the seller cannot do nothing but hope that buyer gets suspended.

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    Why wouldn't they just requre sellers to leave feedback before the buyer does??? Who takes the highest hit when a transaction doesn't go smooth? Sellers do because of non-payment, buyers who say they never received/broken in shipping, requests for returns, etc. Why would they punish the sellers like this?
    "I've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate" -Raul Duke

    ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
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    Wow and Wow is all I can say, No Neg or Nut. Feedback can be left by Sellers. Talk about being held hostage now, I can't imagine what it is going to be like when the Buyer can threaten the Seller (Me) with Neg Feedback for some totally bogus reason, knowing there is nothing I can do !!!!!!!
    This is beyond Unbelievable !!!!!!
    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
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    dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭
    Folks, they are trying to prevent retaliatory feedback. I have heard many people complain about retaliatory feedback on here and I am surprised that everyone is looking at it in a different light today. This new rule will prevent sellers giving you a neg just because you gave them one. Now you won't have to have separate accounts for buying and selling.

    I buy and sell on ebay and I welcome the new feedback system.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
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    RonBurgundyRonBurgundy Posts: 5,491 ✭✭✭
    I would not be surprised if there is an uproar over this. This is beyond stupid and lends credence to the theory I floated a few months ago that perhaps a new website is in order that accurately reports "real feedback" and customer experiences with Ebay merchants.

    Ron Burgundy

    Buying Vintage, all sports.
    Buying Woody Hayes, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, and Jesse Owens autographed items
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    dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Why wouldn't they just requre sellers to leave feedback before the buyer does??? Who takes the highest hit when a transaction doesn't go smooth? Sellers do because of non-payment, buyers who say they never received/broken in shipping, requests for returns, etc. Why would they punish the sellers like this? >>

    I agree with you.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
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    WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Does anything Ebay/paypal ever do make sense?

    Good for you.
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    these changes are completely retarded. (well 90%) of them
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    Folks, they are trying to prevent retaliatory feedback. I have heard many people complain about retaliatory feedback on here and I am surprised that everyone is looking at it in a different light today. This new rule will prevent sellers giving you a neg just because you gave them one. Now you won't have to have separate accounts for buying and selling.

    It has nothing to do with retalitory feedback. As the new system stands a buyer can buy an item decide they don't want it. Respond with anything to the UPI and all the seller can do is hope the buyer does not leave a neg.

    Also when a buyer recieves an item and decides he paid too much and tells the seller either I neg you or you send me X.XX. W

    Who is being held hostage now?
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    <<Folks, they are trying to prevent retaliatory feedback. I have heard many people complain about retaliatory feedback on here and I am surprised that everyone is looking at it in a different light today. This new rule will prevent sellers giving you a neg just because you gave them one. Now you won't have to have separate accounts for buying and selling.

    I buy and sell on ebay and I welcome the new feedback system. >>>

    I agree. However, I think EBAY will have to at least implement one change and that is to allow sellers more flexibility in determining which buyers to block, e.g. a buyer who left more than "x" negs in the past 90 days, let's say.

    I think this system is more in line with the real world. When's the last time you got a negative after shopping at Target?
    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
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    Not great, but on the plus side... It's gonna kill those selling counterfeits.
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    I think this system is more in line with the real world. When's the last time you got a negative after shopping at Target?

    True, but where do we get to see Target's feedback profile? If you go into Target and pull half the stuff some buyer do and will become more bold in doing. Target is going to tell you to leave and not come back.

    Buyers are going to start demanding refunds more often and demanding the seller refund first. This openes the door to the seller getting shafted even more.
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    dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Buyers are going to start demanding refunds more often and demanding the seller refund first. This openes the door to the seller getting shafted even more. >>

    How many sellers are going to cave in giving refunds just because they fear negative feedback? When I get into a bad situation with a seller or buyer, I go into it expecting negative feedback, but I still do what I think is best for the situation regardless if I get negative feedback or not.

    Future feedback should not dictate how you conduct yourself on ebay.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&amp;_in_kw=1&amp;_ex_kw=&amp;_sacat=0&amp;_udlo=&amp;_udhi=&amp;_ftrt=901&amp;_ftrv=1&amp;_sabdlo=&amp;_sabdhi=&amp;_samilow=&amp;_samihi=&amp;_sadis=15&amp;_stpos=61611&amp;_sargn=-1&saslc=1&amp;_salic=1&amp;_fss=1&amp;_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&amp;_saslop=1&amp;_sasl=mygirlsthree3&amp;_sop=12&amp;_dmd=1&amp;_ipg=50&amp;_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
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    larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭
    I am not sure it's a big deal. As a seller I think we will need to consider requiring PayPal. That way Ebay knows how much was paid and when it was paid. As a seller I think we will all need to ship with delivery confirmation (I always do) and consider sig confirmation on big ticket items (each guy has his level for this). Additionally, as sellers we will need to do our best to be friendly, not sell searched boxes, ship timely, etc.... I have a hunch those that do everything right (i.e. like Steve at BBC or Nordstrom's at the mall) will maintain very high feedback scores. Just my 2.
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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am not sure it's a big deal. As a seller I think we will need to consider requiring PayPal. That way Ebay knows how much was paid and when it was paid. As a seller I think we will all need to ship with delivery confirmation (I always do) and consider sig confirmation on big ticket items (each guy has his level for this). Additionally, as sellers we will need to do our best to be friendly, not sell searched boxes, ship timely, etc.... I have a hunch those that do everything right (i.e. like Steve at BBC or Nordstrom's at the mall) will maintain very high feedback scores. Just my 2. >>

    Very well said.

    Rather than focusing on the negatives and knee jerk reactions, think about the bigger picture.

    Coming from someone who is mostly a buyer on eBay, I think it's a great change.

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Since buyers take the primary risk in a transaction (sending money to a stranger), the goal of the Feedback system should be to enable them to accurately assess seller performance. This facilitates safe and satisfactory trading."


    +/- 240,000,000 buyers

    +/- 5,000,000 sellers

    Since both groups are culled from the SAME population base,
    which group contains more CRIMINALS?

    The FB changes should be called the "Ukrainian and Nigerian Mafia Relief Act."

    If EBAY shares ever get above $29, I suggest you SHORT this
    horrible company back to $8. You will make ALOT more money SHORTING
    this RICO enterprise than you will trying to sell on their venue.

    DISCLAIMER: I have been SHORT here since $36.40, and have NO
    intention of covering above $10.

    ANY confirmed rumor that the IDIOTS at GOOG are "exploring a sales site,"
    will send EBAY into single digits within minutes.

    If GOOG reads the seller-boards at EBAY, they might decide it is time
    to rethink their longstanding reluctance to start a competitive site.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    Ebay/Paypal thinks they can make more money this way, and they will. This is designed to force ebay sellers into paypal only transactions with verified buyes, and it will do exactly that. The sellers who don't comply, are now forced to bear the burden of the system through feedback retaliation from buyers.
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    CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    This will not have any effect on my life in any way whatsoever, and probably none of yours either.
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Nice job Lee, way to sell out to THA MAN!

    Join the Revolution and fight the system!

    The new system only has negs stick with you for a year so they would not be as bad.

    I am way more pissed about the FVF increase.
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    This is pretty funny stuff. Stick a fork in them.....eBay is done....lol
    I just closed down my operations at eBay permanently and have moved all non-sports inventory to Amazon.
    Am sending all of my sports memorabilia and cards to Mastro.....finished....getting out!
    I have 0 negatives and 100% positive feedback on eBay, but anyone who thinks that some bidders won't be malicious for little or no reason after this mentally retarded policy change are living in Fantasyland.
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    I guess sellers will have to start reading more of the buyers positive feedback since negative feedback is not allowed. example:
    Positive feedback left by seller: this guy is a moron expected a 20% refund and free shipping because the 1957 PSA 7 mantle wouldn't bump to a PSA 7.5.
    or another example:
    feedback left by seller: this buyer cracked a opened a 1969 PSA 8 Lou Brock and replaced it with a VG EX example left negative feedback and Paypal refunded his money and screwed me Thanks for the new feedback system Ebay.

    I know these are extreme examples , but Ebay has now created the Monster that the (Customer is always right ) and as any business man that has ever had a store location knows, the customer is not always right as there is always the customer that can't be happy no matter what you do to please them.

    These changes will not affect , how I do business on Ebay as 95% of the time, I leave the buyer feedback first, I guess now I just might get a few negatives from the crazy (insert any word you Like) nutjob buyers that expect a PSA 9 quality on raw when it is described as EX MT quality or expect that good looking PSA 6 to bump to a PSA 8 or 9 or the wax box buyer who expects every box to have the most desired rookie in every box.

    In ending I guess I will start reading more of the buyers all Positive feedback score since all buyers will be at 100% positive. I think Ebay needs to rethink this new feedback system they have created. I know my feedback now is made up of 55% sellers and 45% buyers. I just see this hurting the sellers more. But as one person said at least maybe there will be less counterfeit cards
    on Ebay and cut down on misleading (grab bag) auctions. just my 2 cents worth on Ebay's let's fix it even if it is not broken.

    PS: any body want to sell me a box of 1985 fleer BB via Ebay, of course if I don't get at least 2 Clemens rookies perfectly centered PSA 9 or 10 quality . I will expect a full refund or I will neg your butt. image
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    T&S says that if a seller leaves a negative comment inside of a
    positive FB, it will be removed.

    Sellers are NOW totally defenseless against PSYCHOS and CRIMINALS.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    << <i>T&S says that if a seller leaves a negative comment inside of a
    positive FB, it will be removed.

    Sellers are NOW totally defenseless against PSYCHOS and CRIMINALS.

    image >>

    Storm, that sucks.

    stupid question? what is T & S?

    any relation to the Rolling Stones a little T & A.
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    EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Sellers will no longer be able to leave negative or neutral Feedback for buyers. This change will occur in May, 2008.

    Well that's fine. I'm going to create 20 new selling accounts and
    F everyone over.
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    << <i>This will not have any effect on my life in any way whatsoever, and probably none of yours either. >>

    your are probably right, but at least we can whine and complain and fight amongst ourselves about something else besides the half point system.

    PS: my dad can beat up your dad. na na na na image
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    larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭
    This is pretty funny stuff. Stick a fork in them.....eBay is done....lol
    I just closed down my operations at eBay permanently and have moved all non-sports inventory to Amazon.
    Am sending all of my sports memorabilia and cards to Mastro.....finished....getting out!
    I have 0 negatives and 100% positive feedback on eBay, but anyone who thinks that some bidders won't be malicious for little or no reason after this mentally retarded policy change are living in Fantasyland.

    So you are going to close down a viable business becuase you don't want less than 100% feedback? That's funny! Who cares about Ebay feedback? Does that really dictate how you make a living? I am currently 100% and may slip below 100% in the future and you know what... so will most sellers. BIG DEAL!
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...what is T & S?.."


    EBAY's Trust and Safety Department.

    The security arm of the gang.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    my prediction is that this will blow over just like every other ebay move. there won't be a mass exodus of sellers from ebay, particularly in the sportscard category. People (who sell sportscards) who say they are going to defect to Amazon are blowing smoke or they don't have anything worth buying. Nobody will miss them.

    the financial impact on sellers who specialize in sub $25 transactions will increase but since ebay has a fixed cost associated with every transaction, regardless of $ amount, this will ultimately be a plus for ebay. There must be millions of transactions under $25. That can't be good for ebay's bottom line, or their gross margin %.

    I can't think of any change ever implemented by ebay that was well received. sound familiar, PSA?

    I would get over it and adjust to the new system, like it or not.
    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "So you are going to close down a viable business becuase you don't want less than 100% feedback?"


    I want to make it CLEAR that I am not EVER going to quit.

    And, I am NOT suggesting that anybody else should quit.

    I am ONLY giving MY views on how messed-up the company is.

    We should all keep in mind that the ONLY reason EBAY can
    abuse its seller-base - as it has historically done - is because
    they are the ONLY game in town. And, I see no set of circumstances
    that will EVER cause that to change.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Options

    << <i>I am not sure it's a big deal. As a seller I think we will need to consider requiring PayPal. That way Ebay knows how much was paid and when it was paid. As a seller I think we will all need to ship with delivery confirmation (I always do) and consider sig confirmation on big ticket items (each guy has his level for this). Additionally, as sellers we will need to do our best to be friendly, not sell searched boxes, ship timely, etc.... I have a hunch those that do everything right (i.e. like Steve at BBC or Nordstrom's at the mall) will maintain very high feedback scores. Just my 2. >>

    Interesting, my first thought was the opposite. Get a check or money order, and paypal/ebay cant touch it.
    My baseball and MMA articles-

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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Interesting, my first thought was the opposite. Get a check or money order, and paypal/ebay cant touch it. "



    BUT, EBAY claims to have LOTS of evidence that PP buyers are
    FAR less likely to be crooks.

    For years, I have ONLY taken PP. No other form of payment.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    EstilEstil Posts: 6,937 ✭✭✭✭
    I for one am glad Ebay has finally come to their senses regarding this issue. Though it's one year too late (sportsvaluesz) for me. image
    Dimes: 54S, 53P, 50P, 49S, 45D+S, 44S, 43D, 41S, 40D+S, 39D+S, 38D+S, 37D+S, 36S, 35D+S, all 16-34's
    Quarters: 52S, 47S, 46S, 40S, 39S, 38S, 37D+S, 36D+S, 35D, 34D, 32D+S
    74 Topps: 37,38,46,47,48,138,151,193,210,214,223,241,256,264,268,277,289,316,435,552,570,577,592,602,610,654,655
    1997 Finest silver: 115, 135, 139, 145, 310
    1995 Ultra Gold Medallion Sets: Golden Prospects, HR Kings, On-Base Leaders, Power Plus, RBI Kings, Rising Stars
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    I'm DEFINITELY a big fan of using only 12 months of feedback... that's cool.

    The no negs for buyers is ghetto though.

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    envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭

    << <i><<Folks, they are trying to prevent retaliatory feedback. I have heard many people complain about retaliatory feedback on here and I am surprised that everyone is looking at it in a different light today. This new rule will prevent sellers giving you a neg just because you gave them one. Now you won't have to have separate accounts for buying and selling.

    I buy and sell on ebay and I welcome the new feedback system. >>>

    I agree. However, I think EBAY will have to at least implement one change and that is to allow sellers more flexibility in determining which buyers to block, e.g. a buyer who left more than "x" negs in the past 90 days, let's say.

    I think this system is more in line with the real world. When's the last time you got a negative after shopping at Target? >>

    Well since buyers can't get negs anymore, you can't block them for that.

    Not sure I like it resetting the percentage after 12 months either. Sure, it'll bump me from a 99.6 to 100% but big flippin deal. I highly doubt my 99.6% kept anyone from buying from me anyway. Now with my store that I have, I'll get some tool with 3 feedback buying a card, expecting it in 4 days and getting a neg when it's not there and nothing I can do about it. And on another note, not all sellers hold feedback hostage. My feedback is left automatically by auctiva. It makes it so much easier to manage and keep up with. I don't buy and sell that much, but I have a hard enough time getting stuff out every few days and keeping up with my inventory to list or adjust pricing on that doing feedback as well does get to be a bit bothersome. If people leave me feedback, auctiva leaves them one within 24 hours. If not, I sometimes notice it when I peruse my "Awaiting feedback" thing and make sure the item was received and they were happy. Sometimes I get a response, sometimes I don't. At this point (1100+ feedback) I'm not too concerned about soliciting feedback any longer. A negative is going to be hostage for the sellers now, as is feedback extortion and it's probably going to drive a wedge in the "amicable resolution" department. Notice how they raised the blocked bidder list from 1000-5000. any buyer that is <100 feedback and has left negs for sellers will start getting added to other sellers blocked lists or start getting their bids cancelled. I think you can bet on that. The feedback system is cute and it achieves, in spirit, what it was intended to do. Yes, there are flaws in that system but I very much doubt this is going to fix that. Lets be honest, I think there are as many, if not more crooked and/or uninformed buyers as there are sellers.

    Also, in response to the "getting a negative for shopping at target", you can be asked to leave a store and not to return. The storeowner also has the right to refuse service to anyone. Yes, you get a blocked bidder added to your list. Yippy.
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    EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    I think all sellers should then set their FB to private.
    So now it doesn't matter anymore. You might get a neg cos someone feels that your shipping is unjust, or they got their card in 7 days instead of 3. Gee, I can't wait.
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I think all sellers should then set their FB to private."


    No can do.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Will sellers still be able to reply to buyers feedback?

    Sorry I don't feel like reading that whole Ebay bs article.

    Good for you.
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Will sellers still be able to reply to buyers feedback?"


    I don't see it in the info.

    They will remove a bash left as a positive.

    So, sellers will have to be VERY creative in getting their message out.

    "Buyer Is A Real Winner...Yeah, Right."

    EVEN that would likey be removed.

    The boards on EBAY are on fire.
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    So sellers can no longer retaliate against negative feedbacks.
    We can't put a bash inside a positive.
    Although they insist that sellers start leaving positive or at least some form of feedback once the buyer pays in order to get feedback in return. I can already start to see the onslaught of statements such as these from buyers...."please post positive for me, or else i'm going to neg you". Sellers are screwed.

    Here's a solution, sellers should just start leaving negatives right off the bat after receiving payment. " I can't believe you paid me so fast. You are such a reliable jerk!"
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    While I don't doubt there will be those buyers who will abuse the system, at least it's only half the people involved that can abuse the system now. Before, 100% could use the threat of negative to screw up everything. I don't like the idea of sellers not being able to leave negatives, but I understand their logic. The buyer in the eBay transaction ALWAY has the greater risk, that's a fact, and this is like punishing the entire class because one student acted up. It's not fair to all, but maybe it'll shake loose a few of the bad apples.

    And besides that, we pick apart eBay sellers every day on this forum for counterfeits, ridiculous shipping and a myriad of other things, and all of a sudden we're being the sellers' best friends? Come on...
    2001-2014 Topps Heritage complete!
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    rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    ive got to read it about 5 more times to get it to sink in, i cant leave a negative? i dont get it, who sez?,and why not?im not seeing their point?
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...we pick apart eBay sellers every day on this forum for counterfeits, ridiculous shipping and a myriad of other things, and all of a sudden we're being the sellers' best friends? Come on... "


    ANYBODY who buys AND sells ALOT on EBAY knows that
    there are MANY more bad buyers than there are sellers.

    Buyers 240M+/-
    Sellers 5M+/-

    Obviously, most of the crooks are in the buyer group.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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