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1919-S 25c SLQ Internal CUD Error ???

BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
Looking at the right arm which holds the olive branch there's a raised knife like die break which extends on top the entire arm to thumb, and below near the elbow and wrist... didn't notice until imaging.

I've seen clashed dies and laminations but never this... thanx in advance!

To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!


  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    That's pretty cool, not to mention a neat coin.

  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanx Stone!
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Reverse pic added for kicks....

    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • Thats a really cool coin. awsome color too.
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanx ahooka454!
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    I'd say it is one of the most unusual errors I've seen on an SLQ.
    Leave it to you to get it at no addional money... image...Seriously,
    I've never seen an error like that before.

    Here's my old 1919-S which graded PCGS MS 65...
    and as your coin is in an NGC holder, I'd say they
    graded it MS 65 as well; although at PCGS, it'd be a MS 64.
    Nice looking coin though, regardless of the grade.

    Mike Hayes
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  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MFH, So what's wrong with getting a little extra for free every once in a while? image
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • sparky64sparky64 Posts: 7,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Outstanding Broadstruck.
    Beautiful coin and sharp eye one the break.
    WHY, WHY, WHY can't they design a coin like this anymore?

    "If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"

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  • sparky, i read mint dir. moy wants to bring back styles like this. as a young guy i am thrilled with that. really think if we pulled the trash from circulation and brought back stuff like this. $38k + for all the mint made crap this year, spending that may be easier to justify with quality coinage.

    i hope this mint director really does some of the things he said he will. i am excited about this, but i wont hold my breath for to long...
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanx sparky64!
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MFH, Not sure if you noticed the clashed dies on your 19-s?
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • Hey Broadstruck, that's a beauty!

  • astroratastrorat Posts: 9,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice coin. I am not sure if it is an internal cud, unless it is a retained internal cud. Looks more like a die crack...but a rather cool one at that! Somehow that just does not seem to be where I imagine a stress point to be in the die unless it was annealed improperly prior to use.

    SLQ errors are really tough. Thanks for the food for thought.

    Numismatist Ordinaire
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  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SLQ errors are really tough

    Yes, but not like twenty-centers.

    I seen retained internal cuds cutting through the head of 26-D and 27-D SLQ's, but they are just like die cracks.... this is more pronounced.

    Thanx Astrorat and Trimble... hopefully Fred will jump into this post?
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As per Fred... based on the first scanned photo of the coin, it appears to be a nice long die crack along Liberty's arm.
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!

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