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I hate this new Ebay look

I am getting the new look in my searches now. It will defintly take some time getting used to.

GOOD found a way to opt out of the test..


  • cwazzycwazzy Posts: 3,257
    I hate it too. How do you opt out of the test?

    My small collection
    Want List:
    '61 Topps Roy Campanella in PSA 5-7
    Cardinal T206 cards
    Adam Wainwright GU Jersey
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    I hate it too, have to opt out at the bottom of the page.
  • I hate it too, have to opt out at the bottom of the page.

    Where?? How do you opt out??? I can't take it anymoreimage
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • poor Ebay, losing traffic/ page hits? trying to jazz things up.
    Stop raping your sellers with higher and higher fees and on top of that the FeePal monopoly the impose.

    All their changes have sucked the past couple of years. Changing the selling format, the viewing format. bleh!
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I hate it too, have to opt out at the bottom of the page.

    Where?? How do you opt out??? I can't take it anymoreimage >>

    There should be something at the bottom of the Ebay page when you first get on that is in blue letters stating do you want to opt out of the Ebay trial new look or something along those lines.
  • I must be missing something. I don't see any "opt out" option.
    Baseball is my Pastime, Football is my Passion
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    thanks for letting me know before I opt'ed in!!
  • Just a matter of time before we all opt in.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭
    I lasted all of a minute last night before a hit the eject button. I found it a little annoying to say the very least. I thought Ebay had been hijacked , or hit with a severe bug. I then found the kill switch at the bottom.

    Can you picture this crap being pitched at an Ebay board meeting. ---- yea ,lets do it. ----spend a mess of the over-fees on developement-- then realizing that very few people in the real world thought it was even a half-azzed idea.

    Does anyone not believe the golden goose may be half cooked ? A den and hiding place for frauds and schemers. More and more fees. A paypal guarentee, good on items up to a case of toothpicks or less. Of coarse the $25 fees applies when a refund is sought. If you don't use paypal and we allow the seller to rip you off, peace on you. Get the picture?

    Ebay started out very well, with loads of fun, and dreams of things always wanted. It was likened unto the Cordwainer Smith story called "The Department Store of Hearts Delight ". Its now more like the nightmare on greed street. The mighty is falling and they have no idea its happening (not likely), have no way or idea how to fix the problem (most likely ) or simply trying to see how much money they can squeeze out of the trapped passingers before the train wrecks (probably the real reason ) . Ebay reminds me of what was once great in America and at the very same time , an x-ray of America showing the ROT.

    All I can say is best wishes and most of all , thanks for the memories.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    ditto the above statements. i do not like it.


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • While I don't like the new look, I seriously doubt it will be the END OF EBAY. Everytime there is a fee increase or any change with Ebay people say its the end.. Blah, blah, blah. Until there is viable competition Ebay will be around.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭
    I hope that I didn't imply that the "new look" was going to be ebays down fall. I just haven't seen an idea that promotes and produces safety , security and accountability. Their idea of hiding the bidders Id's after $200, which just happens to be the limit of what they will protect, has only produced rampid shilling(more fees for ebay) amnd abuses. They will only protect up to $200 , only if they use paypal(more fees for ebay), charge you a $25 proceesing fee, but you can only collect if the fees are in the sellers paypal account (more money for paypal from sitting interest ). If a sellers only uses money orders or checks, and you get nothing in return , guess what the advice is? Bend over and smile. Ebay has their fees, the sellers have your money and you have NOTHING. And EBAY DOES NOTHING. Safety , security and accountability are losing ground quickly to frauds( Ebay rarely does anything ) , thieves ( 1 or 2 prosicutions that I can even remember ) and immoral sellers or buyers (How many bogus auctions, items never mailed, negitives due to being ripped off, does a person need to get before they get NARUDED. ) Oh and if ebay kicks an evil person off, hell here's another ID to help you get started all over gain.

    Yea its a great place to do the things that people do best , as long as ebay gets their fees. Theives love it (as long as they pay their fees ), schemmers love it (80's junk seller comes to mind --- as long as he pays his fees ) and Ebay turns its head and eyes from the weeds that they have allowed to grow ( instead of uprooting them and tossing them back in the garbage pile , where they came from. ).

    Years ago , I remember this silly poster showing 3 different monkeys. It went like this : There are 3 different types of people in the world . Those that make it happen, those that watch it happen and those that wondered , what happened. There are those here that can set back and pretend that the world is actually a better place now than it was in times gone by. There are those that lack the courage to effect change. But there are some that dare to change things for the better , as all that evil people need to suceed is for good people to do NOTHING.

    If you think ebay is moving in the right direction and is better than it was even 2 years ago, PLEASE help me see the light. Otherwise open your own eyes.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
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