1985 OPeeChee wax rip

I got the urge to rip after last week's live rip and ordered a 1985 OPC baseball box. I didn't expect it to arrive so quickly (paid on Saturday, arrived this afternoon) I haven't posted scans in quite awhile...hopefully I remember how....
i opened one about 3-4 weeks ago and had some major centering issues. if i get a chance i may join you in posting scans on this thread.
looking forward to see what condition yours are in. did you order from BBCE? i did not.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Ok here goes nothing....
Okay, that didn't work let's try again
Here's part 2 of the 1st pack
The poster is Tony Fernandez
The bottom card in both packs have a ding on the middle right border (or bottom of the card when looking at the back)
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
Colebear- who did you buy the box from? The guy I bought this one from has been selling a bunch of racks and wax lately. I just found this guy a few weeks ago and thought I'd give him a shot since Steve didn't have 85 OPC listed.
Here's the 2nd part of pack 3 and another failed attempt to show the cards that had borders cut off in the last scan.
Figures the Puckett is very oc.
And all the cards were tilted like that left to right. Beware that case, folks.
Or Regional Canadian Baseball Issues?
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8 packs opened, 5 still to scan before I go back "live".... here's hoping that the 85 collation isn't great and there's another Puckett in the remaining packs.
<< <i>I got one of the 91s from that guy. I had snipes set on most of his stuff but most of it went higher than it's worth. Over $40 for 1990 Fleer Candain boxes? Almost $30 for a 1990 OPC box? $70 for 1982 OPC boxes? I don't think he had any 85 boxes, so it must be from somewhere else. >>
I won one box of the 86's. I put a snipe in on the 84's but they went for about 6 bucks higher than my snipes. I didnt bid on the 91s because of such a slim chance for Chipper rookies.
I agree that the 82 box went high. I am beginning to think that people believe there are Ripken rookies in those. There really isnt anything special in there.
And I was the winner of one of the 1990 Fleer Canadian boxes. I would have bid on the other but let it go. People don't realize just how rare 90 Fleer Canadian is. There is a guy who has a box for 48 buy it now on ebay but he wants 20 shipping and wont budge on the overall price. Paying 68 is just too much.
Nice rip so far Yankeeefan! I never realized that 85 OPC had such centering problems though.
But seriously, yeah, Canadian stuff is heating up. I just want to finish my 77-93 Sets and get the heck out before I get too frustrated trying to find the stuff at a reasonable price.
Pack #4. The 10th card is the Ripken that was already scanned.
Let's try that again..
Looking at the scan I noticed slight bleeding on the Remy card, aroung the RedSox. Looking closer it has wax on the front, which is weird because the card was in the middle of the pack.
Pack 17. Nothing special again. Steve Bedrosian is the 10th card- oc top/bottom and wax, no ding. Youngblood card has the ding on the back that's been found on the top card in the pack (it wasn't) Poster is Jeff Reardon.
<< <i>I think we see a pattern here, unfortunately. >>
Yeah, not much worth grading, except maybe some commons if you're building a registry set. I think the Ryan may be sent in on the June special. I'll give the rest to my boys or wheel-n-deal with board members who see something they need.
Still, it's a blast to rip a box of 20+ year old cards.
Here's pack 20. 2 more HOFers= Niekro w/centering issues and Joe Morgan with the same. Singleton has a dinger upper right corner and the 10th card is Tanana- wax. poster-Mike Fitzgerald.
It was fun ripping a box over 20 years old. I had stopped collecting during the 80s, so this was a fun rip. I'll be heading out to a card store this week to pick up a binder and sheets and the boys will have something to keep them busy for a few days.
If anyone is building this set and needs cards, LMK and I'll send a scan of what I have. Maybe you can help the boys get closer to a complete set.