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MTG: Alpha Set Weighting



  • Fixed. Thanks Cosetta.
  • My set went down 12 points! I demand them back! image

    Hm, is there something wrong with the calculations? My set was at 2.03, now it's 1.91 - and the only card that decreased for me was the Berserk which went from 3 to 2. My Mana vault went from 1 to 2, Underground Sea from 2 to 4, and the Moxes/power stayed the same..anything that I am missing here?
  • tmmoosetmmoose Posts: 253 ✭✭
    Without looking at any of the changes that were made, my guess would be that the total of all the weights went up overall.

    I think the overall set rating is worked out as

    Sum of (Weight * grade) for each card / Sum of (Weight * 10) for each card.

    So if you have a complete set of 10s, you end up with a 10 overall. If you have a complete set of 9's, you end up with a 9 over all ... etc.

    If what I'm saying is right, then basically for you the first bit - Sum of (Weight *grade) for each of your cards stayed pretty much the same (other than the small change you mention), but the overall weights increased so the bottom bit is now bigger.. and dividing by a bigger number means your overall rating is lower.

    For those people with a full set, the change in rating will have only been affected by the change in relative weights of the cards ... I'm not sure if my set rating actually changed at all. :-) I should probably have been paying more attention!

    Edit: Just to illustrate my point, I'm pretty sure on the front page the divisor for the set used to be 392, and it's now 417. 2.01 * 392/417 is about 1.90, which is consistent with what you're seeing.
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