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OK, the bank just called and I got a $1000 bag of halves from the counting machine. WINNER (almost)

Up for grabs is a PF68UCAM Weenie coin!!!

There were, 3-1964 Kennedys and 17-40% Coins for a total of 20 coins.

Two people got it correct
Cohodk and Omega as a tie breaker they have ot guess how many darkside coins were in the bag, closest without going over gets the proof weenie!!

$1000 bag of halves = 2000 coins. How many will be silver 40% and 90%. # of coins please. Remember these came from the counting machine, not from rolls. The last bag of halves to come out of this bank was 9 months ago. Good luck, contest ends at 7PM CST tonight.
It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!



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