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What's fair value on a F-12 PCGS 1895-S Morgan?

Anyone have a gray sheet near them?


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    Never mind, I called a dealer I do business with and I now own it. Only 1893-O,S, 1894-P and 1899-P to go...
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,974 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grey Sheet is $430 Ask, and that date in PCGS holders pretty much never sells as low as Ask.
    When in doubt, don't.
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    It's a very nice original surface F-12, minimum bid was $465, buy it now for $485. I've been looking for a original surface '95-S in a PCGS/NGC holder for at least a year and half. I bought it now for $485. My dealer said he'd be selling it for $500.

    It's a VAM-2, the "S" is tilted very much to the right.

    Thanks for the reply, Dennis!image

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