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Donations to WHOM?


Folks, I would really like to get rid of all the commons I have around. Does ANYONE know of a very very
good charity that I could ship them to so that the kids (BIG AND SMALL) can enjoy them for what they are
and not just sell em?

I just don't have room for this stuff. Maybe we could all do a little bit of this this HOLIDAY SEASON?

I've got mostly baseball, but there is hockey, football and basketball as well..

I gotta hit the sack, but any help here is appreciated. I was just gonna toss em, but, would rather
give to some very worthy charity that might just make a kid's face light up!




  • Here's a link to a thread about a charity that sounds like it may be along the lines of what you're looking for --- Cards 4 Kids
  • jfkheatjfkheat Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A few years ago I was in the same situation you are in. I donated about 400,000 cards to the Shriner's Hospital and 150,000 to the Children's Hospital that is part of the main local hospital. You may want to check the local hospitals to see if they are interested.
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    I have donated tons of cards to the Salvation Army & to a VA Hospital.
    I have also sent to some board members who are teachers who requested
    some to hand out to their students. In 1 case the kids were handicapped
    in another the kids were from low income areas.
    Although its too late for this year, the Marines Toys For Tots is an excellent program
    that you can give your excess cards, sets & boxes to. In terms of common cards
    I put misc cards in a 800 card boxes and put them in the collection box...jay
  • image

    Those were all great suggestions.....I'll have to look and see which one(s)
    that would be great to give to.


  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,234 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good Job
  • FavreFan1971FavreFan1971 Posts: 3,103 ✭✭✭
    I just did a donation of about $1500 worth to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. They have patients from 2-102 so my cards did well. They gave them away last week for a Christmas party.

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