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Can anyone figure the Sheldon number on this large cent?

Hamling retracted over $1000 bid and still wasn't high bidder. He might of retracted because the seller mistakenly put pick up only in shipping. Even if that isn't why he retracted the high bidder beat Hamlings retracted bid. What does he know? 1798


  • Indication was "Entered Wrong Amount" Why doubt him ?
  • Indication was "Entered Wrong Amount" Why doubt him

    I'm watching this auction and bid was over $1000 yesterday and Hamling wasn't high bidder. I don't care why he retracted ( my guess is not the point of this question) This does not look like a coin worth over $1000 and the high bidder is a regular large cent bidder and Hamling knows what he's doing. It has to be the Sheldon number and that is my question if someone knows it.
  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,776 ✭✭✭✭
    Sheldon 156 (reverse of 1796)

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • 156 is listed as rare in coin facts. Doesn't seem like that should put this coin over $1K. Hmmmm I'm perplexed.

    Just checked Heritage archives and the only 156 listed in vg-10 sold over $6K, so I see why the big bucks.
  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,776 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>156 is listed as rare in coin facts. Doesn't seem like that should put this coin over $1K. >>

    Actually, if the coin is listed as rare, wouldn't that justify $1,000?
    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • Actually, if the coin is listed as rare, wouldn't that justify $1,000?

    yep, a lot more than that it looks like, I won't be going after that one.

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