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I went back through my bank roll of halves on a whim...

As I posted on Friday, I got some bank rolls on Friday. I found a walker and a franklin. I was reading my redbook and noticed that I didn't look for the '72 double die. So I went back through the halves and didn't find any. BUT I did find a bicentennial proof! image
Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!


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    lsicalsica Posts: 1,574 ✭✭✭✭
    Not bad at all!

    Philately will get you nowhere....
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    lkeneficlkenefic Posts: 8,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    got any pics??

    Collecting: Dansco 7070; Middle Date Large Cents (VF-AU); Box of 20;

    Successful BST transactions with: SilverEagles92; Ahrensdad; Smitty; GregHansen; Lablade; Mercury10c; copperflopper; whatsup; KISHU1; scrapman1077, crispy, canadanz, smallchange, robkool, Mission16, ranshdow, ibzman350, Fallguy, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, jwitten, Walkerguy21D, dsessom.
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    Lucky You !
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    I don't. I tried to scan some of a state quarter I had a question about a few days ago but the quality is horrible. I don't know how everyone gets such great pix. I guess I need a really good camera? I have a digital camera but i don't think the quality will be very good. The coin has a mirror background and a frosted image of Kennedy. I am sure it was a really pretty coin before it ended up being circulated. How would I know if this is a silver proof? Weight maybe?? Or did they make any back then?
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,708 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You suck!

    Just kidding, nice finds.
    Many happy BST transactions
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    thanks all!
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    Look at the reeding to see if it is silver. White - Silver. Red/brown - Copper.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
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    cool, thanks for the tip.
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    I took back all the regular halves today and got another $100 worth. NOT ONE DARN KEEPER IN THE BUNCH! Just goes to show me how lucky I was friday. image
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    RBB617RBB617 Posts: 497 ✭✭

    << <i>I took back all the regular halves today and got another $100 worth. NOT ONE DARN KEEPER IN THE BUNCH! Just goes to show me how lucky I was friday. image >>

    Congratulations on the finds in the original rolls. Sorry the luck didn't continue.
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    Yes you were lucky. A Walker was a lucky find back when silver was $4, much less now when every teller, supervisor, manager, and janitor knows to pick silver from rolls of halves.
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    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I got another $60 worth later in the day. NOT ONE KEEPER! I know for sure, since I went through a total of 16 rolls today that I was EXTREMELY lucky Friday. My wife thinks I need to go to Coinaholics Annonymous. She says I am sick.
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,429 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What cheezhed said.

    That's some good cherrypickin'.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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    My wife came home from her weekly shopping with $260 in halves. She had to go to the bank, so she ask if they had any halves.image She was returning to town to pick the pooch up from the groomer, so we went through them together. I found nada...she found 16 40% Kennedys in one roll and another in a second roll. Now she is talking about a finders fee.
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    gargoyle62gargoyle62 Posts: 268 ✭✭✭
    I don't know where you guys live, but every time I go into a bank around here (CNY - Syracuse area) to buy rolls of halves they never have any. So I end up buying quarters, to swap out for halves in the morning coin I process to replace the silver ones I've found while sorting through full bags we get from other customers. Actually, I just sold what silver halves and other circulation silver I've found - a little over $200 face - for $1340. Man am I gonna miss this job!!!!!
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    What businesses bring in full bags of halves?
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    gargoyle62gargoyle62 Posts: 268 ✭✭✭
    I get full bags of halves from the main office of Key Bank in my area, from assorted credit unions now and then and from some of our FRB customers. But I find the most silver in the halves from Key Bank.
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    I just picked up the one roll of halves my bank had and found:

    1 '64 90% &
    3 40% silver pieces!!!

    going back for more....
    Successful transactions with: DCarr, Meltdown, Notwilight, Loki, MMR, Musky1011, cohodk, claychaser, cheezhed, guitarwes, Hayden, USMoneyLover

    Proud recipient of two "You Suck" awards
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    flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>What businesses bring in full bags of halves? >>

    Casinos, I would think. Many casinos use halves when paying out a $5 blackjack.
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    I kind of couldn't controll my sickness this week. I searched 5 rolls, nothing. Took all my coins to coinstar so the bank wouldn't think I was a complete maniac (they are starting to get mad at me for having to count $100 worth of halves and jamming up the machine every other day). Cashed those in, Nothing. Got 3 rolls from Chase bank. Found 6 40% in those. Bought another $100 worth yesterday. Nothing. I have decided that I need to calm down for awhile. Good news, I have two mint bags now. hAHAHAHAHA.
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    Casinos, I would think.

    I wish. The last 2 I was in were coin-less electronic endeavors.

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    I should get back into checking for silver in the halves around here in Colorado Springs. After eleven years one of the banks suddenly decided I needed to have an account to even ask for halves. The teller was so smarmy I decided to not even get an account just for coins to look through. [I'm polite, I always use cash AND I don't go there when they are busy with customers. Does it really take too much time away from something for them to go to the vault and get me a couple rolls of halves?]

    While out in California on a recent trip I asked the teller if she had and halves. She had two rolls and that netted me one 40% (68-D) Kennedy.

    I recent bought up my father-in-laws piggy bank with about $65 in change to go through. Spare time isn't abundant in my life so once I get through that I may try the $500 box of halves to look through.
    Some call it an accumulation not a collection
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    When I go to banks in the outskirts of Pittsburgh the tellers seem
    happy to give me their $2 bills and half dollar rolls like they are
    getting rid of problems. I've only found 40% and one or two 1964s.
    Ten rolls = 4 or 5 40% silvers. I wonder what treasures oldtime banks
    in the country hold?
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,487 ✭✭✭✭
    I just checked the latest Redbook and only found a 74D Doubled Die. There was no mention of a 72D. This is not to say that the 72D doesn't exist as at least one is on the Coneca Website.

    So my advice is to break em out again and this time look for a 74D Doubled die.

    Look for this.


    Strongest spread is the last T in T R U S T.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    Thanks for the info. I realized I was looking for the wrong date. No wonder I didn't find any. It was after I took back about $100 worth that I realized that I was looking for the wrong date. image
    Hey, Im new at this so cut me some slack!!
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,487 ✭✭✭✭
    Well whoopsie-doodle! It's not like all of us haven't done that same thing at one point or another!

    It seems to happen more frequently after 50 though! image

    Now what was I looking for??image
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

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