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Back issues of the SMQ,can you get them?

Hey Mike,
Is it possible to get back issues of the SMQ? I think I had a couple of the real early issues but am not sure where they are at since I moved. I think it would be neat to have the very first one. Anyone else out there have the first one(s)? right now I can only find 9 different issues that I have.


  • We have a number of back issues available. The first issue was done on a Xerox at our office, and we only made a few – I think around 100 or so if I remember correctly. It was dated Apr-Jun 2002. The second issue was "professionally" done – at Kinkos. :-) I think we printed 250 of that one.

    The third was finally done by a real printer, on glossy paper. It was the last issue in the 8.5" X 11" format, and the first to include advertising (a Gary Posner ad on the back cover.) We also began higher quantity print runs in the 2,000-2,500 range.

    The fourth through the eighth issues were in the 4.25" X 8.5" format. A color front and back cover was added in the sixth issue. While we had intended this to fit conveniently into people's pockets, the small type in the pricing section was a major drawback.

    Starting with the ninth issue, (Apr-Jun 2004) we went to our current 5.5" X 8.5" size. The 13th issue added color to the inside front and back covers. The latest (18th) now includes color throughout much of the editorial section and the centerfold.

    If you let me know which ones you are missing, I'll see what I can dig up. I don't think we have any more of the first one, and for some reason, the sixth (Jul-Sept 2003) is scarce. We should be able to supply most of the others.


    Michael Sherman
    Director of Numismatics
  • Mike,
    Looking at what I have right now is nothing from before 2005 except the Oct-Dec 2003. So ANY issues before then would be nice. let me know what I need to do to get them. I miss the fit in the pocket size. I remember running into Mr. Litle at the 2003 APS stampshow and I was carrying one in my backpocket. The size was so easy to take anywehre and grab easily. It was kind of cool at that show because nobody was really paying much attention the idea of graded stuff. One dealer at the show presented to me a #257 as an "incredibly well centered superb" example. Since I had been devouring any reading material from PSE(SMQ, grading guide) I immediately recognized this stamp as a 75 or 80. My days of buying overgraded stamps were over. Around that same time period I bought a 319f mnh on ebay for $5, it later graded 95J.
    Thanks for letting me know about the new registry sets. It's strange that I just happened to check for new sets before reading this and didn't see any. Maybe I missed them.
  • I found a small group of SMQ's for you - an issue from 2002, one from 2003 and three from 2004. Email me with your addy, and I'll get them in the mail. It may be a couple of days, as I'll be at the ANA next week.

    I believe you found the Presidential Coils. The other stamps you wanted to add are in the 1912-1914 Wash-Frank set.

    Michael Sherman
    Director of Numismatics
  • Mike,
    Thanks! I will email my address to you.
    The graded Washington-Franklins I have are USED examples and I didn't see a category for those, only mint or nh. Overall there are only a couple categories for used for any sets. I think early used higher grade stamps are as tough as their nh counterparts. That's why it seems strange(or maybe not) that there few categories for sets of used stamps.
    Here's another question: Why specialized set requests accepted. A couple of years ago I requested a category for 319 variations,i.e. 319b 319f etc. I was told this/these wouldn't really be considered a set. I guess technically that's true,but it seems there are enough stamps and interest for these to be grouped together as a specialized "set." What do you think?
    Oh,and thanks again!
  • I will see about adding a USED category to the 1912-14 WF's.

    Requests for set additions are usually considered in light of potential interest. My guess is that the 319 Set was considered too limited. I dunno. It's obviously a judgement call, and there's lots of subjectivity.

    Anyone else have any thoughts?

    Michael Sherman
    Director of Numismatics
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