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56 Jeff, Deal or no deal ?

Needed this for my 56 Proof set ( now 9th across the street)



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    LeeGLeeG Posts: 12,162
    Looks like a "Super' deal, and coin, to me!image
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    SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 11,848 ✭✭✭✭✭
    George, nice to see you have become more refined and sophisticated by going back to 1956 (instead of staying fixated on 1957). 1956 was a much better year, primarily because I was born that year (LOL).

    As far as the 56 Jeffy goes, the pic of the coin in your post is not that great, though I bet it looks muy bueno in hand. I have not doubt your 56 set will be as nice as your 57s.

    5+ years ago I was lucky enough to pick up a 56 proof set in OGP that has a CAM Jeffy that is to die for (great mirrors and frost on both sides and very, very clean, maybe even a 68).

    Have a great weekend.
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    its nice in hand.
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    MyqqyMyqqy Posts: 9,777
    There's no rainbow toning!! image
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !

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