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How do you balance the desire to collect with the money to float your mania?

Just getting back into this coin collecting thing, I have the urge to just buy up everything but I suppose eventually the well would run dry. Also I have this bad personality trait that once I get my hands on something I just can't let it go. I have about a million digital cameras and I can't force myself to sell my old ones.

I also collect / use vaccuum tubes in vaccuum tube audio. If you guys think coin collecting and coin prices are wild check into premium tubes for audio applications. That certain tube, from a certain factory, with a certain label and the original box............well, you get the picture.

I'm about to pull the trigger on a 1996 Prestige Proof Set at over $500 beans and I'm thinking it may be just as smart (I think my wife won't follow this logic) to buy 2 sets and sell one in 5 years.

Anyway, I know all you guys aren't rich and I see some remarkably expensive coins on this site. Do I just have to hold the coin, look at it, enjoy it, photograph it and then pass it along to the next guy at a profit. I'll have to rearrange my personality traits. Selling something that's mine is making me sweat already.

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  • TheRavenTheRaven Posts: 4,143 ✭✭✭✭
    I started collecting coins in 2001 and have a nice collection (at least to me), I still have my baseball card collection from the late 80's-2000 which I collected starting when I was young, I also still have my Magic card collection from the same time period..... Have not sold anything..... Probably should and use the cash for a nice coin or two.....

    I consider myself a collector, so I collect what I like regardless of what others think..... It is nice to see values of things increase, but not a good or a bad..... I wish gold was still $260 an oz, then I could have a nicer gold collection.....
    Collection under construction: VG Barber Quarters & Halves
  • curlycurly Posts: 2,880
    JapanJohn.......Brother...you got too many vices...you also have a very understanding wife.
    Every man is a self made man.
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    make more money.

  • I live under a bridge.

    Edited to add: I am single, I don't have to answer to anyone for what I spend

    "Im not young enough to know everything."
    Oscar Wilde

    Collect for the love of the hobby, the beauty of the coins, and enjoy the ride.

    Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
  • I don't collect, I accumulate!

    Have a Great Day!
  • cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good question.

    I have limited funds as well and it seems there are some collectors here with very deep pockets.

    I get envious.
    Many happy BST transactions
  • I am selling all my silver age comic books and using those funds to buy. The way I see it, it's just one collection paying for another.
  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,776 ✭✭✭✭

    You are clearly with the right people here at the Forum. image

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • TheRavenTheRaven Posts: 4,143 ✭✭✭✭
    My feeling is that you don't have to be rich to have a sweet coin collection, just patience and a eye for pretty coins.....

    Now Bill Gates money would not hurt, but it is not required.....
    Collection under construction: VG Barber Quarters & Halves
  • shirohniichanshirohniichan Posts: 4,992 ✭✭✭

    If you're just getting back into collecting, read a lot to get focus before buying much. Learn about grading, coin doctoring, etc., so you are less likely to lose money when you sell coins in the future.

    I buy coins with the intention to keep them, but I also know I can't continue to do so when I don't have enough funds. In fact, when I lost my job a few years ago I had to sell a collection very dear to me. If I wouldn't have made the sacrifice for my family, I'm sure my wife would have opposed my collecting after that. I value my marriage more than my coins. image
    Obscurum per obscurius
  • I lurk here but felt the need to post on this.

    I too have limited funds (mostly because I am saving for a house) but I know what you mean, it is hard to put anything down or sell anything at all. When it comes to coins, I am not a seller. If anything, I may trade with someone close to me, but that is the extent of me getting rid of coins.

    What I have found fun is building a type set and then selecting a more modern group of coins to really dig into. I am doing Franklin Halves at the moment because you can get really nice coins without having to sell a kidney. For me, I had to come to the realization that I wasn't going to be able to put together a set of MS65 Walkers anytime soon, but there is no reason that you can't put together a very appealing collection that makes you happy without breaking the bank.

    Most of the times I find myself sharing my coins with non-enthusiasts (people who could never tell an MS60 from a 65). To them, the most interesting coins are the old ones and the shiny ones. It sounds silly, but I actually enjoy sharing my collection with people who don't collect than the other way around. In those cases, having nice, but not flawless coins can easily do the trick!
  • Too bad i pitched about 500 lbs of vacuumn tubes in 96 !

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