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What another Giveaway?? WINNER ANNOUNCED

BaronVonBaugh with a guess of 95 the actual total was 96

The coins were all peace dollars: 1927, 1934, 1935 totalling 96.

Wow two give aways in aweek for me. This time it is for a hardcover copy of COIN CHEMISTRY by Weimar W. White. Brand spanking new and waiting for a good home (just not mine) . The luck winner will recieve this fine book sent to his/her home via DHL sent on Monday (if I get your address in time otherwise Tuesday) morning so the contest cut-off is 6pm Sunday night. Be sure to check your messages as I will PM the winner right away

Just Guess: The sum of the last two digits of the last three coins I purchased. So if I bought 3 1857 flying eagles the answer would be (but its not) 171.

I was trying to think of something clever, and then pull the name randomly from the right answers, but the clever part threw me off.

Best of Luck...



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