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Is this a FSB 43 D Mercury dime?

kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,571 ✭✭✭✭✭
I just wondered... I bought it as FSB from my dealer, and hope I wasn't taken, not that $14 is all that much cashage.

"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.


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    Looks good to me!! image
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    From the picture, I'd say no.

    Sorry. There needs to be a clear division between the center two horizontal bands or you are out of luck.

    Even a bag hit that compresses the metal into touching will rule it out. I've had that happen more than once.

    If those center horizontal bands looked like the bottom two bandss, you'd be FSB home free. image
    "Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society(destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
    John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff
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    Steve27Steve27 Posts: 13,274 ✭✭✭
    It's hard to tell from your pic, but I would say no too. Try rotating the dime 90 degrees and then take a pic.

    "It's far easier to fight for principles, than to live up to them." Adlai Stevenson
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    LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,004 ✭✭✭
    that one is iffy..

    but is has a very nice reverse for a $14 dollar coin... You got it at a raw price..... Sounds like a decent deal to me...
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
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    kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,571 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for your replies, everyone.... I'm trying to educate myself about Mercs before I dive into that series. Yeah, at $14, I'm not too unhappy, and the obverse looks great, too. (This one ended up in my Capital Plastics 20th century type set holder)
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
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    XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭
    It's FBL-lite™ image
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    pharmerpharmer Posts: 8,355
    Might be just glare obscuring that spot on the middle bands, or a little quish catching the light which would make it non in any event. But, I'm ever the optomist, and think it's fsb.

    Speaking of optimists, I read a funny earlier today that you may have already heard. The definition of an optimist is a kid who gets a pile of horse turds for Christimas and digs through it saying "there's gotta be a pony in here somewhere"image
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."


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