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Friday night giveaway... 1920 Pilgrim "Winner Announced"

NJCollector wins with 337lbs. It's good to see people here have a sense of humor!

Folks... I have been thinking about a giveaway and lo and behold... Commemorative giveaway! I have recently set out to collect the 144 "Classic Commems" in MS66 grade. I'm doing alright in my collection but along the way I have collected a few grades that don't fit into the MS66 mold. Now, I'm not a snob and I am willing to share the fruits of my labor. So, I will offer this coin - MS62 Pilgrim graded by ANACS if you can guess my weight. Ha Ha!

Here are my stats... 6'2" Feet 13 5E shoe, Pants: Waist 46" Inseam 32", Shirts 19 1/2" x 36/37" sleeve, (OK here's the kicker... "Athletic Fit" shirt), 58 chest.

What do you think?...

I would appreciate NO smart ASS comments!


PS. The person closest without going over will receive the coin. CONTEST ends Sunday at 6:00 PM!!! imageimage
Constellatio Collector sevenoften@hotmail.com
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
"If it don't make $"
"It don't make cents""


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