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1923 VAM Die Break in Hair Help

Here's a 1923 Die Break In Hair VAM. There are several of these vams with additional compexity added with varying die states. Can anyone help confirm this vam number? I got two of these with the same identical break in MS-63 NGC holders at Baltimore. They were from the same big NGC submission. Wonder how many more there were?!? image



Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector


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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Meaning there's a possible roll of them that got sent to NGC...I did look for those in Baltimore after you alerted me, but
    came up dry. Would be neat if a different break, or to see side-by-side photos of all the 1923 Hair Breaks.

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    RampageRampage Posts: 9,427 ✭✭✭✭

    Those are VAM 1B. Great pick ups!
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    RampageRampage Posts: 9,427 ✭✭✭✭
    At least I am 99.99999% sure it is VAM 1B.
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    Rob, nice find!!!! It's a VAM 1B for sure. a DB0-2A to be exact. Here are the 7 x-hairs again for this year...

    VAM 1B (DB0-2a) this one is like a wave....
    VAM 1B (DBO-2b) same place but straight, harder to find actually.
    VAM 1W Up and to the left of the 1B, straight.
    1AA Small die break in lower right hair (i have a post on this one)
    1AB Small die break in middle to lower right hair.
    1Y vertical thin crack with chip at the bottom of the crack far right under the bun.
    1V 2 die breaks, one long in the right middle and one chip to the right and down.
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    Thanks guys. I have a 1V and 1W. I post pics of all three to my web site soon. Steve, do you (or anyone else) have pics of the others? I'll can create a quick visual ID page for the hair breaks of 1923. Should be useful!

    Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector
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    RampageRampage Posts: 9,427 ✭✭✭✭
    I have the VAM 1AB, but cannot get good scans of it.

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