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What is the value of a 2003 $5 Gold American Eagle?

gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
I just received one - and I have no idea of it's value. I'm a football card fanatic, and have a few older gold coins (US and foreign) but am not current on pricing. The coin I have is in a presentation case, and is uncirculated in a blue mini folder which is numbered AHS2912.

Any help would be appreciated.


Greg M.
Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg


  • It is a bullion coin with a little less than 1/10th oz. of gold. Coin Values lists it at $55. Hope this helps !
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    retail $49

    with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it

    so if gold is $430 an ounce troy this coin melts at 43 dollars
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    Thank you very much!!!! If you guys ever need any help pricing sports cards, please let me know image


    Greg M.
    Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!

    Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
    E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
  • TootawlTootawl Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭
    PCGS MS-69 $5 GAEs on Ebay have been going for between $64 and $71.
    PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it >>

    GAEs are .9167 fine (22 kt).
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,711 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it >>

    GAEs are .9167 fine (22 kt). >>

    True, but Michael is refering to how much gold there is if refined, not the quality of gold in the coin itself. It weighs more than 1/10th oz to make up for the .9167 fineness.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>True, but Michael is refering to how much gold there is if refined, not the quality of gold in the coin itself. It weighs more than 1/10th oz to make up for the .9167 fineness. >>

    If that's the case, then technically the gold itself is 1.0000 fine.
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭

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    << with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it >>

    GAEs are .9167 fine (22 kt). >>

    True, but Michael is refering to how much gold there is if refined, not the quality of gold in the coin itself. It weighs more than 1/10th oz to make up for the .9167 fineness.

    as per the above thanks lanlord but me thinks you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink LOL

    the 1/10 ounce gold american is net 1/10 troy ounce pure gold that is what net means LOL

  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭

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    Monday May 09, 2005 2:35 AM

    retail $49

    with a ********NET********* pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it

    so if gold is $430 an ounce troy this coin melts at 43 dollars

  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    You can NET and LOL all you want, michael, but I still say that using the term ".9999 fine" with regards to GAEs is erroneous at best, and perhaps a bit disingenuous. Gold is gold, and it's only impurities that take it down in fineness. GAEs are .9167 fine, Maple Leafs are .9999 fine. If you take the impurities out of either, you have ***NET*** 1.0000 fine pure gold -- no impurities whatsoever, nothing but Au. Of course, this is impossible with today's technology, but I can certainly conceive of a technology that could make it so.

    "NET .9999 Fine" really has no meaning in any context.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    Oh, and what was the point of posting the post counts? Are you implying that because you two guys post more than I do, that you're smarter than me? If that is the case, you both can kindly kiss my ass.
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    post count?? what are you talking about??

    all i said in my first post to this thread was that the coin melted at 43 dollars if gold was 430 an ounce as it has a net gold content of 1/10 of an ounce pure gold LOL

    i posted before you and i never in all my posts on here ever implied i was smarter than you or that any post count? means lanlord or myself are smarter than you LOL

    if it makes you feel any better


    and that i was wrong ...............the 1/10 american gold eagle coin does NOT have 1/10 troy ounce of net pure gold in it as i stated

    why so angry today??

  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    oh and please reread my original post i NEVER said that the gold american 1/10 eagle gold coin was .9999 fine

    i said

    ""with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it""

    that means the coin even though it weighs more than 1/10 of a troy ounce as it is 90% gold and 10% copper alloy hence 21.666k but the fact still remains that in the coin there is a net amount of gold that is 1/10 troy ounce of pure .9999 fine 24k pure gold

    you made a big ado about nothing and did not understand what you read and then you got angry and attacked and said we are doing some sort of post count thing and lanlord and i are smarter then you and we can kiss your ass?? LOL thanks for the offer but no thanks

    man you got to stop getting all worked up over nothing

    but i will say also that i was wrong and that i do not feel i am smarter than you and that i was incorrect in my statement that the 1/10 ounce american gold eagle has a net pure 1/10 ounce of pure gold in it as that if the price of gold was 430 an ounce this coin would melt at 43 dollars in gold

    i apologise to you if you thought something different but i know lanlord and also myself and we did NOT mean to say are upping some post? count or that we are any smarter than you

  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>oh and please reread my original post i NEVER said that the gold american 1/10 eagle gold coin was .9999 fine

    i said

    ""with a net pure .9999 fine 1/10 troy ounce of gold in it"" >>

    Yes, I know. And I'm trying to tell you that that statement has no meaning, and is potentially misleading LOL

    Get it LOL?

    Probably not LOL...

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