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newp GSA $

this is a 1902 O in a flatpack i picked up at the one-day coin show today.
also found a `64 proof set w/ah kennedy for $9. image
lastly an `82 D jeff with odd circular die polish lines on the reverse.
may need to get the qx3 (microscope)out to show these (raised) lines.

and an almost nothing find,... a 1958 P jeff with alittle weak obverse strike and
weaker reverse strike with mushy montecello details.


  • wam98wam98 Posts: 2,685
    image Never seen one of those before. image
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    does anyone know what dates/mint marks came in these gsa flat packs?
  • How was the show, Lee ?

  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    hey louis, it was pretty small. maybe 10-15 dealers/tables with a handful of empty tables
    where a few dealers didnt show up. but like any coin show, it was worth going to.

    i didnt stay but about an hour but still, i enjoyed it. spoke to some good folks/dealers
    so that in itself made it a good show for me.

    with the big money show coming up here soon i suppose that is part of the reason
    attendance was fairly sparce.

    hope to make it to the big one at the george r brown too.
    word has it, it will be even bigger than the last money show
    at greenspoint.

  • Steve27Steve27 Posts: 13,274 ✭✭✭
    I like the Morgan, It would go well with my Peace dollar:

    "It's far easier to fight for principles, than to live up to them." Adlai Stevenson
  • MitchellMitchell Posts: 528 ✭✭✭✭
    Attached is a text list that hasn't been updated in a while. But it's a fairly comprehensive and accurate list compiled from sightings at shows, listings at auctions that include eBay.

    Black Box -- Hard Plastic Holder

    1 1878 7/8TF
    2 1878-S
    3 X 1879-P
    4 X 1879-S
    5 X 1879-S Rev 78
    6 1880-O
    7 X 1880-S
    8 X 1881-O
    9 X 1881-S
    10 X 1882-P
    11 X 1882-O
    12 X 1882-S
    13 X 1883-P
    14 X 1883-O
    15 X 1884-P
    16 X 1884-O
    17 X 1885-P
    18 X 1885-O
    19 X 1886-P
    20 X 1887-P
    21 1890-S
    22 1898-O
    23 1899-O
    24 X 1900-O
    25 1901-O
    26 X 1902-O
    27 X 1903-O
    28 X 1904-O

    Reported but not verified:
    X 1881-P
    X 1889-P
    X 1896-P
    X 1897-P

    X - CDN Bluesheet (this is dated)

    Blue Envelope -- Cellophane Holder

    1 1878 8TF
    2 1878 7TF
    3 1878 7/8TF
    4 1878 Rev 79
    5 1878-S
    6 1879-P
    7 1879-O
    8 1879-S
    9 1879-S Rev 78
    10 1880-P
    11 1880-O
    12 1880-S
    13 1881-P
    14 1881-O
    15 1881-S
    16 1882-P
    17 1882-O
    18 1882-O/S
    19 1882-O/O
    20 1882-S
    21 1883-P
    22 1883-O
    23 1883-S
    24 1884-P
    25 1884-O
    26 1884-S
    27 1885-P
    28 1885-O
    29 1886-P
    30 1886-O
    31 1887-P
    32 1887-O
    33 1888-P
    34 1888-O
    35 1889-P
    36 1889-O
    37 1890-P
    38 1890-O
    39 1890-S
    40 1891-P
    41 1891-O
    42 1892-O
    43 1892-S
    44 1893-O
    45 1893-S
    46 1894-P
    47 1894-O
    48 1895-O
    49 1896-P
    50 1896-O
    51 1896-S
    52 1897-O
    53 1898-P
    54 1898-O
    55 1899-O
    56 1900-P
    57 1900-O
    58 1900-O O/CC
    59 1900-S
    60 1901-P
    61 1901-O
    61 1901-O
    62 1901-S
    63 1902-P
    64 1902-O
    65 1903-P
    66 1903-O
    67 1903-S
    68 1904-P
    69 1904-O
    70 1921-P
    71 1921-D
    72 1921-S

    1 1922-P
    2 1922-D
    3 1922-S
    4 1923-P
    5 1923-D
    6 1923-S
    7 1924-P
    8 1925-P
    9 1925-S
    10 1926-S
    11 1928-S
    12 1934-P
    13 1934-D
    14 1934-S

    Carson City
    1 1878-CC
    2 1879-CC
    3 1880-CC Rev 78
    4 1880-CC Rev 79
    5 1881-CC
    6 1882-CC
    7 1883-CC
    8 1884-CC
    9 1890-CC
    10 1891-CC
    11 1892-CC
    12 1893-CC

    Someone had sent this to me last year as an Excel spreadsheet. - regretfully I don't remember who so I can thank him.

    Hope this is useful.

    Successful BST: dmwjr, ike126, bajjerfan, morganman94, sonoradesertrat, 12voltman, duiguy, gsaguy, gsa1fan, martin, coinfame, zas107, bothuwui, gerard, kccoin, jtwitten, robcool, coinscoins, mountain_goat, and a few more.
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    thanks for that info.
    thats great.

    btw, is the cc set included in the blue envelope series?
    i thought all,or most, went into the premium hard plastic
    holders and boxes.

    also to add, remembering what the insert said about these,
    100,000 were issued, i assume in various dates/mms, in these
    cellophane packs.

    lastly, i could be wrong but i think the insert had a number (code?)
    of `73`?
    were these issued in 1973?, the blue envelope gsa dollars?

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