Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

US coins for sale on my Website! Looking for Reviews/Comments/Criticism/Compliments?? Nahhhhhh -

I am kind of finished (for now anyway) putting the final touches on my site.

I am soliciting your comments on it - criticism, compliments, whatever.

Check it out


  • Seems clean and easy enough to get around in! Good luck! image

  • LeeGLeeG Posts: 12,162
    I like the side by side grading area. That's a big help for me as I develop my grading skills. The pictures of coins in your inventory seem a little washed out? Still nice but one area to improve as time allows. "Very Nice" overall though, Good Job! Lee
  • thebeavthebeav Posts: 3,780 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice looking site but....You don't mention the grade of your 'for sale' coins. I would think that prospective buyers would want to know.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,501 ✭✭✭✭✭
    'Bout time you updated. Last time I looked, and that was pretty recently, you still had three coins for sale on your page that you'd sold or swapped to me over a year before.

    Oooooo-kay, then. You asked for it. I actually took the time to go over your whole site, and I'll give it to you straight, as I see it.

    However, before you get offended by some of the criticism below, let me say this: most of my nitpicks are numismatic in nature, or related to your spelling or typography. Technically speaking, the site looks good to me and is mostly better than anything I personally could do myself, with my kindergarten HTML skills. The photography could use some work, but I've seen worse. I know from personal experience with you that your coins often do look much better than the pictures, too- so don't sell yourself short with bad pics. (Your pictures aren't aren't all that bad, though, and some are better than I've done on my own eBay auctions recently. You might wanna work on your lighting or something. Better yet, get somebody who knows more about photography than I do to advise you, 'cause I certainly don't have much room to criticize in that department.)

    << <i>Some people just like things a "little bit nicer". That's how I am when it comes to collecting. Sure, there is a lot of low grade material out there, and we have a lot available here. But - you can really get the nice pieces for just a little more and that's where I can help >>

    Put a period at the end of the last sentence. Or just kill this paragraph altogether. The whole blurb sounds a little "over the top" to me, but maybe I'm being too harsh.

    << <i>I specialize in finding the nicer things. >>

    While you do have a few nice pieces here, the selection is still a bit small and doesn't really live up to your claim, which is sounds a little arrogant, despite your good intentions. Save the hyperbole for when you have a bigger inventory with more high-end coins.

    << <i>We specialize in graded and raw coins in VF, XF or higher. We are partial to PCGS, ANACS, and NGC. >>

    OK, then where are the PCGS, NGC, and ANACS coins? I see one PCGS coin and a bunch of raw stuff.

    << <i>Please note: All items
    have a 5 day return
    privledge subject to the item
    being in it's original holder/flip >>

    There's no "D" in the word "privilege". No apostrophe in the possessive "its". (When you stick an apostrophe in there, you've made the contraction for "it is").

    As previously mentioned, a lot of the coins don't have grades listed. For example, the "PCGS 1938D Buffalo Nickel".

    Oh- wait- when I click your "hi-res image", I can see the label, sort of. You've got some strange lighting there. It's a PCGS MS66. Kinda pricey at 79 bucks plus shipping- not even the PCGS priceguide lists 'em that high. I have a couple in PCGS 66 holders- paid about 45 bucks for 'em. But it has been a little while since I bought 'em. Still, 79 bucks is a bit much. I think I have mine (optimistically) priced at somewhere around $60-$65, as I recall.

    << <i>Flying Eagel Cent
    Choice 1857 FE Cent
    Nice 1857 Flying Eagle Cent. Above average details.

    Eagle, you mean. "Above average details", yes- the average circulated coins out there are usually AG to Good, and this one is certainly better than that. I wouldn't call it "Choice", but it's not too bad.

    << <i>Indian Head Cents
    1902 MS64 Red
    Beautiful Full strike Red specimen
    Price: $225 >>

    Are you sure the color is original? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that there's some luster that didn't come out in the picture (it's tough to capture, sometimes, I know). But if the coin is that color and is the luster is as flat as it looks in the pic, then the only red I see is a red flag. "Full Strike"? Hmm. Do I detect some softness at the top of the shield? Take a look at your "hi-res" pic. MS64? What crashed into the second T in STATES? Looks like a "full strike" there, all right... something struck it... hard!

    It's not a bad looking coin, but really, is it even Mint State at all? Looks like there's some rub on the hair below the ribbon, and on the feather tips, but I can't really tell from the picture. For $225, how come this coin isn't slabbed? If you dropped the first "2" off the pricetag, maybe I'd shut up and take a chance on it as an AU, but otherwise, I'd be a little scared of this one. It looks too much like a slider, there's that hit on the "T", and then there's the color to wonder about. Get it slabbed as an MS64 RD by one of those top three services you claim to be partial to, and I'll publicly eat my words and send you a nice freebie worth at least as much as your grading fees.

    << <i>Roosevelt Dimes
    1982S PF DCAM
    This is a beautiful coin with Deep Cameo Fields. Could grade around 67 or 69. It's perfect >>

    It's OK, and it does look like it might be DCAM. But perfect? No. Twelve bucks? Ow. Oh, and there's no such thing as "Deep Cameo Fields". Fields are mirrored. Devices are frosted. Together, that's what makes a coin Cameo or Deep Cameo. Just say "Deep Cameo contrast" instead of "Deep Cameo fields". Lose that slashmark typo in there, but leave the apostrophe in "It's" this time- it's correct in this usage.

    << <i>Barber Quarters.
    1906 D Barber Quarter AU
    Nice AU Barber Quarter. 1906D. Probably grades AU56 - 58 >>

    There's no such grade as "AU56", unless you're making up your own scale. In AU, you've got 50, 53, 55, and 58. Might just be a typo-maybe you meant to say 55-58? It is a nice looking quarter, actually. What's that little "RRP" with the crossed out "$1" above your price?

    << <i>Walking Liberty
    1942 Half Dollar XF
    1942 Walking Liberty Half with very stron EF/XF details. >>

    Add your "g" on there at the end of "strong". (I happen to disagree with that adjective when applied to that particular coin, though. Not awful, but not "strong", either.)

    << <i>Franklin Halves
    1962 D BU
    Nice uncirculated coin. Morror-like surfaces. >>

    Maybe, before it got stepped on and ground into the asphalt. Geez-look at the marks on that obverse. Also, what's that weirdly distracting background in the reverse picture all about, and what is a "morror"? A typo for "horror"? (Sorry- I couldn't resist. image It ain't THAT bad. But it is pretty scuffy-lookin'.)

    << <i>Kennedy halves
    Deep Cameo Fields >>

    Obverse picture is awfully dark. Once again, there's no such thing as "Deep Cameo Fields", but that coin does have nice Cameo or Deep Cameo contrast. Is the coin toned, or just colored from the lighting?

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • WOW - how much do I owe you for preoof-readin' all of that???

    Some of the things you mention are because I had other coins of the same type and just changed out the pics - the IHC is a good example. I spent about 6 hours on Saturday taking pics and uploading and working on the site.

    THANK YOU for looking through everything - I should be able to get corrections up this evening on most of it.

    Oh - I don't have my high end stuff up yet - that'll come soon.
  • prooflikeprooflike Posts: 3,879 ✭✭
    Easy to navigate and as previously mentioned, some typos...

    Pretty clean just needs some proof-reading & finishing touches.

    & thanks for the plug to my site image

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,501 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>WOW - how much do I owe you for preoof-readin' all of that???

    Some of the things you mention are because I had other coins of the same type and just changed out the pics - the IHC is a good example. I spent about 6 hours on Saturday taking pics and uploading and working on the site.

    THANK YOU for looking through everything - I should be able to get corrections up this evening on most of it.

    Oh - I don't have my high end stuff up yet - that'll come soon. >>

    Anytime you want me to tear you down, just let me know. image

    Seriously, though, you have a good start there- just tweak it some.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
    Yes,you could you use a bit of proofreading,to be politeimage
    Some nice coins,some below average.A bit high-priced.....The website was excellent and very easy to get around in.But I'm wondering if its: www.coinsandcards.com where are the cards?image

    Good luck!
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