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Hurricane Charley-here we go!-OT



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    port charlotte and punta gorda took it very bad. Here is one of the milder photos posted at foxnews:


    hope we hear from tom soon
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
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    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
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    Wow, that is awful, looks like the cars came out good though.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
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    prayer and hope for everyone who was hit hard, mild, or at all. God bless.
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hi All,

    At approximately 4:30PM on friday our lives and the lives of hundreds of thousands of south Floridians were changed forever. I hade intermittent electric and at about 4:20 it went down for good. My wife and I went into the walk in closet with our 2 cats, closed the doors and for the next 45 minutes or so it sounded as though we were being bombed.

    We heard the sounds of the roof being bashed and winds howling all around and at several points we placed pillows over out heads as it sounded as though the ceiling above us was going to crash on us.

    At approximately 5:40PM it sounded as though the bombing had stopped, so I ventured outside the closet. So far so good I thought as our bedroom looked ok. The verticals were all closed so I had no idea yet what damage was done outside. When I exited the bedroom, the a/c register is in the ceiling right outside the door, and there was "wind" coming thru the ceiling and so it was obvious there was either no roof, or serious roof problems. But the interior of the house seemed ok. I looked out the front window though and the 150 year old giant Oak tree which is the main focal point of the house, a massive tree, was gone. It was horrifying. Across the street, roofs ripped of my neighbors homes as though they were balsa wood.

    The entire neighborhood is for all intents and purposes gone. Trees, homes, roofs, fences, mostly everything is gone.

    My wife and I and the two cats were able to exit Port Charlotte late in the afternoon yesterday and we drove 4+ hours and are now at my brothers house in Merrit island. We will return to Port Charlotte tuesday morning after making the necessary phone calls , sending faxes to insurance, etc and are bringing an extra chain saw and hot foods for the neighbors. We are for all intents and purposes.......homeless.

    All in the span of minutes, everyones lives and the sleepy little town of Port Charlotte are altered forever.

    You probably won't be seeing me on on the boards for awhile. My wife and I will alternate a few days at "home" and a couple days to recuperate at my brothers house. Who knows how long this will be like this. Many power lines are gone, poles snapped and gone, there is no way anyone is gettinig anykind of power for weeks at the minimum. Thousands of national guard have been called up and it's just horrible.

    I do hope to make a post a couple times a week when I am at my brothers house. I've met some good people on this forum that I didn't know before and without mentioning names, I will call y'all when I can, but for now, we have lives to start to rebuild and I have no idea yet how long it's going to take to establish the bare necesseties we all need as humans, but we are starting today.

    Take care and hope to see your thoughts in post form and do some posting myself soon.

    Tom, Hanh, Pumpkin, Oreoimage
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    so it was obvious there was either no roof, or serious roof problems. But the interior of the house seemed ok. We are for all intents and purposes.......homeless.

    It sounds as though your home made it through the storm in pretty good shape, compared to others. Or is that not the case?
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear that your life has been turned upside down but glad that you were not physically harmed. Please post when you can. Good luck with the clean-up, etc.

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    NumismanicNumismanic Posts: 2,582 ✭✭✭
    Its good to hear you made it through unharmed, not good to hear about the damage though. Hope everything works out for you.

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    RickMilauskasRickMilauskas Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭

    Glad to hear that you and your family are safe. Sorry to hear about your home. I have seen a lot of the destruction from down your way on CNN. I hope you are able to put things back together as quickly and as completely as possible. Good luck! Once again...glad to hear you are safe!!
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    We're not hurt physically, but the house is uninhabitable. I was just able to speak to the insurance company and of course one of our fears is they nickel and dime us on the rebuild. I have to believe a lawyer is going to have to get involved. Maybe I'm wrong. But when andrew went thru, EVERY insurance company left the state and complained about being bankrupted "including" prudential, allstate, state farm etc. We have "federated national insurance" and again, have no idea what happens next. They "say" they will call me at my brothers house and will not give m an adjusters contact information.

    We will return to the house early tuesday morning. My wife and I are going to Publix here in merrit island and buying chickens and things. We will make large batches of chicken soup and reheat it all before we make the trek back and distribute everything to neighbors. It will then be day 5 for everyone who will have been eating canned tuna and the like. I will also buy quantities of batteries and see if any ice is available on the way back down.

    There's no water or electricty and frankly I don't see how it will even be possible to have electric for weeks maybe longer and even then I have no idea about fires from ripped electric wires etc etc etc etc.

    It's unbelievable.

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    glad your family was not harmed - please post again when you can.
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Thanks everyone. I have over 200 emails in my email box and there is no way I can take the time to open them all. We have a limited amount of time here and then have to get back there.

    My wife and I feel guilty about having the ability to get out of there and have a place to stay temporarily. Hanh's cried a few times and I broke down this morning. I tried not to but it was just a natural thing.

    It's so sad. I didn't realize this but Charlotte Country has the largest senior citizen population in Florida. So many many many elderly are stuck in less than human conditions with no way to get to them except on foot. My wife and I will do that when we get back. There's a few blocks nearby that trees cover the streets and power lines are down everywhere. We will make an attemp at going door to door and help out.

    Then hopefully leave again on thursday morning, get back to my brothers to recuperate for a day or so then "do it again" early saturday morning and it looks like this is going to be repreated indefinitely.

    So sad for everyone, especially the old people.

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    I am very sorry to hear of your plight and that of your neighbors. This too shall pass, and hopefully soon.

    BY all means, hire an attorney to deal with your insurance company. While I am not a big fan of attorneys, they have more experience with this type of thing than you do. My wife was recently involved in a traffic accident where she was plowed into by a guy who ran a stop sign. He had no license and was driving someone elses car. I was certain the insurance company was rushing us into signing away portions of our coverage and hired an attorney to get in the middle. As it turns out, they were trying to get a release to fix the car while leaving us out to dry on medical bills.

    The safety factor of having representation will be worth it.

    I hope your life is back to as close to normal as it can be as quickly as possible.

    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
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    They "say" they will call me at my brothers house and will not give m an adjusters contact information.

    Tom, this is outrageous. Let me relate a story, but first you should visit this site and place a call to the Florida Department of Insurance, and proceed accordingly.

    The same thing happened here in San Diego after the wildfires. People whose houses had burned to the ground were calling their insurance companies seeking immediate information, only to be told someone would get hold of them later in the week, or next week, or who the heck knows when. And of course there was no one who could immediately help the San Diegans, despite the fact these families needed insurance proceeds double-quick to pay for temporary shelter (your policy may provide for your staying in temporary housing) and then begin the rebuilding process.

    Well, the affected families started making a lot of noise. The complaints reached the ears of local San Diego government and even went to California's senators, Boxer and Feinstein. These government officials actually did something. They were on the air berating the insurance companies for their slow response, telling them they had better set up telephone banks and assign the necessary employees to immediately begin processing claims and doling out money -- not a week, or two weeks, but within hours of receiving a call from their insureds. And the officials' offices made calls to the insurers themselves and California's insurance commissioner also was motivated to act.

    The reaction was swift. A number of major insurers set up 800 numbers and assigned dedicated teams to respond to Southern California inquiries. Adjusters were immediately sent to affected areas. And within days -- not weeks -- families were getting the monies due them under their policies. They no longer were getting the runaround (at least initially).

    Good luck in getting a prompt response. Call up the Florida Department of Insurance and complain loudly if you get jerked around. Then you and your neighbors should start calling local officials and the media. And if your insurer tells you they can't swiftly respond because of the extent of the damage, don't believe it -- if the companies could mobilize for the Southern California wildfires, surely they can do the same for Floridians. These are massive companies with tens of billions in resources and reserves.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    I was really hoping you'd been spared the worst, and I'm very sorry to hear about what happened. Thankfully you and your wife came out of it okay (and the cats). Now I hope you don't have a nightmare with the insurance companies. I read the stories posted here and it just burns me up how they can be. That is what they are supposed to be there for, and why you have insurance coverage. Good luck! Your generosity and willingness to help the others near you who are less fortunate, cannot be emphasized enough. image
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Tom, first of all I'm glad you and your family is safe. I'm sorry about the destruction of your home.

    I'm curious though, have you already seen signs that the insurance company is giving you the runaround? Our house suffered irreparable damage from Isabel last year, and I have to say our insurance company was great on the claim. I'm sure they took a huge hit since Isabel wreaked havoc on the eastern half of Virginia.

    If your insurance company does screw with you and your neighbors down there, I would file complaints with your state insurance regulator and the attorney general. For these companies to collect premiums for years then jerk people around when they need to file a claim is ridiculous.
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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    why did you choose to stay during the storm??

    al h.image
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    Tom glad your ok, houses can be rebuilt but life cant.if there is anything we can do to try to help please let us know I think there alot of people here on the boards with good hearts and willing to try to help.

    God bless
    9/11/01 NEVER FORGET

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    Joe Holt

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    MFHMFH Posts: 11,720 ✭✭✭✭

    Living in Naples, just south of you, we were spared the brunt of the storm; just heavy wind and rain, no structural damage.

    Port Charlotte was in the eye of the storm and was hit terribly. The storm was to have gone further north (according to the weather experts) and was to have hit Tampa.

    My closest cousin arrived in Port Charlotte on Thursday to move there permanently. His grandson was to have started school today. We have not been able to reach him and his family since Friday afternoon, either by land line or either of his two cell phones. The city of Port Charlotte is under Marshall Law at the moment. At last report , there are a reported sixteen deaths in that area.

    I'm glad you and your family are safe.

    Mike Hayes
    Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !

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    WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭

    Best to you and Hahn. I am so sorry for your troubles and the thousands in your predicament. image

    John / Jack

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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hi All,

    It's monday the 16th and my wife and I will be traversing back to Port Charlotte 1st thing in the morning. I am temporarily using my brothers house and the net connection is so bad I just don't have time or the ability to visit websites or the like. It's an unbelievable situation.

    I finally after much threatening spoke to someone at the insurance company. I am unclear as to what happens next. Sequitar you are giving prudent advice and I will be looking to ratchet this up.

    Almost 95% of the people we know have reached out to us in some positive way and this outpouring of understanding and generosity will never be forgotten. We have also raised quite a bit of money and tomorrow morning the Jeep will be loaded with all necessities and my wife and I will be distributing them door to door in our little area especially to the older people who are for the most part, helpless. This outpouring made both my wife and I break down in tears last night and I cannot put in words how incredibly wonderful you have made us feel.

    A neighbor called me on his cell phone and with a couple other people spread pieces of plastic over the holes in our roof to help prevent further damage to the inside.

    My wife and I are trying to arrange a suite north of Tampa to stay at. It would appear they are offering no discounts to disaster victims and in fact it seems to me they are trying to charge a full daily rate even on a monthly basis. I will be illuminating the company when this is all over.

    I received calls at my brothers house last night and this morning from "contractors" posing as FEMA "Contractors". This is incredible. Erik, did you get this from your experience?

    So tired and it's a long way from anything, but step by step, we'll see daylight.

    Thanks and Best Regards
    ( Jack the 91-CC is a monster)
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    Hi Tom,

    Sorry to hear about your troubles, but it sounds like you have found a way to deal with it and also to be a great neighbor to your sourrounding area. My wife and I have some friends who live on Riverbeach Drive in Port Charlotte, perhaps you know of the area and its status?

    Stay strong
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>I received calls at my brothers house last night and this morning from "contractors" posing as FEMA "Contractors". This is incredible. Erik, did you get this from your experience? >>

    Oh yes, there sure was a lot of this going on. We had one of these slimeballs show up knocking on the door the morning after, while a tree was still on top of our neighbors house and we were sitting there with no electricity. There were dozens of arrests for these and some other scams. Another one that happened in our area were guys going door to door offering ice at $5 a bag. They would collect payment in advance, then you never saw them again. We were without power for eight days, and the first couple of days we had to drive to Lynchburg (80 miles) to get ice and other essentials.
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    mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Wow. Missed this thread over the weekend. Sorry to hear about all the damage. Hope things start to get fixed soon.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
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    JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank God your family is OK Tom. The vultures will move in soon so be alert. After Gloria in 85 took out a large portion of my house, I reached a settlement with my insurance company only to find out that the local contractors were soooo overwhelmed that the prices they were charging for their work was 3-5 times higher than the insurance company allowed. Don't rush for a quick settlement until you have written contracts on the cost of your repairs. Bottom line- my insurance check covered less than 1/2 the cost of all my repairs which in some cases took over 1 year to complete.
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Oh my, I was wondering about that. We are trying to relocate to a suite hotel on friday or possibly thursday night in Tampa and have a reservation. Quality Suites, Embassy Suites, Quality Inn ALL acted indifferent at best and downright scammish at worst charging in excess of 130.00 per NIGHT for indefinite stays and would NOT even allow us to bring our 2 cats. The fkers.

    I spoke to the manager at the residence Inn and he is going to supply us with a fully furnished 1 bedroom with full kitchen, apartment type set up for about 2500/month. That is absolutely the best I can find. That of course doesn't include any telephone. I tried to buy a cell phone today but they won't sell one with a 941 area code where we are right now. So it looks like no phone.

    The insurance company told me that they "should" reimburse me on this sometime after ALL claims have been settled. Is this how this operates?? This could be many thousands of dollars out of pocket and who knows how long till we get made whole.

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    Quality Suites, Embassy Suites, Quality Inn ALL acted indifferent at best and downright scammish at worst charging in excess of 130.00 per NIGHT for indefinite stays and would NOT even allow us to bring our 2 cats.

    Oh man what a ripoff. $130/night for a weeknight stay at those roach motels in Florida? Disgusting, and I'd bet a horde of gold saints they jacked up the rates.

    I tried to buy a cell phone today but they won't sell one with a 941 area code where we are right now. So it looks like no phone.

    Can you get a prepaid cell?

    The insurance company told me that they "should" reimburse me on this sometime after ALL claims have been settled. Is this how this operates??

    Generally, no. May depend on what you mean by "all claims." Seriously, get on the horn to the Florida department of insurance and ask what the rules of the game are under Florida law.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    By the way everybody, I have seen hundreds of trucks coming from many different states to come and help in Florida. I spoke with a neighbor on his cell phone in Port Charlotte today and he told me there are literally power companies, tree companies and private individuals swarming down to Charlotte Cnty giving helping hands.

    I personally want to thank everyone who has lent, is lending and is planning on lending a helping hand. There are tens of thousands of people who need the help. Many elderly citizens that but for the grace of god there go I.

    Have to get going. Hopefully can post in a couple days after I return from PC to recuperate for a day or two and then get right back t it.

    Tom Pilitowski
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Quality Suites, Embassy Suites, Quality Inn ALL acted indifferent at best and downright scammish at worst charging in excess of 130.00 per NIGHT for indefinite stays and would NOT even allow us to bring our 2 cats.

    Oh man what a ripoff. $130/night for a weeknight stay at those roach motels in Florida? Disgusting, and I'd bet a horde of gold saints they jacked up the rates.

    I tried to buy a cell phone today but they won't sell one with a 941 area code where we are right now. So it looks like no phone.

    Can you get a prepaid cell?

    The insurance company told me that they "should" reimburse me on this sometime after ALL claims have been settled. Is this how this operates??

    Generally, no. May depend on what you mean by "all claims." Seriously, get on the horn to the Florida department of insurance and ask what the rules of the game are under Florida law. >>

    They are swamped. NOBODY from where I am expected this. We were NOT evacuated in Port Charlotte. So the State and everyone is deluged. I intend to follow your advice as soon as I have a base in which to operate. We are at my brothers house for 2 nights and outta here we go. They have dogs all over, we have cats, they have a way to live and we definitely are different shall we sayimage

    Residence Inn, although I've never stayed in one, hopefully is a decent place. The manager told me there are a lot of FEMA reps there and State reps as it's only 90 miles to Port Charlotte. Maybe I can drop a few names of these lowlifes ( YEH CMON AND SUE ME) who are ripping us off and taking advantage.

    We DID buy a prepaid cell. Tracfone? But no numbers are available in zip code 33952 is what the website and then the phone rep said. I know that many people are without cell phones in Charlotte Cnty because most of the cell towers went down ( which is what I was told).

    What is your opinion of calling lawyers to see if there's interest in following up on the insurance issues?

    Thank you
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    Residence Inn, although I've never stayed in one, hopefully is a decent place.

    I pejoratively referred to the establishments as roach motels. They will be fine for a temporary stay. But the quoted rates are very steep given the quality and location, and yes, I think it indeed is price gouging.

    What is your opinion of calling lawyers to see if there's interest in following up on the insurance issues?

    My opinion is to solicit one or two trustworthy recommendations for two quality plaintiff's lawyers who are licensed in Florida and specialize in representing insureds against their insurers. Keep these lawyers' numbers in your palm pilot, but hold off on calling until you have some more facts and information.

    Monitor closely the response of your insurance company, save all paperwork and make notes (name, date, time and key points) of telephone conversations with your insurer, and take care to write down what they have promised -- and refused -- to do, and be sure to obtain a date certain when the company will act. Get specific dates and times by which the company is to complete tasks. The notetaking sounds time consuming, but I cannot stress enough how important this is. And if you're accustomed to writing business correspondence, you may even want to write a letter to the insurance company confirming critically important conversations (where, for example, they promise to do something or, say, deny your request for immediate monies for support while rebuilding, etc.).

    After you have some more knowledge about what your insurer should be doing, see if the company is following through. Note your disagreements. Given the notoriety of the disaster, the insurer may "get religion" and properly handle your claim in a just and expeditious manner (but be ready with alternate plans if they fail in their duty that is owed to you -- and that includes having a lawyer at the ready).
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hello Neptune,

    I tried to reply to the pm but it would not open a new window to reply.

    My paypal account is vietventures2002@yahoo.com

    If you will email me, I will send you my home address in Port Charlotte, although if I don't hear from you in an hour or so, you may not hear from me again until I get back to civilization again.

    We will be there tomorrow with a jeep load and then packing up our clothes and whatever else we can fit. Then back again on fri/sat/sunday then back to recuperate, then back and forth and back and forth and and and and.......

    Thank you a LOT for the collection, help, understanding and care. I will most certainly pass your names along to the people we help if you like as well.

    Best Regards
    Tom Pilitowski

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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    After you have some more knowledge about what your insurer should be doing, see if the company is following through. Note your disagreements. Given the notoriety of the disaster, the insurer may "get religion" and properly handle your claim in a just and expeditious manner (but be ready with alternate plans if they fail in their duty that is owed to you -- and that includes having a lawyer at the ready). >>

    Thank you. I have taken almost 2 full legal pads of notes. I have also taken several rolls of film and will be doing more when I get back tomorrow. If I am having that much difficulty, what about the other folks who didn't have the ability to leave after the destruction?

    It's my understanding that some looting has occured. I wonder if the insurance company is going to do the same thing.

    As a side note, I said to one rep at the insurance company today and I quote " This sounds like a scam, how would you feel?", and she replied and I quote " I really hope for your sake that it's not a scam" endquote.

    Company is Federated National Insurance

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    Thank you. I have taken almost 2 full legal pads of notes. I have also taken several rolls of film and will be doing more when I get back tomorrow.

    Fantastic. If you can set the date feature in your camera, that is even better. And get them developed quickly (developer's date stamp). You are on your way. Keep us posted.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    email sent
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    We dropped the film off to be developed which I'll pick up the next time we return to merit island, hopefully on thursday.

    I'm leaving now to go to the home depot here to see about more flashlights, glow sticks, gasoline containers. I feel REAL squeemish about carrying several containers of gasoline in the back of the jeep but will make that final decision in Tampa where I hope to fill up and then head south.

    Does anyone know if it's dangerous to carry cans of gas in the back of a jeep cherokee for 100 miles or so?

    Then battle on the phones again when I get back.

    The insurance company called me at my brothers house a little while ago to advise me of a claim number. I guess that's a good sign although it was NOT a claims adjuster who called......

    I hope to post before going to sleep tonight, then will be gone for a few days.

    Thanks again for all the help AND information. It really is overwhelming us all here.

    I sent an email to Coin World asking if they could please put my ad campaign on hold. My 800# is in operative as are my other lines. This coin dealer/numismatist is also overwhelmed..........

    Rgrds All
    Tom, Hanh, and our 2 cats Pumpkin and Oreo Cookie
    Port Charlotte
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>email sent >>

    Didn't get here. Jeesh.


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    ttt for the elderly victims
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    Glad to see you and your loved ones are physically safe and I'm sorry hear of the devastation. We will keep you in our prayers.

    Here is some information which may be useful to you.

    Federated National Insurance Company
    4161 Northwest Fifth Street Plantation, FL 33317-2158
    Phone: 954-581-9993

    Member of the "21st Century Holding Group"and has been in business since 1992.
    21st Century is publicly traded under the NASDAQ Symbol TCHC

    Federated National Insurance Company currently holds an "AM Best" rating of "B" which is a "Fair" rating defined as follows; A company that (in the opinion of the rating service) has a fair ability to meet their current obligations to their policyholders but are financially vulnerable to adverse changes in underwriting and economic conditions.

    It holds a Financial Size Category rating of "V" (Roman Numeral) on a scale of I - XV with XV being highest. This indicates the size of a company in terms of its statutory surplus and related accounts. (Surplus being that amount kept in reserve to cover claims made). In this case a rating of "V" indicates between 10 and 25 million in reserve.

    Keep in mind that most insurance companies carry re-insurance to help in times of catestrophic losses. Basically they insure their insurance.

    God Bless
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    AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    Thank God y'all are all right!! I'm glad to hear that it wasn't even more serious. I've been through a few myself and no one who hasn't experienced one can imagine what it's like. I know it's a harrowing time in very difficult circumstances, but always keep in mind that y'all are in many peoples' prayers.

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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    TUMUSSTUMUSS Posts: 2,207
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    BigEBigE Posts: 6,949 ✭✭✭
    Tom, I went through a similar ordeal 2 years ago and the situation was very similar except the destruction was no where near as widespead as it is there although our home was almost completely destroy by a 120 MPH wind. It will probably take a year to put you home and life back in order so be patient, also I advise against mentioning the lawyer word--never did during my negotiation and the insurance company really seemed to respond better. Take video and photos as often as you can and keep absolutely every reciept. My insurance company (Safeco) reimbursed me for everything, but remember that you will be in shock for at least a month and pretty much so will the whole system so be patient and concentrate on turning a bad thing into a good thing. Believe me it can happen! PM'ing you with my phone number in case you wish to talk-----------------------take care---------------------------BigE
    I'm glad I am a Tree
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    I blocked all of our billing logic for Florida today. I work in the billing systems of a major insurance company and we turned off all late bills and non-pay cancellation logic until the postal service gets itself sorted out.

    If you get any grief from credit card bills etc... let them know about your situation. If they don't back off contact your attorney general, or get a lawyer. I know the rules of billing, and they need to cut you some slack now.


    *** I just read the post above mine. Thats funny as I work for Safeco ****
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    Man........I finnally have power back after 4-days!!!!! It sounds like Tom really got hammered during the storm and I am really sorry to hear about that. My neighbor hood was in the direct path of the storm, but fortunately we were inland enough to not take the full brunt of the storm. For those of you who have never been inside a house during 100+ MPH winds....I don't recommend it.

    My shed outside was totally demolished and my Florida room where I keep all of my comic books and Baseball cards is completely flooded. I saw it as it was happening and quickly began to move everything in from that room to my living room trying to save about $70,000 worth of collectibles...including my coins. The whole time I was praying that a tree wouldn't fall on that part of the house since it's an addition and not structurally as sound as the rest of the house.

    The power went off Friday night and left me and my wife and kids to ride out the storm by candle light......they were crying and scared and it was a total nightmare. I had to sleep on the floor in my brothers house ofr a few nights and then call around for day6s trying to get a motel room, which we finnally did. Came home this morning and found out that the power was back on.....now I have the daunting task of empting the entire contents of my refrigerator and freezer.......buying a shop vac to start sucking out the water from the flooded parts of the house.,,,clean all of the debris from the yard, roof, etc.

    For those that got hit harder......my heart really goes out to you.....the neighbor hoods look like war zones and their are thousands of tress down all of town.

    I have to sign off for now....so much to do............take care everyone, we will get through this...image
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    ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,761 ✭✭✭✭
    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
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    You Floridians should read the August 17, 2004 "Heard On The Street" column in the Wall Street Journal, page C1. Title is "Insurers Are Guarded From Most Losses Caused by Charley," and has a couple good facts, if you're interested.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    "You Floridians should read the August 17, 2004 "Heard On The Street" column in the Wall Street Journal, page C1. Title is "Insurers Are Guarded From Most Losses Caused by Charley," and has a couple good facts, if you're interested. "

    Same thing in todays Chicago Tribune - Business section. The insurance companies now pay into a "Hurricane Fund" that protects them from bankrupcy.

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    Well the hotel rates sounded outrageous to Tom and also to me. Looks like the Florida AG agreed. Thankfully someone decided to take action against these scum. I love it.


    First price-gouging complaints filed against West Palm, Lakeland motels

    August 17, 2004, 12:39 PM EDT

    TALLAHASSEE -- The state Attorney General's Office on Tuesday announced the first Hurricane Charley-related price gouging complaints have been filed -- against motels in West Palm Beach and Lakeland.

    The suit alleges price gouging and deceptive and unfair trade practices against the Days Inn Airport in Palm Beach County and the Crossroads Motor Lodge in Polk County.

    Both charged "unconscionable" rates to consumers seeking shelter from the hurricane, the Attorney General's Office alleged.

    The civil complaints filed Tuesday morning are the first to be filed as a result of Hurricane Charley under Florida's price gouging statute, said Attorney General Charlie Crist in a prepared statement.

    "Hurricane Charley is the worst natural disaster to befall our state in a dozen years, and it is unthinkable that anyone would try to take advantage of neighbors at a time like this," he said.

    Provisions of the statute took effect when Gov. Jeb Bush declared a state of emergency on Aug. 10, according to the Attorney General's Office.

    Investigators in the Attorney General's Office are looking into more than 1,200 complaints already filed by consumers since the hurricane made landfall.

    Complaints can be filed at the Attorney General's price gouging hotline, 1-800-646-0444.

    According to the West Palm Beach complaint, a billboard near the Days Inn Airport, 2300 45th St., advertised rooms for less than $50 per night. Instead, the complaint alleges, the hotel charged more than double that amount to three consumers who filed affidavits. Two of the consumers were forced to pay $109 per night, while the third was charged $119. Each indicated hotel personnel told them "only two rooms (were) left," creating an increased sense urgency to pay the inflated price, the complaint says.

    The Polk County complaint alleges that Crossroads Motor Lodge, 3223 U.S. Highway 98 North, advertised rooms available for the night of Aug. 13 at a rate of $44.79, including taxes and fees. According to three affidavits taken by Attorney General's investigators, one consumer, who is 85 years old, made a reservation only to have it dishonored; she eventually was able to obtain a room for $61.27 – 37 percent more than the original rate. A second customer, a woman with five children, made reservations and paid cash but the hotel later told her all rooms were taken. Her request for a refund was refused. The third consumer also made reservations, paid cash and was later told there were no available rooms. That consumer did receive a refund.

    Florida's price gouging statute requires that the cost of necessities like food and water must remain at the price that was average during the 30 days immediately preceding a major storm like Hurricane Charley.

    Violators of the price gouging statute are subject to civil penalties of $1,000 per violation up to a total of $25,000 for multiple violations committed in a single 24-hour period.

    Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act provides for civil penalties of $10,000 per violation or $15,000 for violations that victimize a senior citizen or handicapped person.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    Any other hurricane victims got your power back on yet? Please post your story. Inquiring minds, want to know................
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Hi All,

    Ok we are relocated to a residence inn in Tampa. I posted my address in the "soup kitchen" thread. I cannot tell you how it feels to at least have a computer and a little privacy, not to mention "our own place".

    Here's a link from FPL http://www.fpl.com/news/2004/contents/04080.shtml Take note it talks about "extended time to repaid Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda" " can be weeks".

    I would be amazed if we have power in a month. I picked up our photos from Publix in merit island today. We had a really cute house with amazing landscaping ( before pictures). It will be scarred for many years. However we WILL rebuild.

    Becky Arthur from Coin World advised me there was no pay to stop the 1/4 page ad I placed in Coin Values/Trends which will be in the next issue. I'm advertising a really neat carson city double eagle. I can guarantee it's availability due to the fact there is no way for me to be beating the bushes as I usually do. So keep a look out ya hear?

    I followed up on some ebay purchases that had already been sent to me, but obviously didn't get here. No idea what to do, but the sellers have been in touch with me and tell me they are insured. Thankfully.

    Still no insurance claims adjuster in sight. Big E, I hear you on the advice, but a collector client who is a lawyer was in touch with them and now I can follow up as well.

    We'll be back "home" in Port Charlotte tomorrow morning and will distribute a bunch of things to neighbors who need them.

    My wife has several hours of work to catch up to so I won't post again till later but now we have a net connection so at least when we get back to the hotel, I can communicate and will advise updates based on real observations daily. Check it out tomorrow.

    Thank you all for the PM's, emails, pay pal, and best wishes. It ain't over yet but certainly the shock is starting to wear away and the desire to get going on rebuilding is growing by leaps and bounds.

    I will probably run a serious listing of gold when settled.

    Sequitar, I have a number of places listed who have tried gouging us and others. Complaints are forthcoming.

    See you all later after my wife gives me the computer back.

    Best Regards
    Tom Pilitowski
    Port Charlotte, but temporarily in Tampa
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Latest local Port Charlotte news ( not on CNN)

    Company busted in Punta Gorda for trying to sell spoiled food to people. Over 2,000 complaints filed for gouging.

    Here's the local paper


    Tom Pilitowski

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