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Help with pictures

mtnmanmtnman Posts: 569 ✭✭✭
I have printed the instructions for posting pictures and have followed them. Everytime I try to post a picture I get the dreaded red x when I do a preview. I have reduced the pictures to 400 x 300. I would think that should be small enough. Anyone have any suggestions.



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    need a little more info.

    Is the [img] [/img ] in front of and behind the pic URL?
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    first..you have to have a picture 50K or smaller saved on your computer to upload.

    then, open TEST FORUM and start a NEW THREAD

    at the bottom, you'll see a button that says ATTACH FILE(S)....click it.

    the UPLOAD box appears just like a PM.
    click BROWSE and find the pic you wanna upload. double click it then slect UPLOAD FILE in the upper right corner of the UPLOAD BOX

    Once it uploads...you'll see it in the list.

    click it once, then click ATTACH FILE

    make sure you have a thread title as usual. I usuall put sometihg stupd or just period or something. then, POST MESSAGE.

    YOUR PICTURE is uploaded, but to make the picture visible in a thread so people dont have to click the link, keep going.

    WHEN YOU OPEN your own thread in the TEST forum...at the bottom, you'll see a link to your picture. click it and it will open in a new window with a URL and you see the picture.

    LEFT click the URL then COPY the URL.

    now...go to wherever you wanna post that picture and hit REPLY. On the top, you'll see a menu bar. the 4th from the left looks like a framed mountain. click that.

    on THAT box, left click again, and paste the URL for the picture in and click OK or whatever it says. it'll put the URL in the message box with [img] in front of the url and [/img ] in back of it.

    try it in testing forum

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