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When going to a bank ...

how do i order coins and how do i know what to order ( to give me the greatest chance of good older coins???) i havent seen too many good finds in coins , any ideas
Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3


  • order a $500 box of halves from the fed
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    howd i do that
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    how long do it take. where do i go in NJ to do it. i need a few answers i think. can i do it online?
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • Atarian,
    I read stories all the time about people going to the bank and finding silver coins in rolls. Yes, it does happen. But you have to remember you are competing with people like me who "gift" the vault folks on a frequent basis to make sure they supply the coin collector guy with what he likes.

    I would bet you nothing comes out of our vault that is of any value that does not go in to my pocket first. You are just going to have to get lucky and find a bank where there are no coin collectors.

    Good luck in your quest.

    Loan Shark
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    You can't order from the Fed, as they don't respond well to public requests.

    Let's start with identifying what qualifies as a "good older coin:"

    A. Shiny 1971, 1972, or 1973 Kennedy 50 cent piece?
    B. Shiny bicentennial 50 cent piece?
    C. Wheat pennies in any condition?
    D. Nickels from 1950's and 1960's?
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    how do i find a bank witha real vault that might have something and then how do i gain access to it to pick out rolls. they dont just let anyone in
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3

  • << <i>Atarian,
    I read stories all the time about people going to the bank and finding silver coins in rolls. Yes, it does happen. But you have to remember you are competing with people like me who "gift" the vault folks on a frequent basis to make sure they supply the coin collector guy with what he likes.

    I would bet you nothing comes out of our vault that is of any value that does not go in to my pocket first. You are just going to have to get lucky and find a bank where there are no coin collectors.

    Good luck in your quest.

    Loan Shark >>

    You've certainly hit the nail on the head. Gifts and the fact that the bank vault keeper's dad used to collect coins got me in good.
  • Your best bet is to go to an independent bank and ask. There are too many hands that pass through one of the big banks.

    Loan Shark
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭
    If you want to find a beat-up Franklin then go to any friendly bank and order a $500 box. It may take 4 or 5 days to arrive.

    It will be as heavy as a boat anchor, and you'll end up with $495 worth of junk coins that you'll have to dispose of somehow. Banks here don't take loose coins - don't know about NJ.

    PS: They are handy if the Toll Booth accepts them.
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    commerse has free coin counter (penny arcade) and thats a free way to get coins counted and cashed in. but i dont know the best way to do this i guess try a few lesser known banks. but im kinda wondering how i get an ok. they wont let just any bum in or person in would they?? and also could this work for old bills too?
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • I've been to probably 30 different banks in the area. It all depends on the teller, some are very friendly. The one lady that always has old money for me on friday refuses any gifts she just likes to seperate the old style notes for something to do. All the tellers at that bank know that I'm into coins and paper now and are always finding neat stuff. What I would do is go to the banks and ask for halves, ask for like a few $100 worth of halves and see how they treat you. Or $2 bills, if u want, whatever. If they're asses about it, and it does happen.. alot. Forget them. If they're nice. Open an account. If they want to help you out, open a no minimum balance savings or whatever so you are a customer. Then you go from there. Generally the smallish banks tend to be friendly and the huge banks are snobbish.
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    theres a PNC by my 2 jobs. they said they cant order Halves cause they are a small branch and there is a min. they need to order and the demand is not there ( i cant pay 500$ on halves like the bags theyd get. ) but i will try with the paper money. i got told i can get anythign ordered special for as coins up to 25 centers. but what fun is that. and she joked when i asked for 150$ in 2 cent rolls. told me to not be so silly (shes 24) but ill see if they can help me they normally save oddity paper currency stacks for rite aid. thats how i get my web presses i guess. or maybe that bank gets more than its share? i find it odd that they cant just order halves that easy. and i dont think i can get permission to the vault. in a small bank even though its PNC. its 4 tellers and a 2 loan people and a branch person. hmm any ideas
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,361 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Looking at the thread, no one has corrected your (wrong) assumption....

    When people are referring to "the vault" that is for the bank employees....not you. So, you won't get to go into any vault and go through coinage.

    What you should do, and some have alluded to this, is to go to the MERCHANT TELLER (that is usually the best for this) and request the coinage in large amounts ($500 for halves, $100 for nickels, etc). Also, make friends. My current bank, BofA, is in a small town. Friendly...helpful...but, one of the tellers collects halves image. He's a nice enough kid, but, he is competition and he has first dibs.
    He doesn't collect bills though, so one of the tellers was "selling" me, at face value, some older notes. Kind of cool.

    I did just move though, so I have to make some new friends of merchant tellers.

    So, atarian.....forget getting into any 'vault'...the is for bank employees and the size of the bank will dictate whether they store much coin there or not (some won't, they will just order what they think they need...from the main branch) and also how ince and friendly they are.

    Also, order what you can, and if you have to stretch your budget, remember...you can use these as cash...they are cash after all...., then do it and go through them in the first day.



    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    well the bank im at now (PNC) has alot of nice( and cute) tellers. and some ive become fast friends with since i dealt with them when i bring deposits over. and i opened an account there. cause hey i get to see them more and no min balance. i think they dont carry much in coins 500$ in halves seem overally expensive for what im after. i mean a bank by my school i did once at 190$ yeilded only 8.00 or 15.00 in silver coins. not as much as one hoped. thinking how 64-69 halves would be circing. pennies , nickels, dimes and quarters i can get easy. and 1s and 5s no problem. . ill have to visit my old fleet bank again. they charged up the wazzoo on account fees but also i got alot of old bills from them. and the teller after i helped him sort out his grand fathers currency collection wanted to give me a 1928 $100 gold cert for my troubles which had to book for a few grand cause it was UNC to mint UNC> (i guess he forgot the value) i kept telling him to go to christies ( or some other auction house to get them appraised and sold if he wanted) but i did end up excepting something that he felt was just to me and i knew was cheap and that wasnt basically stealing from him. ( $10 bill 1950 E series) fleet was always good to me. and now ill have to see how good PNC will be. i thank you for clearing the vault thing up . i ddint think id have access even with them there. ( however with fleet i might geta green light from the branch manager). i just hope i dont get stuck with alot of ****. fill it in yourself. currency is easier to deal with. but coins is where i want to go.

    when i get tired of being at rite aid. i might just mosey on down to the PNC bank and go get a job as a money pusher. hehe. and push some old bills and coins my way as i do my job.
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    Best advice:

    1. Don't bother with really small bank branches if you want halves.

    2. Take a 2 year old with you, and claim he's a collector. If you've got a baby, they'll look in every droor!

    3. Don't spend more on the search than the silver is worth. With gas at $2/gallon it's easy to do!

  • GonfunkoGonfunko Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭
    Just get a couple hundred dollars of one (or all) of the following:
    Halves - silver out the wazoo. I've found entire rolls of silver.
    Nickels - '30s and '40s aplenty. Occassional war nickels as well, and some S mints.
    Cents - longer to search, but many varieties (Type II's) and some Wheaties. S mints as well.

    Don't bother trying to get into the vault or have them order from the Fed. Just take what they have. Tip - they love to get rid of halves. Just take them to several banks when you're done searching.
  • GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭

    I regularly go to banks and get coins to search through. I used to just buy rolls, such as 5-10 rolls of quarters or dimes, in search of silver. After searching through 100's of rolls this way, I have yet to find a silver quarter or dime (ie: pre 1964). But I have had better success with half dollars. I have found many 40% or 90% Kennedy's, some Franklins, and even a few Walker Halves.

    And I think the best way to do this is buy what they have in the bag that has been turned in for counting. Don't ask for rolls of halves. Instead, ask to buy all the half dollars that they have in the bag from people turning into coins. But you will have to buy the entire bag, as the bank does not want to take the time to hand count a certain number. These bags generally hold up to $500, or 1000 halves. So you will need to have $500 cash on you. The coin counting machine keeps a total of how many halves are in the bag already. So all they need to do is grab that bag for you. This way, it hasn't been search yet for older coins/silver, as rolls tend to be.

    If you can't afford that much money, you can still ask to buy rolls. But you have a better chance at finding something in the bag, than the roll, in my experience. I have gone in and bought 5 or 10 rolls before. But usually the tellers don't like doing that, as they have to get them from the vault, and it is extra work for them. Also, do not turn in the halves at the same bank you bought them at.

    As other has stated, make friends with a few tellers. Tell them you are a coin collector, and ask if they have any older or unusual coins. I am friends with 2 tellers, and they save older coins for me, knowing I am a collector.

    You won't get rich, or even find a lot. But it is fun. I like it when you do find silver, as to me, it is still about the hunt.
  • Ok, I work at a bank and the last post just gave you the best info. Basicly there are two ways that a bank gives coins back to the fed. in rolls of in big plastic bags. The plastic bags are thousands of coins. Generaly in a small bank like the one I work for the rolling is done by hand buy the employees and they hate to loose all there hard work so ask for bags. Banks love to get rid of these.

    The best thing is just to get a job at the bank. Teller positions are easy and you get to be pretty good freinds with the people in charge. At the bank I work for we have tons of 1700's and 1800's bills and coins in the bank. (including notes signed by my great grand father). We have $680 worth of silver quarters that have been saved since 1964 when they changed. Basicly, the president of the bank (my grandfather) likes to save all the stuff they have in the vault of a certain type of curency whenever they make a drastic change to the currency.

    You will never find this sort of thing at a chain bank. You must go to a small town independent bank which are getting few and far between. FInd nice tellers and most of all, open an acount an put some money in this. If the tellers think your just there to get coins out of them then they'll tell you to get lost but if you become a customer they're a lot more freindly. Also giving them money generaly doesn't work (in my experiance) for instance, a guy came in the other day offering $20 for a $10 roll of kentucky quarters, the head teller told him he didn't have any. Not an hour later, another lady who was kind and sweet came in and just asked for a roll of kentucky quarters, we gave it to her at face value. Just be nice.

  • SethChandlerSethChandler Posts: 1,705 ✭✭✭✭
    Krispy Kreme donuts work, too! Bring a bunch for the gang at the bank and see how many rolls that try to locate for you.
    Collecting since 1976.
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    I heard a rumor that a teller can get in to substantial trouble for "selling" coins within a bank.

  • I've never herd of anything like that, but The telers I know don't respond kindly to anything that looks like a bribe. However, it is perfectly legal to exchange things within a bank for face value. That is what money is for.
  • 1957joe1957joe Posts: 608 ✭✭
    Are you from Kentucky?
  • I am living in KY right now and my whole family has lived here for several generations but I grew up in VA.

  • It would help if you have an account with the bank you're requesting coins from. Some banks wouldn't give you the time of day otherwise.

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