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Newbie - Where to buy St. Gaudens ?

Hello all,

I am interested in purchasing my first Saint Gaudens. Does anyone have any recommendations on which dealers to buy them from? CNI is selling PCGS MS64s for $710 - see the bottom of this page --> http://www.golddealer.com/specialreport.asp

Is this a good deal?


-- Nick


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    Maybe a little high. Looking at Heritage's auction archives, common date St. Gauden's seem to be going for $660 - $720 in PCGS MS64. You may be able to find even better if you don't care about date.
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    ddbirdddbird Posts: 3,168 ✭✭✭
    Hey! Someone is selling them on the BST forum, for about 640...already graded...check it out! I trust forum memebers more than ebay!
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rather than a "coin investment dealer", I would buy a coin like that from a "coin collector dealer". Legend and Pinnacle are two reputable dealers that are participants here that sell MS-64 Saints. I do not know Gold Dealer.com, but the website has the appearance of a high pressure, high-hype operation.

    Good Luck!

    Edited to add: Allegri has one for sale right now on the BST board.
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    Hey nchatfield welcome, I am also a newbie, seems you got more money than me though, lol.
    Scott Hopkins
    -YN Currently Collecting & Researching Colonial World Coins, Especially Spanish Coins, With a Great Interest in WWII Militaria.

    My Ebay!
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    Thanks for all the help!

    I looked at Allegri's 1924 Saint Gaudens that he is selling for $695. Seems like a good deal! So, why does the PCGS price guide Here state that the coin should sell for $800 ? Do prices really vary that much ?

    -- Nick
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    DaveGDaveG Posts: 3,535
    Yes, price guides vary . . . and they're only guides, they're not set in stone.

    The PCGS guide shows the retail price, while the current wholesale price (in the Coin Dealer Newsletter, the most widely used wholesale price guide), shows a Bid price of $635 and an Asked price of $670.

    So, in theory, if you were to sell this coin to a dealer, he would pay a bit less than $635 and he would sell it to another dealer at a wholesale price of about $670 and that dealer would charge a retail customer about $800.

    Check out the Southern Gold Society

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    PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    I actually posted a question about CNI one time, and david hall himself responded saying they were good people.

    though they only sell pcgs coins.

    and their website's format looks very familiar......
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    From the linked website:
    In this country today there are more than 20 million coin investors. The U.S. $20 market is international in scope so add perhaps 10 times that number beyond our borders. Who knows exactly, but the point is that of the millions of potential buyers, the majority would like to own this gold coin! For every 10,000 new customers who enter this market 8,000 want to own and can afford a Saint Gaudens!( end)

    Sure, "who" knows exactly. They're everywhere!

    With numbers like that it's amazing we can even own a single specimen.

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    pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    Depending on what your looking for, I have an NGC 1908 no motto in mS62 I can do for 550. If that doesnt
    interest theres plenty daily on ebay, just be careful whom you deal with and start at ending first instead of
    new listings...sometime you can find a serious deal.

    oh and welcome image

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    With numbers like that it's amazing we can even own a single specimen.


    Yes, I guess I am priviliged. Imagine what they would be saying if these guys tried to market early half eagles?
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>With numbers like that it's amazing we can even own a single specimen.


    Yes, I guess I am priviliged. Imagine what they would be saying if these guys tried to market early half eagles? >>

    yeh but who would want those "old things" Robert?



    P.S. You would think these telemarketers could come up with a new 'pitch".
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    pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill

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