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Do any of you collect like this.....

I tend to snipe hard to find VAM's and other Peace $ and sell them for 100 - 400% profit.... only to use that profit to buy the coin I REALLY want at a premium....

In the end... I justify the higher price I paid on the coin I really wanted by the profit I made on the other coins........ (I know... It's kind of like saying.... "yea.. I'm playing with the casino's money.....image)


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    nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like good old fashioned capitalism to me...and lots of fun, right?image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
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    Works for me....image
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    CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,932 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bought a coin for 90$ two weeks ago...sold it for $250 this week image So, I guess I'd say yes.
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    PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    crap, i just bought a coin from peaceman. It was worth the money, but sure would hurt the pride to find out he made 400 percent on me.

    maybe i should get a VAM book........
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    nope... not selling the 28' for much profit now-a-days....lol.... but here are some recent wins on and off of ebay....

    from $ 75 to $ 282
    $ 89 to $ 200
    $ 22 to $ 278

    check out some of my vam posts..... Here's one I just got


    It's worth about $ 200.... picked it up for $20....image
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    coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    Something to that effect, but my take is a bit different. I either cherry die varieties out of dealer's stock, find them in circulation, or buy rolls and get the hit or miss die varieties therein. I don't only buy them to flip them, nor do I always get them when I buy coins (rolls or bags). I always keep one of everything I find, and I usually use the proceeds to further my study in the series and to help other people in collecting them. The more who collect, the more sales I can make. It's a much longer process than flipping a VAM but it takes on the same basic flavor.

    added: The percent profit for what I can do is anywhere between 200% and 50,000% - the higher end of that is rather uncommon but does happen. I picked a number of really good varieties out of a $4 BU roll - turns out the retail on that roll to die variety collectors is closer to $3,500 than $4. This is a very rare occasion though. Most of the rolls I purchase are from $2-$20 and the return per roll averages $8-$50 depending on date and mint.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
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    aem4162aem4162 Posts: 421

    << <i>nope... not selling the 28' for much profit now-a-days....lol.... but here are some recent wins on and off of ebay.... from $ 75 to $ 282 $ 89 to $ 200 $ 22 to $ 278 check out some of my vam posts..... Here's one I just got image It's worth about $ 200.... picked it up for $20....image >>

    what happened to that peace?
    anita...ana #r-217183...coin collecting noob
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    PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    I'm starting to realize I might not know a tenth of what I thought i did concerning peace dollars

    how do i find this VAM stuff out so cold like you do?
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    Pick up a VAM book... "the official guide to the top 50 peace dollar varieties" I bought mine from Chuck d' Mora (I think that's how you spell his last name..) Just do a search on the web for it..... you can buy it at around $ 30.

    This peace dollar is a earlier die VAM 2C. It is one of the most desirable.. there are only 30 or so in MS condition.... I'm not sure fo the condition of this one yet as I just cherrypicked it and am waiting on it... but even in high AU it's a $ 200 coin....

    Tthe reverse is not toned. The obverse is... to what extent, I'll have to see.....
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    MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    Hey peaceman I think we've all done this one time or another.image
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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Sure I do. I picked up the $600 Donkey Tail for $35. Loved it, so I'm keeping it until I cherry a better one. Got an email from some guy asking to sell me 1887 XF Morgans for $35 apiece. Told him sure, send me all the Donkey Tails you got. Never heard back from him. Wonder why.

    Recent scores? Mostly 1921-D's, which I collect so I'm keeping. Cherried a 1921-D VAM-1Q Pompadour (only 4 in Mint State known as of November - now SIX image), finest known (MS64) from Heritage just last week. Also picked up an LDS of 1921-D VAM-1G, MS63. Tough one!

    Other scores? See my signature line. The middle one is retained cud, ultra-difficult and unappreciated as yet in the market place.

    Bottom line, on paper a profit. Torn between keeping and flipping!

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