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Library of Congress bimetallic info please

Was thinking I would like to pick up one of the bimetallic Library of Congress Commemoratives one of these days. I wanted some info on them first and could probably find alot of the answers but figured this was the easy way. image

So...was wondering what mintage was. Original issue price? Was it a single coin issue or did it come in a set? Do those of you that have one have the original set or a graded piece? What was the quality of these from the mint? Whats a fair price these days? Anything else...

Thanks everyone.


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    I'll second that! I want some info too. I'm thinking about one of this for my Modern Type Set -- Proofs.

    Any info out there?

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    dpooledpoole Posts: 5,940 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't remember if they came in a set. I think the golds came in one box together, but I'm not sure.

    They were issued in April of 2000. The $10 proof was issued for $395.00, and the $10 MS was issued for $380.00.

    Proof mintage was 27,167; MS mintage was 6,682, for one of the lowest mintages in the series.

    534 total MS $10 have been graded by PCGS, 507 in MS69, and 22 MS70.

    567 total PR $10 have been graded by PCGS, 539 in PR69DCAM, 4 in 70.

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    This is one of the most attractive designs issued by the Mint. Its a magnificent coin.
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    I didn't realize there was a PR & MS issue.

    The difference in mintages would explain the prices all over the board I saw on eBay.
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    Is a sweet coin, anybody got a good picture they could post of one of these gems. If you do buy one get the proof version......
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    Easy decisson...when I buy my first gold/platinum it will be a proof.

    Always had a special thing for the proof look and besides the pockets aren't deep enough for the MS. image
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    dpooledpoole Posts: 5,940 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd actually say that you should get a good-quality MS version. The mintage is
    quite low, and is apt to appreciate better over time:


    But since the Proof is so pretty, get both!! image


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