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A plug for a charity/a giveaway from me :) WINNER IN LAST POST

airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 21,926 ✭✭✭✭✭
Ok... time to give a plug to charity, with a giveaway included...

First, a background- I haven't cut my hair since June 20... yes, over 3 months. For those of you that saw me at Baltimore, I have more hair... MUCH more hair! The front-most curl on my head is currently (as in, I measured it 5 seconds ago) 3.25" long... when I make it puffy, I look like someone out of the 1970s (here come the sideburns image... no, seriously! image)

Anyway, I'm doing this for a chairty called Locks of Love... basically, someone (has to be a youth) grows their hair to a certain length (6"+ for males, 10"+ for females)... when it is cut, the hair is turned into a wig for a child who cannot afford one and is losing their hair, most often because of cancer...

Now the giveaway... you guess how long that curl will be on Halloween... that is the day I plan to puff up my hair for school for the first time (normally, I wash it in the morning, so it just plops on my head... I'm getting the 'fro on the 31st)... ground to the nearest eighth of an inch. I'll give something to the winner... I'll have to sit on that, though image.

Also, if you know a youngin who has long hair, or would be interested in growing some hair, do encourage them to donate it... hey... you feel good, and some places give a free haircut for donors! image

Jeremy image
JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research


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